May 24, 1916


Masterpiece of Engraver's Art Is Being Shown Here.

M. E. Lundberg of Spokane, Wash., who is in the city, is the possessor of two works of the engravers art, which are said to be the finest of their kind in existence. One is a gold pin, the head of which is 47 one-thousandths of an inch in diameter and upon which is engraved the Lord's Prayer. The other is a gold sewing needle upon the point of which is engraved "U. S." The engravings were made by Mr. Lundberg's brother, who formerly was a bank note engraver for the German government. As he progressed in his trade he attempted continually to surpass works of engraving of which he learned. Until two years ago the "championship" in this line was held by the Chinese. Lundberg used a highly tempered steel needle to do this work. Gold was the material for the pin because of its finer grain. The work was performed under the lens of a high power microscope. One gold pen was spoiled after nine months' work had been put upon it. The vibrations caused by a passing wagon caused the engraving needle to waver.

The next attempt was made far from any possibility of vibrations. The engraving was completed and enclosed in a glass case. The letters can be seen only through a microscope. The needle bearing the letters "U. S." on its point also is enclosed in a glass tube. The engraver is now an invalid and is writing a text book on engraving at his home in Spokane.

My brother has been offered $6,000 for the engraved pin," Mr. Lundberg said yesterday, "but he would as soon sell a member of the family as this one masterpiece of the engraver's art."


May 24, 1916

First Sampled His Wares Then Took His Cash.

"Let's have a couple of ice cream cones."

A. Minniear, who drives an ice cream wagon, filled the above order at 10 o'clock last night for one of two men who stopped his wagon on Bales avenue between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets.

"Now, let's have your cash," the same man demanded as he showed the driver a revolver pointed in his direction. They took $7 in money -- and the cones.

"And they didn't even pay for those cones," Mr. Minniear, who lives at 2561 Cissna avenue, Kansas City, Kas., told the police.


May 23, 1916

Then Man Taking Siesta was Peeved When "Cop" Woke Him Up.

Two men lounging at Ninth street and Benton boulevard, one on a park bench and the other stretched full lenght on the grass, attracted the attention of Patrolmen Bart Casey and James Orford yesterday evening. They awakened the man on the ground. He became talkative at once.

"I don't see why you should disturb me," he complained. "I have just sold the federal building. Here," he said, displaying $50 in bills, "is the money." The patrolmen looked further and found four pawn tickets for six watches.

They took the men to police headquarters, where they were booked for investigation. They gave their names as Arch Faulkner and Thomas Shelton. Faulkner had the money and pawn tickets and a bottle of morphine. Shelton had a long, keen-bladed knife.

Neither would explain how Faulkner came to have the watches, but admitted having been together much before the siesta.


May 23, 1916

The Rev. T. Haley is En Route to Father's Home in Ireland.

With a brogue so rich that his conversation could barely be understood, the Rev. T. Haley of Victoria, Australia, was in Kansas City yesterday, en route form that island continent to his father's home in Killarney, Ireland. Kansas City is not on the route of the usual line of travel from Australia to Ireland, the Rev. Haley admitted last night at the Hotel Baltimore, but it was preferable on this occasion because of the general conflict that has torn up most of Europe.

Of recent events in Ireland, the Rev. Mr. Haley preferred not to talk, although it was evident that he was torn between conflicting emotions of loyalty to Australia and his father's country. Australia, he declared, was mustering in men rapidly and sending them to Europe to aid England.


May 23, 1916

Fowls Sample Hidden Supply of Whiskey.

Drunken chickens -- the fowl variety -- were responsible for Lester Richardson, 474 Fourth street, being fined $500 by Police Judge Brady yesterday morning. A state warrant was also issued against Richardson charging him with operating a liquor nuisance.

After finding no liquor in the residence occupied by Richardson the police noticed chickens in the rear yard staggering about. Investigation resulted in the discovery of a large jar containing whisky sunk in the ground. The chickens had uncovered it by scratching and had sampled the contents.

