Rushed Into Flmaes and Turned Off
a Gas Burner.
The presence of mind of R. J. Holmden's 4-year-old son saved the family home at 2437 Lister avenue from destruction by fire Monday afternoon. Mrs. Holmden and the children were in the back yard while dinner was cooking on a gasoline stove in the kitchen. The wind blew out one of the burners and the gas from it, igniting, flared high to the ceiling.
Mrs. Holmden rushed to call neighbors, who summoned the fire department. The little boy, however, unobserved by his mother, ran into the kitchen and turned off the burner.
"The fire's out," he told his mother when the fire department arrived, and he showed his blistered hands as evidence.
The firemen investigated, to find the child's story true. The flames had not been able to reach anything inflammable in the building before the child shut off the dangerous flow of gas.