Iowan Coming to Meet Old Circus
Friends Tomorrow.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., July 17. -- From circus clown to coffee salesman is the odd step that was taken by John W. Swisher, long one of the most famous clowns this country knew. For years he was the principal funmaker with the old John Robinson show, and he and Al White, now Ringling's best clown, were associates of the sawdust track. White will be in Kansas City Monday with the Ringling show, and Swisher will not miss the chance to renew the acquaintance.
When Swisher is off the road he lives at Brighton, Ia., the village where he was born and reared. There, too, live the family of White, as well as the relatives of several other circus performers, and Woods, the horse trainer, now touring in Europe. They winter and spend many evenings talking over the days when most of them worked together.