May 23, 1916 ~ THIS WIFE TOO LOVING.

May 23, 1916

Seeking Divorce, Husband Also Says She's Deaf, Dumb, Partly Blind.

"She's too affectionate," is the principal charge made by Claude D. Ellmaker, 18 years old, in a divorce petition yesterday in the district court against Mable F. Ellmaker, 19 years old.

Ellmaker sets forth in the petition his wife is deaf and dumb and blind in the left eye. He also claims she has hugged and kissed him on the street, on street cars and other public places. Ellmaker also claims she is extremely jealous, and her parents guard him so closely he has no liberties.

They were married here on September 7, 1914, and have resided in Rosedale since.


May 22, 1916

Picnickers Jolted Out of Truck Are Victims of Following Car


Accident Occurs Near Martin City as Party Is Returning to Kansas City.

The Dead
JOHANNA FRANKLIN, 15 years old, 1514 Myrtle avenue; left hip broken; succumbed from internal injuries at the General hospital at midnight.

The Injured
   Ruth Madick, 19 years old, 2040 Cypress avenue; right leg wrenched, bruised on the side of the head and internal injuries; condition serious.
   Edward Relford, 17 years old, 1803 Kensington avenue; right hand bruised, back sprained and nervous shock; not serious.
   Robert Ayers, 19 years old, Nineteenth street and Myrtle avenue; bruised on face and body; may have internal injuries; not serious.

Two young men in a motor car, believed to be students of Missouri university, early last evening, near Martin City, Mo, ran over several of a party of picnickers who had been jolted from a motor truck, seriously injured four, one of whom died later, and then plunged down the road in their big black touring car without offering assistance or disclosing their identity. The accident happened at about 8 o'clock.

All of the injured were brought to General hospital in Kansas City. Miss Johanna Franklin, 15 years old, of 1514 Myrtle avenue, was the most seriously crushed by the wheels of the car. She died at midnight of internal injuries and shock. She was a student at Central high school, and is said to have been a talented musician for one of age.

Miss Ruth Madick, 19 years old, 2040 Cypress avenue, was also dangerously injured but she may live. She sustained a wrenched hip, head bruises and internal injuries, the seriousness of which had not been determined that night. Edward Relford, 17 years old, 1803 Kensington avenue, was bruised about the hands and body and is suffering from nervous shock, and Robert Ayers, 19 years old, Nineteenth street and Myrtle avenue, sustained face and body bruises and possibly internal injuries.

Spent Afternoon Picnicking

According to a story told by the injured boys, fourteen boys and girls yesterday "chipped in" and hired a motor truck to take them to a grove beyond Martin City where they spent the afternoon picnicking. After they had lunched, the party, composed of nine boys and five girls, started home and near Martin City they were approached from behind by a large touring car. Two young men who said they were college students and lived at the Densmore hotel were in the front seat. They began to "jolly" with the girls in the motor truck.

"Get out of that old wagon and give us a chance," they called. "We'll show you a better time than you can have with that bunch." Then they produced a camera and took snapshots of the van and its occupants. The picnickers soon tired of these attentions and the van driver was told to "speed up." He did so. Suddenly as the truck encountered a rough place in the road, the end gate became unfastened and two boys and two girls were spilled out almost under the front wheels of the pursuing touring car.

"Went Right Over Us."

"It went right over us," Edward Relford said last night, as he lay swathed in bandages at the hospital. "The girls screamed. I guess I yelled, too. We were all jumbled up in a mess. The car wobbled around, I think, as it went over us. A fellow gets kind of rattled being run over that way. When I came to, some of the boys had me out on the grass working over me. But Glover got the number of the touring car. It was their fault, crowding us from behind. The old truck wasn't intended to to keep ahead of a high speed automobile. That's how we got jolted out. I am lucky not to have had any bones broken."

