August 18, 1907

Hutchison Girl Was on Her Way to
Join a Theatrical Company.

Robbed of her purse containing all her money, and of her suitcase, the contents representing all of her other earthly possessions, aside from what she wore, Miss Pauline Nelson, 18 years old, of Hutchison, Kas., has been stranded at the Union depot since Thursday night. She was taekn to police headquarters last night by Harry Harvey, a city detective on duty at the depot, and placed in the care of the police matron. The young woman said that she had started from Hutchinson to Detroit, where she had been offered a place with a theatrical company, and while en route to Kansas City was robbed of her purse and suitcase. She said that she had no money when she came here, but she had some lunch with her, and with the aid proffered her at the depot has managed to get along. She has been sleeping at the depot.

The young woman will be held by the police until a reply to information regarding her condition can be received from Hutchinson.