June 24, 1907

Tired Looking Little Woman Gave
All She Had for His Freedom.

A little, work-weary woman called at the desk at police headquarters yesterday afternoon and asked Sergeant Holly Jarboe, then on duty, if he had a prisoner answering to the name of Will Jackquit. After looking a moment at his records, the sergeant told her the man she was looking for was in the jail on a peace disturbance charge.

The woman bowed her head on her arms a moment or two and "wept piteously but quietly, and then asked how much money it would take to get the man out. The sergeant gave her the minimum bond required.

"He is my son," she said, as she began to count out the coins, each one of which had doubtless cost her infinite pains and trouble, "and I cannot let him stay there."

"But don't you know he will do it right over again?" asked the policeman.

"Yes, perhaps. But I am a mother, and he is all I have."

The prisoner was summonedout of the holdover. He was a great big fellow, strong and healthy looking. He appeared with a smile on his face, pleased at not having to spend a hot afternoon in a cell. As he came out the woman was putting down the last nickel on the counter. As she saw him, the tears started afresh. The man looked at her a second as though annoyed.

"Oh pshaw, mother," he said. "Don't be foolish!"

"Foolish, that's just the word," muttered the sergeant, as mother and son went out together.