Board of Highway Commissioners of
Johnson County, Kas., Propose
to Expend $100,000 on
The Santa Fe trail, over half a century old, is soon to come into its own for the distance between Kansas City and Olathe, at least. Yesterday afternoon the board of highway commissioners of Johnson county, Kas., and some of the prominent citizens of Olathe, toured the road, which it is proposed to macadamize at a cost of about $100,000. A meeting of the highway commissioners will be held this morning at which the final steps toward deciding on this work will be taken.
The plan that will be presented for the approval of the board today is for a macadamized strip sixteen feet wide and a foot thick. The petition for the road was circulated by John W. Breyfogle under the law which was fathered by Senator George H. Hodges.
In the party yesterday were Senator George H. Hodges, Roy Murray, engineer; John W. Breyfogle, W. W. Fry and Harry King, a commissioner, in Senator Hodge's machine. In the other machine, owned by Will Lemon, were Robert Baker, chairman of the commissioners; B. F. Culley and J. M. Leonard.
The party took dinner at the Hotel Baltimore and discussed the road informally. All were enthusiastic for the road. Senator Hodge's machine sustained a badly punctured tire and he and his party returned to Olathe by way of the electric line.
The road will connect with Hudson avenue in the southwestern section of Kansas City. The town of Lenexa, Kas., has promised to assist and will macadamize the street which the road will touch in and out of that town. Olathe will macadamize to the road which under law cannot be built inside an incorporated city or town.