FATHER DALTON ON FRANCHISE. ~ To Beat It a Public Calamity, He Declares.

December 1, 1909

To Beat It a Public Calamity, He

"I am for the extension of the Metropolitan street railway franchise. It would be a public calamity to have it beaten," said Father W. J. Dalton, pastor of the Church of the Annunciation, yesterday.

"Many opinions have been advanced why the franchise should pass, but none has appealed so strongly to me as the appeal of the banking institutions of the city. They represent the heart throbs of the commercialism and progressiveness of Kansas City. How any man can in the face of this common sense presentiment of the issue vote against it is a mystery to me.

"If Kansas City is to grow, it must have adequate street car and transportation facilities. The Metropolitan has been one of the greatest factors in the development of the city. It has spent its millions in paving the way for the great city we have, and it will spend millions more in the development of a greater and more powerful Kansas City if it is but given the chance."

Father Dalton is one of the oldest clergymen in the city, and has always been known as a public spirited citizen, actively identified with every movement for the good of Kansas City.