Kansas City's Boulevards and Parks
Accorded High Praise.
"In ten year's time Kansas City will not have a peer in the world as a residence city," declared W. C. Dufour, city councilor of New Orleans, La., who with a party of delegates from that city passed through the Union depot last night on their way home from the Trans-Mississippi Commercial congress which was held at Denver. The party made the trip in A. J. Davidson's private car "Frisco No. 100." After the congress they visited the various points of interest in Colorado.
"Here in Kansas City your park and boulevards boards have taken care of the future. They have planted these long rows of trees on your boulevards, so that in some ten year's time you will have drives which will rival any tropical city for shade.
"Then, too, it is generally admitted that there is not a much finer boulevard system in the world than now exists in Kansas City. You have the hills and the flats, the straight lines and the curves and everywhere there is something that attracts and holds the eye."
In the party besides Mr. Dufour were Beverly Myles, John Phillips, George Janvier, George Lhot and Judge I. O. Moore. All of the party were enthusiastic on the subject of the big river convention which will be attended in New Orleans by President Taft.