Detention Home Boys Nearly Ready
to Escape When Discovered.
Restlessness upon the part of the youths held in the Detention home often causes the superintendent, P. K. George, great uneasiness. If he has boys who have been in the home for several days Mr. George gets up from his slumbers two or three times during the night to see how his young charges are behaving. And on several trips of this kind he has succeeded in heading off an escape of the juveniles.
Last week he was making one of his nightly rounds about 4:30 o'clock in the morning. Going into the boys' dormitory the superintendent found one diligently engaged in tearing away the plaster beneath the window. He had already torn away part of the woodwork of the window sill and in five minutes more would have been out.
"The boys behave fairly well until they have been here two or three days. Then they get restless and want to break out," said the superintendent.