The Brunswick-Balke Team
Hangs Up Score of 2,209 in
St. Louis Tourney.
ST. LOUIS, Jan 22. -- The Brunswick-Balke five from Kansas City hung up a new Middle West bowling record tonight in the tournament here, when they shot 2,909, breaking last year's record of 2,831, held by the Nichols team, also of Kansas City.
J. Yerkes and W. H. Lockwood of St. Louis made the high mark of the tournament in the two-men events this afternoon with 1,223. The 633 score of Fred Schultheis of St. Louis is in the singles, the opening day, still stands.
Today was largely given over to visiting teams from Omaha, Kansas City, Topeka, St. Joseph, Columbus, Neb., and Doe Run, Mo. These teams also will bowl tomorrow. The fight for the 1912 tournament lies between Kansas City and Omaha. It is believed the latter contingent will land it, as it has the backing of the St. Joseph bowlers.
Results of the first set of five-men teams tonight follows:
Felix & Son, Kansas City, 2,597.
Gordon & Koppel, Kansas City, 2,699.
Brunswick-Balke, Kansas City, 2,909.
Kid Nichols, Kansas City, 2,663.
Muelbach, Kansas City, 2,701.
Grayols-Grand, St. Louis, 2561.
St. Louis H. & R. Co., St. Louis, 2,458.
Keen Kutter, St. Louis, 2,352.