Special Report -- C. W. ANDERSON


Adds His Recommendation for the
Pardon of Anderson.

Chief of Police John Hayes is one who believes that Charles Anderson has not had a square deal. he wrote the following letter to Congressman E. C. Ellis yesterday. It explains itself:

Hon. E. C. Ellis.
Dear Sir:--I have investigated the case of and talked with a great many people who are well acquainted with William January, alias Charles W. Anderson. They have known him for nine years and all say that they have known him as a good, law abiding citizen. As far as my investigation has gone this man has shown himself to be all the people say about him. He has led an honest and upright life since he has been in this city and considering the circumstances as they have arisen, and the upright manner in which he has conducted himself, I cannot to otherwise than recommend his pardon.

His wife and child deserve consideration in the case and they surely have the sympathy of nine-tenths of the good people of Kansas City. He made a mistake at one time in his life, but I am convinced that he has fully atoned for the error and should have the greatest consideration at the hands of a merciful people. Trusting that all efforts tending toward the speedy pardon of Charles W. Anderson may meet with success, I remain, truly and sincerely, JOHN HAYS, Chief of Police.