"Sure, I Do," Said Collins, and His Eyes Nearly Fell Out When
They Carted Off an $8.50 Door That
Weighed Forty-Eight Pounds
R. J. Collins, manager of a sash and door manufacturing company, had an exhibit at the Coates house in the club room durning the Southwestern lumbermen's convention this week. As a souvenir his firm gave away a little door, about eight inches long and five inches wide. After about 3,000 had been given away, the supply ran out yesterday right after the noon hour.
About 2 o'clock two wwomen walked into the room. Mr. Collins greeted them effusively, and gave them each an American Beauty rose. He had a large jar of the flowers for the fair sex visitors.
"Haven't you got some doors that you are giving away as souvenirs?" asked one of the women very sweetly.
"Why -- why --no --yes --yes," said Collin. "We have just those two left," and he pointed to the south wall against which stood two full-sized, regular house doors, with glass panels.
Are you giving them away?" said the other woman, eagerly.
"Yes," said Collins, He thought he was having a little joke, and the women were appreciating it.
"Well," said the first woman, "would you give us one?"
"Certainly," said Collins, The thing looked serious, but he determined to be game.
"And may we take one?" said the other woman.
"Help yourself," he said with a grandiose flourish.
"To his utter amazement and astonishment, the two women grabbed hold of the door, stood it on one side, and then, each taking an end, started out of the room.
"It's heavy," murmured one of the women, "but I guess we can m anage it. Can you carry your end?" The other woman cooed an affirmative.
They pushed out the crowded hall toward teh lobby. The door weighed forty-eight pounds, but was more awkward than heavy. One of the women slipped and almost fell. She exploded mirthfully, took a fresh grip, and they plodded on. They reached the lobby. Several hundred lumbermen stood glued to the marble tiling, speechless. But the women never noticed. They swung out of the north door of the hotel and onto the pavement. There they placed the door against the wall of the building.
They hailed an expressman, had him load the door into his wagon, gave him an address, and away he went. Unruffled, except for a few dislodged locks, they returned to the hotel and quietly went upstairs, pursuing thier quest for souvenirs.
Just as the women were getting throught he outside door w3ith their prizes, E. W. Gardiner spied them. He rang for a porter.
"Go find out at once about that," he said. "Ask the sash and door exhibit in the club house."
The porter ran into Collins.
"It's alright," said the latter. He came out and told it all to Gardiner, and then to L. M. Firey, the manager. Then he bought the cigars.
"It's on me -- it's on me," mumbled Collins weakly. "It's on me. I spotted the womwen as souvenir hunters as soon as they hit the place. I was out of the little doors, so I thought I sould spring a joke and tell them to take a big, real one. And they took it. I'm game, though. The door is theirs. It's worth about $8.50. I'll stand that allright, allright. The way they worked to lug it out of the hotel was worth the money. That's the limit on souvenirs. I've seen all kinds of it -- but that's the best, isn't it?" HE turned to Firey and Gardiner. They nodded their heads.
Give us some more cigars," said Collins. I'll have to steady my nerves."