Licenses Are Again Sought at
This Street and Troost.
Preparatory to another raid of the saloonkeepers fro licenses at the end of the Troost avenue car line, a number of petitions were filed yesterday with the board of police commissioners asking that saloons be reopened there. A year ago the board cosed the saloons at that point, where thousands of women and children transfer nightly from the Swope to the trunk line cars.
Indicating how dense traffic now is at that point, last Sunday the street car company had no fewer than eight watchmen and switchmen at this point, all needed to handle the crowds. It is urged by the property owners and the street car company, objecting to the reopening of the saloons, that Forty-seventh and Troost comes within the scope of the board's rule not to allow saloons at important transfer points, particularly in view of the fact that so many women and children change cars there.