The injured were given emergency treatment at Marten City and attended to by Dr. B. M. Colby at the General hospital. Parents of the injured and other members of the party visited them last night. No trace of the occupants or of the car had been found last night.

Car Drivers Speed Away.

All of the injured members of the party said the boys, whom they took to be students of Missouri university, from remarks they made, cut around the van after bumping over the bodies and disappeared down the road in the direction of Kansas City.

The police made an effort to locate the youths and the car last night, but were not successful up to an early hour this morning. The Missouri statutes make it a penal offense for a motorist to run away without disclosing his identity after injuring a person.


May 22, 1916

Former Presiding Officer of County Court Succumbs to Kidney Disease.

George Lee Chrisman, formerly a judge of the county court for ten years and a resident of Jackson county for many years, died at 7:45 o'clock last night at his home in Independence after an illness lasting about six months. His condition became acute a week ago and his death was expected momentarily the last few days. Funeral arrangements have not been completed by the family.

Judge Chrisman was one of the prominent figures in Jackson county for many years. His business interests were extensive and he was known as an agricultural expert. In the county court his activities kept him before the public eye for several years.
Elected Judge in 1896.

He was born on August 8, 1854 in Lafayette county, Missouri, the son of William and Lucie Lee Chrisman, who were pioneers of Jackson county. His parents were prominent socially and financially, William Chrisman's life being devoted to a great extent to philanthropy. There were two other children, Maggie, now the widow of Logan O. Swope, and James, who died at the age of 19.

Judge Chrismas was a graduate of Forest Home Military college in Anchorage, Ky. He was first married on November 26, 1872, to Miss Lottie S. Duke, daughter of Colonel William Duke of Danville, Ky. They had no children, but adopted two daughters, now Mrs. Frank Ashley of Denver and Mrs. Wallace J. Ferry of Kansas City. After the death of his wife, Judge Chrisman, in 1895, married her sister, Mrs. Lutie Gates, who, with two daughters born to them, Charlotte and Lutie lee, survives him.

On a farm south of Independence Mr. Chrisman became a raiser of thoroughbred cattle and horses. He moved later to another farm near Lee's Summit, where he continued for years the stock business in partnership with J. A. Lee, the firm being Chrisman &; Lee. He was devoted to his occupation and lived on his farm many years.

In the fall of 1896 he entered politics and was elected on the Democratic ticket for judge of the county court for the Eastern district. This was the first office he had ever held. He was re-elected in 1898 and again in 1900. In 1902 Judge Chrisman made the race for presiding judge of the county court, was elected for the four-year term and served until 1906, when he ran for the judge of the Eastern district, but was defeated by George Dodd
Part Owner of the Times

At one time Judge Chrisman was mentioned as a candidate for governor, but he did not enter the race.

Late in his political career Judge Chrisman associated with A. A. Lesueur and John Groves in the ownership of the Kansas City Times, selling it to W. R. Nelson. The venture was not a paying one, Judge Chrisman's losses being heavy.

Soon after the beginning of his political career, Judge Chrisman moved from his farm in Lee's Summit to Independence, purchasing the home of the late Preston Roberts, 700 West Maple avenue. He had been engaged in various enterprises since retiring from the county court. He was interested in mining in Mexico. His associates were political friends. The mine they owned, said to be rich, was purchased from Grant Gillett, at one time the cattle king of Kansas.

Judge Chrisman was robust and in excellent health until six months ago, when he was attacked by kidney disease.


May 22, 1916

Attendance Record Broken on First Day; Concessions Draw Well.

The amusement park season in Kansas City began yesterday when Fairmount park started on its summer cycle. Despite the threatening weather of the morning the sun came out brightly in the afternoon, and with it came throngs of pleasure seekers. By 7 o'clock last night the park's attendance record had been shoved up several notches and at closing time the turnstiles registered several thousand admissions more than on any previous opening day.

