Jacob Billikopf May Forego Intention to Resign From Educational Institute.
A community building to cost possibly $100,000 and to be for the use of the Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Associations, is assured as the result of a meeting of representative Hebrews of Kansas City Thursday night at a dinner at the Hotel Baltimore. It was unanimously decided by those at the dinner that Jacob Billikopf should be retained, if possible, as superintendent of the Jewish Educational Institute.
Although Mr. Billikopf has received several offers from Jewish charitable societies in other cities, he has declared that he would stay in Kansas City and continue his present work, providing the scope of his labors was enlarged by the provision of more money and additional facilities.
The eighty men present at the dinner were enthusiastically in favor of the retention of Mr. Billikopf, and increased their annual subscriptions of $24,600 by more than $5,000. Twenty-five thousand dollars also was subscribed by about twenty men for a fund for the construction of a community house.