Two-Mile and Half-Mile Contests
in Fairmount Lake.
Several thousand persons lined the banks of the lake at Fairmount park yesterday afternoon to watch the boat races and swimming races that were a part of the park's free attractions for the day. And while these thousands were watching these attractions, a few more thousands were seeing the vaudeville show, and others were keeping the concession men and ticket sellers busy.
Sunshine, a rising temperature and the knowledge that no rain was in sight -- that was the reason for the crowd.
There were boat races of a half-mile, a mile and a mile and a half. Then the big event, a race of two miles, was pulled off. It was between William McPike of Warrensburg and C. L. Gardner of Hannibal, Mo. As the contestants fought for the first place the crowd on the bank cheered and picked winners. After several spurts, Gardner finally won the race. A swimming race of one half mile was also one of the interesting events. It was between J. J. Williams and F. R. Polland of this city. Polland won.
The vaudeville show yesterday afternoon was entertaining. The bill included Huffell and Huffell, singers and dancers, McLane and Simpson, comedians and Arthur Browning, a dancer.
Zimmerscheid's orchestra gave two concerts, one in the afternoon and one at night.