March 3, 1907


As a Provider Hash Didn't Live Up to
His Name.

Suit for divorce was filed yesterday in Independence by Stella M. Hash against her husband, Cobert Hash. Soon after her marriage trouble commenced, and, she says, he failed to provide for his family. Lagter he became an unknown quantity and there was no more Hash, although diligent search was made for him.
Mary K. Hearst, another petitioner, brought suit against her husband, Lorin. "He did not love me," she states in her petition.
Carry Hutton brought suit against James, her husabnd. He carried a picture of a girl other than his wife, and planted osculatory impressions upon it, says the wife, claiming he could not help himself.
Charles F. Middleton, in his petition for divorce, charges his wife with extreme jealousy.
Mary J. Coulter sued John F. Coulter for divorce, alleging desertion.