DR. COOK WILL DISCOVER KANSAS CITY TODAY. ~ En Route from St. Louis for Lecture at Convention Hall.

October 7, 1909

En Route from St. Louis for Lecture
at Convention Hall.
Dr. Frederick A. Cook.
MONTGOMERY, MO., Oct. 7. -- Dr. Frederick A. Cook, now on the Wabash train on his way to Kansas City, sends this message: "Say to the people of Kansas City that I appreciate their attitude and fair treatment of the polar problem."

Kansas City will be told all about the North Pole tonight in Convention hall by Dr. Frederick A. Cook, the first man to reach the top of the earth. Dr. Cook will arrive at 7:30 o'clock this morning in a private car over the Wabash. He comes from St. Louis, where he lectured last night.

The Kansas City welcome will consist of automobile rides and banquets. He will be met at the Baltimore hotel this morning by city officials and their wives. They will all shake hands and get acquainted. Dr. Cook is accompanied by his wife and two daughters. The women in the party have been detailed to show them a good time. The officials will devote their time to the hero.

The Cooks will be taken for an automobile ride. The course will follow the boulevard system through the city, and the visitors will be shown the city parks. The ride will end at the Country Club.

Here the women in the party will be left behind. Mrs. Cook and her daughters will be entertained by committees of Kansas City women. The directors and their guests will be driven to the Evanston Club. Here the men will get better acquainted with their noted guest.

While in St. Louis more than 10,000 persons packed the Coliseum as Dr. Cook narrated the horrors and tortures of his dash to the North Pole to his breathless audience.