Average Temperature 29 Degrees and
Precipitation of 1.72 Inches
The Kansas City weather offices has issued a summary of the weather conditions here for the month of February for the last eighteen years. It is not a forecast. The mean or normal temperature for the last eighteen Februarys here was 29 deg. above; the warmest February in that time was in 1892, when the average was 37 deg., and the coldest that of 1899, with the average 19. Teh highest February temperature in that time was 76, on the 26th, in 1896, and the lowest 22, on the 12th, in 1899.
The average precipitation for the eighteen Februarys was 1.72 inches, and the average number of days of the month on which it was more than .01 of an inch was eight. The greatest precipitation was in the month of 1892, which was 4.27 inches, and the least was in 1890, when it was only .58 of an inch.
The greatest precipitation in any twenty-four hours was on the 11th and 12th in 1894, and it was 1.49.