April 4, 1907

Frank Walsh Resented a Remark
Made by Festus O. Miller.

An argument arose during the filing of a bond in Justice Sherman's court yesterday between Attorney Frank P. Walsh and Attorney Festus O. Miller.

"Then you lied to me," said Miller to Walsh.

In his younger days Walsh was pretty handy with his fists and he says he hasn't forgotten the proper method of resenting the lie direct. His right fist landed on Miller's left cheek and only a chair prevented Miller from going to the floor. He scrambled to his feet and exclaimed:

"I beg the court's pardon and also Mr. Walsh's pardon. I didn't intend calling him a liar."

"That's all right," said Walsh, "No man can call me a liar and not get into trouble."

Justice Sherman assessed no fines for infraction of the dignity of his court.