The crowds patronized all concessions freely. Probably the band concerts in the amphitheater and the balloon races over the lake received the most attention. The studio of the Fairmount Feature Film company was one of the places of greatest interest. Several special scenes were photographed for the opening crowds. It was the first opportunity many had had of witnessing the production of a "movie." The dance pavilion, Fairmount Inn, and the children's playgrounds were largely patronized.

The sea beach was not opened yesterday on account of the cool weather, but boating was popular. Fairmount Park is to be managed this year by Sam Benjamin, formerly of Electric park.


May 22, 1916

Woman Faints as Overland Park Screen Shows Operations.

Modern surgeons now do their work while a moving picture camera records every detail of their operations on the film. That this custom has reached Kansas City developed yesterday when, at a private exhibit in the theater at Overland Park, two operations performed last week at a Kansas City hospital were faithfully reproduced. One depicted the amputation of a woman's leg and the other the removal of a boy's appendix.

The removal of the appendix was shown and no detail of the operation was lost in its reproduction. It was performed in eight minutes and on the screen seemed quite simple. Everything was shown from the incision of the knife to the removal of the patient from the operating room. The movie crows was particularly concerned when, at one point, as the wound was being sewed up, the lad showed signs of returning consciousness and the attendant applying the anesthetic reached hurriedly for the cone.

The leg amputation was far the more vivid and as the reproduction of the operation was concluded one of the four women in the audience fainted. This operation required seventeen minutes.

It was stated that when the operations were finished at the hospital the camera operator fainted and had to be carried from the room by one of the attending surgeons. The film taken will be used to illustrate surgical lectures.


May 21, 1916

Evangelist Declares Christ Was Vigorous Preacher, After His Own Heart.

A new Jesus -- a Christ militant -- was preached by Billy Sunday at the tabernacle last night.

"Away with those effeminate pictures of bowed humility and those stories of a sissy Messiah -- Christ was a man," Sunday declared. "When He stood in the presence of hypocrisy He bawled it out with a tongue that cut their thick hides like a lash.

"Jesus shot His preaching into the biggest guns of the synagogue of His day. When you read what He said in the Bible you read it in a sanctimonious tone that takes all the fire out of it.

"There's a lesson for the preachers in the way He preached. He said, 'Oh you scribes of Pharisees! You lobsters, you false alarms, you folly-flushers, you excess baggage, you vipers! You are little white sepulchers, all nice without but all rottenness and dead men's bones within. You're a fine bunch of guys! You rob the widows and the orphans and the whole bunch of you ought to be in jail.'

"Every Inch a Man," He Says.

"That's the way Jesus preached, declared Sunday, shooting out his clenched fist over teh audience. "Don't you think He was a sissy, because some old granny of a religious pussy-foot told you He was. He was a man, every inch of Him, and you will recall how He stood with dauntless face when the mob crowned Him with thorns and spat in His face."

In spite of the rain, which fell continuously through the evening, 16,000 persons attended the night services. There were several hundred members of the Association of Post Office Employees and about 4,000 members of the Patriotic and Protective Order of Stags. Other delegations were from the Cochrane Packing Company, Social Outlook Club, Gillpatrick's laundry and the St. James hotel.

The Stags brought a brass band, which formed near the platform and played "Brighten Up the Corner" and other hymns.

"I am glad to welcome you Stags. I understand that you have the only club in town that won't allow a bar in your club house. I hope you will establish a second, too, in all coming to Christ at this meeting."

"We will!" shouted a member. And when the invitation was extended, 100 members of the Stags marched down the aisles.


May 21, 1916

Court Rules Paper Legal, Although Mrs. Marshall Died Without Signing.

Judge J. E. Guinotte in the probate court yesterday held legal the adoption of Mrs. Minnie Evans, 53 years old, by Mrs. Lorinda Marshall, 80 years old, at the time of her death, on last Wednesday. While the adoption of a person of 53 years is in itself a very unusual occurrence, whit is of deeper interest is the fact that for fifty-three years Mrs. Evans believed she was the real daughter of the elder woman.

