Says They Have Plenty of Money
and Charge is Absurd.
Clyde Houk, a prisoner at police headquarters awaiting the arrival of officers who will take him back to his home at Memphis, Tenn., on suspicion of having passed worthless paper, still retains the unshaken confidence of his bride of two weeks.
All day yesterday Mrs. Houk, a fragile little woman of about 25 years, sat in the matron's room holding her husband's hand and consoling him as best she could. They were visiting Kansas City on their honeymoon when Houk was arrested by Detectives Andrew O'Hare and D. D. Mitchell Thursday night.
"Of course Clyde is innocent," Mrs. Houk said yesterday. "The whole affair is a terrible mistake. Clyde is well known in Memphis, where he was engaged in the implement business. We have plenty of money, and it is absurd to connect my husband with anything dishonest. He merely overdrew his bank account a few dollars, that's all. Why, he did not even know that he had done so. I don't see the need of having policemen come to get Clyde, as we were going back to Memphis anyhow. I shall go with him and see the matter through."