GREY EAGLE INJURED IN RACE. ~ Steamer Quincy Smashes Paddle Wheel of Kansas City Boat.

October 31, 1909

Steamer Quincy Smashes Paddle
Wheel of Kansas City Boat.

NATCHEZ, MISS., Oct. 29. -- With Speaker Joe Cannon, two score congressmen and several senators leaning over the railing waving their hats and cheering like a crowd of college boys at a football game, the steamers Quincy and Grey Eagle of the Taft flotilla raced for more than a mile coming out of Vicksburg last night.

The contest ended when the Quincy crashed into the Grey Eagle, crushing the wheel. The damaged boat managed to make her way to Natchez, where carpenters made the necessary repairs.

The Grey Eagle is carrying the Kansas City, Mo., river boomers to the New Orleans convention.

When the boats crashed, passengers on both were hurled to the deck. No one was injured, however. The Quincy and Grey Eagle have been speed rivals during the entire trip.