He Helped Pittsburgh by Holding
Out Because Murphy Cheated
Him Out of Good Deal
in Cincinnati.
Probably the happiest man in the United States over the fact that the Chicago Cubs lost the National League pennant is Johnny Kling, the world's champion catcher, who has been in this city all season tending his billiard business. He refused to join the club last spring because Charles W. Murphy had cheated him out of a chance to manage the Cincinnati team and also own a big billiard hall in Cincinnati, which would have been financed by Gerry Herrmann if Kling had taken hold of the Reds.
After he found that Pittsburgh had cinched the pennant yesterday Kling said:
"Well I am tickled to death. That suits me exactly. At the beginning of the season I was pulling for New York, but I am glad Pittsburgh won it and not Chicago. Murphy did not treat me right when he cut me out of that good billiard business in Cincinnati and a chance to manage the Reds. I would have done anything to have beaten Murphy out of the rag. I quit the team and while they might not have won with me there I am, satisfied that I helped Pittsburgh a little anyway. I am satisfied now to lose my season's salary as long as the Cubs have not broken all records. I can play my pool match with Weston now and win. It is the best news I have heard this year. If Murphy had not treated me as he did I would have been glad to have played with the Cubs."
Kling is confident that he will beat Weston in the pool match for the championship of the world, which starts in his billiard hall tonight. He says he is in better shape than he ever was for a pool match and believes Weston is not in shape to beat him at the present time. The match will be for 800 balls, 200 each night.