Sergeant Major's Family of Eleven
Leaves for Sioux Falls.
"Our nine children are consecrated to the Salvation Army and seven of them already have been commissioned," said Delos Clark, a junior sergeant major who departed last week with his wife and family for Sioux Falls, their old home. With them was Miss Myrtle Cole, a cadet, who is going to Ottawa, Kas. Clark expects to get work in Sioux Falls at his trade.
"Our faith in the Lord saved us from being swept away in the flood at Ottawa three months ago," said Clark at the Union depot last night. "Although it took everything we had. All we saved was the clothing we wore and a few articles we managed to pick up. It was a trial, but we praised God that we had been spared and came to Kansas City.
"I have been earning $11 a week as a driver for one of the penny ice wagons and we have been living in the Fresh Air Camp. This is closed now. My daughter, Blanche, 16 years old, was employed by General Cox. She is also secretary of the Young People's Legion. Her younger sister, Lillian, is treasurer."
The other children and their ages are: William, 12; Ruth, 10; George W., 9; Donald, 7; Ethel, 5; Robert Theo, 3 years old and David 4 months old. The Clarks were dressed in the regulation Salvation Army uniform.