McCune Farm Lacks Sufficient Dor-
mitory Accommodations.
Boys at the McCune farm are compelled to sleep in tents because of lack of accommodations. When the new school building is completed it will have to be used at night as a dormitory. A new addition is being built to the present dormitory and will partially relieve the present crowded conditions.
With the conditions existing, Judge J. M. Patterson thinks some action should be taken at once. A special election has been urged to vote $150,000 in bonds for the erection of five new buildings. At present there are eighty-five boys at the farm, and there are not accommodations for half that number.
"My idea would be for the county court to begin putting up new buildings," said Judge J. M. Patterson yesterday. "An election to vote bond could be held in November to save the expense of a special election. But it is my opinion that the matter should not be put off another day. By another year there will be from 100 to 125 inmates, and the conditions will be worse than ever.
"The county court might erect one building a year for the next five years. But that seems to me to be too slow. We might start the work now and rely upon the money derived from the bond election to complete it.
"The farm became the county's property eighteen months ago. An administration building has been built at the cost of about $1,300. An old frame building is used for a dormitory. These are the only two buildings to accommodate eighty-five boys."