SAID HE WAS A MOONSHINER. ~ Bert Martin Said Whiskey Making Sort of Ran in His Family.

December 5, 1908

Bert Martin Said Whiskey Making
Sort of Ran in His Family.

When Bert Martin, 44 years old, charged with vagrancy, admitted to the court yesterday in the municipal court that he was a moonshiner, the police officers lounging on the seats in the court room pricked up their ears. Judge Kyle had asked him if he ever drank whisky, and Martin said: "Yes, and I make it, too, so did my father and grandfather."

Martin is a big, tall angular man, and said he had worked for fourteen years for railroads. A special policeman told the court that Martin would be killed if he did not stop jumping freight cars in the yards. The ex-moonshiner laughed and said he was "too slick" to get hurt, and that he hopped trains to keep in practice. He told the court that he had made his moonshine liquor in the hills near Oxley, Mo. He was fined $2.