Enemy of J. L. Stark May Have
Disfigured His Wife.
Mrs. J. L. Stark, whose hair was so mysteriously cut from her head while she was sleeping at the home of her mother, 822 East Fifteenth street, on the morning of October 20, returned to her husband and her home, 2646 La Salle street, St. Louis, yesterday morning.
The matter of the strange assault upon her remains as much of a mystery as when it was first committed, though it is believed by Mrs. A. C. Ecton, the mother of the young woman that the latter's husband has an idea as to who made such a singular attack upon his wife. This is based on a letter received from him by Mrs. Stark in which he warned her to return home immediately before something more serious was done. "They will cut your throat next," the letter said, and Mrs. Stark packed up her belongings and left the city forthwith.
J. L. Stark was formerly a brick mason and contractor in this city, the last work he did here being in and upon the R. A. Long building. It is the idea of Mrs. Stark's parents that her husband may have had an enemy who made this disfigurement of the young wife the means of his revenge upon the husband.
The police have not interested themselves in the matter so far as the parents and friends of Mrs. Stark know.