Two days before her death Mrs. Marshall, who lived at 1119 Olive street, called her foster daughter to her bedside and told the story of how the Marshalls had taken a 3-months-old girl to rear fifty-three y ears ago. They had not adopted her, believing it was unnecessary. The waif, she said, was mrs. Evans. All these years Mrs. Marshall had kept the secret. So also had her husband as long as he lived.

In the meantime, Minnie Marshall had grown to womanhood as the daughter of the Marshalls. She had married and has five children, one of them also married. As Mrs. marshal had property of her own and was also an heir to another estate, there was need for a legal status of her heirs. An attorney advised her adoption by Mr. Marshall and papers were made out. Although Mrs. Marshall died before she could sign them, the probate court ruled the adoption legal.

May 21, 1916 ~ SUNDAY BATS .500 AND STEALS BASE.

May 21, 1916

Billy Also Umpires Part of Time in Rotary Clubs' Game for Charity.

Beaten by Billy Sunday. That was the only consolation the baseball team representing the Rotary Club of Kansas City, Kas., took home with them after the game yesterday afternoon at Association park with the Rotarians of Kansas City, Mo., and it was considerable consolation after all. As to the regular team of the Rotarians on this side of the Kaw the Kansas men expressed their sentiments thus: "They never saw the day they could beat us."

But to get back to the most interesting part of the game. It was in the last half of the sixth inning with the score of 9 to 7 in favor of the men from across the Kaw, a safe enough margin, they reasoned. Craddock of the Kansas City, Kas., team had just been given his base on balls, and there were two men "down," as the sporting reporter would say.

Then the big event happened. Three thousand people cheered when Billy Sunday came to the plate, bat in hand, and took his position on the "port" side. He fouled the first ball pitched, a good one. The next one he caught squarely, a stinging hit to right field that landed him on second. On the throw to catch Sunday Craddock scored. Just as Craddock crossed the late, Sunday stole third, with the crowd still cheering. Riddle was walked. Then Pierce hit past second base and Sunday came in with a run. The fireworks did not end until seven runs had been scored and the hopes of the visitors were completely ruined.


May 21, 1916

Speaker Before Horticultural Society Predicts Other "Wonders.".

The day is coming soon when potatoes dug from the ground will taste like cantaloupes; grapefruit will be plucked from trees like cherries and the Sahara desert will bloom like a rose garden. Such at least was the prediction made by Howard Dean, professor of chemistry at Park college, Parkville, Mo., speaking before the Missouri Valley Horticultural society yesterday on the lawn of the home of L. A. Goodman, Fortieth street and Warwick avenue.

Professor Dean said he already had succeeded in reducing the starch of a potato to sugar through chemical treatment. He asserted that be feeding certain plants on formaldehyde they can be made to develop sugar and starch.

He said that investigations now being made by chemists show that plants manufacture compounds that are not normal to them. These investigations, he said, are being continued and chemists are diligently searching the leaves of plants in an attempt to find the agent which converts the carbon dioxide in the air and the moisture into plant products.

when that secret is discovered -- and of its early discovery he is confident -- he said we would possess an unlimited source of energy. The point he brought out was that the possession of that secret would enable man to convert the sun's energy to his own use in any way he desires.

Then it would be possible, he asserted, to fill the Sahara desert with plant life; to grow any plant so that it would taste exactly as its grower wished. He also said, in answer to a question, that it would be possible to raise grapefruit with the bitterness removed. Fruits, he added, could be raised so they would taste just as the grower desired.

Dr. J. C. Whitten of the State university at Columbia, Mo., spoke on the spraying of trees. He declared that spraying is absolutely essential to successful orcharding and explained the best methods of spraying.

Other speakers were Miss Florence H. Russell of Kansas City who told of a visit to Luther Burbank, and Arthur H. Helder, a landscape architect of Kansas City. Prior to the meeting a luncheon was served on Mr.r Goodman's lawn


May 21, 1916

Former Member of County Court Is Not Expected to Recover.

