TWO WEDDINGS, ONE GOLDEN. ~ Daughter Married on Fiftieth Anniversary of Parents.

September 30, 1909

Daughter Married on Fiftieth An-
niversary of Parents.

A double wedding, one of them a golden one, took place at the home of Miss Alice Francis at 1410 Campbell street last night at half past 7 o'clock. At the same time her sister, Miss Jeanette Francis, was married to Norman H. Korte, agent for the Illinois Central at Paris, Ill, her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Franois of Clinton, Ill, were presented with their golden wedding gifts, and Rev. J. L. Thompson blessed their union of fifty years.

Mr. Francis is 77 years of age and his wife 68. Half a century ago yesterday they were married at Clinton, Ill.