Pearl Brown, of Armourdale, Injured
in a Runaway.
Pearl Brown, a 19-year-old Armourdale girl, was thrown from a buggy at 2022 Madison in a runaway last night at 10 o'clock. The team ran on, and at Twenty-fourth and Belleview killed another horse with the buggy pole. This hourse was the property of the Brandenmeyr Bros., grocers. The team was caught at Twenty-seventh and Belleview.
Dr. W. O. Gray, ambulance surgeon from the Walnut street police station, took Miss Brown to the general hospital. She was suffering from convulsions, but here injuries were convined to bruises on the limbs. Her home address is 918 South Twelfth street, Armourdale. At the hospital she said she ahd gone driving with Oliver Dooley of 8 West Sixteenth street and that he had been drinking and lost control of the team, then jumped and left her alone.