Former County Judge G. Lee Chrisman is believed to be dying at his home, 719 West Maple avenue, Independence.

Judge Chrisman became ill about a year ago with stomach trouble. His strong vitality kept him up a few months and only of late has he been confined to his bed. Many of his old-time political friends called yesterday at the home, but none was allowed to go to the sick chamber.

Judge Chrisman is a brother of Mrs. Logan O. Swope of Independence, and was elected judge of the county court for two terms and as presiding judge for one term. During his terms of office there was much road building in Jackson county. Later, Judge Chrisman engaged in the newspaper business, purchasing the Kansas City Times. The newspaper venture was a losing proposition, and the greater portion of his fortune was lost in the venture.

Four years ago Judge Chrisman again made the race for nomination for county judge from the Eastern district, but failed. Judge R. D. Mize was elected. Judge Mize died a year ago.

Judge Chrisman was born in Jackson county, August 8, 1851, and was a son of William Chrisman, an Independence banker. He was reared in Jackson county and graduated at the forest Home Military academy of Anchorage, Ky., and was married November 26, 1872, to Lottie Duke of Danville, Ky. Mrs. Chrisman died twenty years ago. His second marriage was to a sister of his first wife, Mrs. Walter Gates. By the second marriage two children were born, both of them girls, who reside with their parents in Independ3ence.


May 20, 1916

Suggestions From the East to Be Included in Plans Here.

L. A. Halbert, superintendent of the board of public welfare, returned yesterday from the national conference of social workers at Indianapolis. He brought back many suggestions regarding features to be tried out in the proposed new women's reformatory on which plans are to be definitely made this week.

Mr. Halbert says that great care has been taken in the Indianapolis institution to eliminate the atmosphere of a prison. Even the bars on the windows are sent into the glass in such a way as to have the appearance of fancy window panes and are painted white. Each woman is given a room to herself and the furniture is neatly enameled in white. There is a rug on the floor of the room, pictures on the wall and a fine mirror.

"I consider that the humanest item of all, giving them a mirror," said Mr. Halbert. "A woman always wants a chance to know how she looks and personally I believe in the mirror as a preserver of self-respect even more so than vanity."

A discussion was also held of the possibility of interesting the government in carrying part of the burden of ill, degenerate or incompetent humanity now shouldered by the state and municipal philanthropic bodies.


May 20, 1916

Man With Skeleton Keys and Flashlight Said He Was Seeking Friend.

As Patrolmen Thornton and Devers passed the Lorraine hotel, 1614 Broadway, at 12:30 this morning, they saw a man standing on the second landing of the fire escape, which extends outside the building. the patrolmen thought this odd and to make sure, arrested the man. He gave his name as C. W. Rice and said that he was looking for a friend, who had a room in the hotel. A bunch of skeleton keys and a flashlight were found in the pockets of the prisoner.


May 20, 1916

Railroad Company's Explanation for Tie-up of Lines.

Dinner in many homes was delayed last night because of dampness on electric cables. Such was the explanation given by the Kansas City Railways Company last night for the short circuiting of the power cables yesterday afternoon. It was this short-circuiting that caused the stoppage of the street cars for about fifteen minutes. The stoppage occurred at 4:44 o'clock and ended at 4:58 o'clock.


May 20, 1916

Judge Southern Makes Speech on Late Frank G. Johnson.

On his first day as appointed judge to succeed the late Judge Frank G. Johnson in division five of the circuit court, Judge Allen C. Southern yesterday spoke a eulogy on the public life of the judge whom he succeeds.

"Patience, kindness and sincerity were his attributes were the attributes that were most shown in his career on the bench," Judge Southern said. "He was a good judge and will be remembered as such by the many attorneys who had legal dealings in his division of the district court."

When the death of Judge Johnson occurred the trial of Harvey H. Shank against S. Erwin Wilmore was in proceedings in his court. Judge Southern continued the case yesterday because it had been invalidated by the death of the judge.