Remembrance of Denver Tragedy
Thrills Worshipers When She Dis-
turbs Service at St. Rose
of Lima Church.
Three hundred persons, attending the celebration of high mass in the St. Rose of Lima church, Seventh street and Quindaro boulevard, Kansas City, Kas., yesterday morning, were distracted in their prayers by the strange mutterings of a woman, who appeared to be demented and who, they fear, might have designs upon a Catholic priest.
A week ago Sunday, this same woman was among the worshipers in St. Mary's Catholic church, Fifth street and Ann avenue, Kansas City, Kas., and she acted in the same queer manner.
With the memory of the tragic assassination of Father Leo Heinrichsen, a Catholic priest in Denver, about a year ago still fresh in their minds, members of the St. Rose of Lima church showed the greatest anxiety.
The woman talked loudly as she entered the church, which is situated on the second floor of a two-story brick building, and she aroused curiosity by carrying in her hand a small oblong package covered with a newspaper. It was feared by those near her that the newspaper concealed a weapon.
As she walked up the aisle she scanned the pews closely, and finally wedged into the second pew from the alter.
Turning to a woman next to her, she said:
"What language do they speak in this church?"
"English," was the response.
When mass began the priest, according to the Roman Catholic rule, began the service in Latin.
"That is not English," said the woman; "that's a foreign language."
Her neighbor did not answer.
After mass had progressed for a few minutes the woman asked:
"What is the name of the priest?"
"Father William Michael," she was told.
"That's the priest I want," said the woman.
She attracted attention when she blessed herself with her left hand, which is contrary to church rules. The genuflection, which is made by all Catholics when entering a pew, was also done awkwardly as to be noticeable.
Throughout the service the woman talked loudly and all the time the nervous auditors were watching the odd package she carried. More than once Father Michael appeared disturbed.
The solemn service prevented any conference on the part of the parishioners, but those about the woman concluded that she was a fanatic and were fearful of the result of her visit. That she was so near the altar and within a few steps of the priest lent to the uneasiness of church members.
When mass was concluded the members fastened their gaze on the woman, who remained unmoved. the congregation, following the last prayers, began to file form the church while the priest and his servers left the altar. The woman, however, remained in her seat and followed Father Michael's every move.
A half dozen persons remained to watch the woman, each being of the same mind. Father Michael returned to the alter alone to repeat the prayers of thanksgiving, this being a part of the ceremony of the mass.
He saw the woman still watching him and finished his service with some difficulty. When he returned to the sacristy he watched until she had started from the building.
The woman is not known to members of the congregation. She is about 50 years old and had sharp features. The trail of her skirt was wet and some wild flowers which she carried led some to think that she had been walking in the fields.
Leaving the church she departed rapidly west on Quindaro boulevard.
Many of the communicants waited outside to watch the strange woman's movements, and some of these identified her as the same person who had distracted the service at St. Mary's the week before. It is also said that she has been seen at several church picnics and indoor entertainments, always carrying the same mysterious package.
Father Michael was not at all disturbed by the incident, although the interruptions during the mass worried him.