BABY DIES ON TRAIN. ~ Emigrant's Infant Daughter Expires Near Lexington Junction.

February 28, 1909

Emigrant's Infant Daughter Expires
Near Lexington Junction.

On a speeding Santa Fe passenger train near Lexiongon Junction, Mo., yesterday death came to the infant daughter of Mrs. Pupera Vicenyo, an emigrant, en route to Starkville, Col. When Mrs. Vincenyo left Baltimore, Md., last Thursday, the babe, which had been sick for several days, showed signs of improvement, and the trip was undertaken. At St. Louis the child became much worse, and as the train was nearing Lexington Junction the little one expired.

The body was taken in charge on the arrival of the train at Union depot by Santa Fe officials, and arrangements for burial here were made.

SELL UNCLAIMED ARTICLES. ~ Strange Collection Disposed of at Auction in Federal Building.

February 28, 1909

Strange Collection Disposed of at
Auction in Federal Building.

An auction sale of articles left during the past year or two in the federal building took place yesterday forenoon in the offices of W. S. Umphrey, assistant custodian of the building. It was a non-descript collection, and there was everything in it, from a Merry Widow hat, model 1907, to a pair of pink pajamas and a case of patent medicine.

A pair of shoes brought the highest price of the sale, at $2.10 Following them, an pair of new canvas golf shoes went for only 10 cents. The wide-brim woman's hat could not be sold at first, but after the other sales it was bid on by a negro at 25 cents. A coat, which had seen about five years' wear, sold for 5 cents.

"FIGHTING BOB" CRIPPLED. ~ Wheel Chair Ordered for Admiral, Who Has Rheumatism.

February 27, 1909

Wheel Chair Ordered for Admiral,
Who Has Rheumatism.

"Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans will arrive on the Burlington from St. Louis Saturday morning at 7:10. Meet him with a wheel chair and see that he is cared for. He has a severe attack of rheumatism."

This was the order received by Union depot officials last night. "Fighting Bob" is coming to Kansas City to lecture next Tuesday evening at Convention hall under the auspices of the local Young Women's Christian Association on "From Hampton Roads to San Francisco," relating interesting incidents in connection with the cruise of the American battleships during the first leg of their globe-encircling journey.

It was not known here that Admiral Evans was ill until the above instructions were received by the depot authorities. Kansas City business men had planned to have a delegation meet the distinguished visitor and entertain him, but it is probable that his condition will prevent him from taking part in any social functions. It is thought, however, that he will be able to fill his engagement.

HEARTS MUST BEAT AS TWO. ~ Unromantic Parent Foils an Elopement and Intended Marriage.

February 27, 1909

Unromantic Parent Foils an Elope-
ment and Intended Marriage.

ST. JOSEPH, MO., Feb. 26. -- An unromantic parent is responsible for an unperformed marriage ceremony here today. As a result, the hearts of Samuel Robinwizt, 19 years old, and Lucille Ward, a year his senior, both of Kansas City, must continue to beat as two, for the time being at least.

She came to St. Joseph, her former home, and young Robinwitz followed her. He, in turn, was followed by his father. The boy was delivered to his fond parent, a merchant, who took him back to Kansas City.

MUCH LIKE AMERICANS. ~ Australian Compares His Own People With Those of United States.

February 27, 1909

Australian Compares His Own People
With Those of United States.

When L. C. Mordaunt reaches home in Melbourne, Australia, the first of April, he will have completed a trip around the world. He spent last night in Kansas City at the Savoy hotel, and was accompanied by his wife and three children. He has just come from London, where he had gone on business. On his way to London he had gone by way of the Suez canal and the Mediterranean sea.

"I have always wanted to see the United States," he said last night. "I find that the Americans are much like our own people. The same energy and habits characterize both nations."


February 27, 1909


Mr. Middlebrook Is to Serve Until
the Time When He Can Be Ap-
pointed to Board of Elec-
tion Commissioners.

R. B. Middlebrook and Thomas R. Marks were yesterday appointed by Governor Herbert S. Hadley members of the police board. In making the announcement, the governor gave out the following statement:

"I have offered the positions of police commissioners of Kansas City to R. B. Middlebrook and Thomas R. Marks and they have somewhat reluctantly consented to serve. Neither was an applicant for the position. I have given almost as much time to the selection of police commissioners in Kansas City as to all of my other appointments.

"The question has not been the selecting of two commissioners, but the selection of a commissioner that would meet the requirements of the situation. In my effort to secure such a commissioner I have offered the appointments to R. C. Meservey, D. J. Haff, Henry M. Beardsley, Eugene H. Blake, Clyde Taylor, Thomas H. Reynolds and John H. Thatcher. None of these gentlemen felt that they ought or could accept the position.

"I feel that in Mr. Middlebrook and Mr. Marks, I have finally secured two men who are familiar with the conditions existing in the police department in Kansas City, and know how a good police department ought to be conducted. I feel confident that they will meet my expectations and the requirements of the situation."

Mr. Middlebrook is to serve as police commissioner only until there is a vacancy on the board of election commissioners, when he will be appointed to fill it.

Both of Governor Hadley's appointees to the Kansas City board of police commissioners were of the opinion yesterday that the announcement of any particular brand of reform would be presumptuous as well as premature. Neither was inclined to go into generalities concerning the duties of the members of the board, but even with the short notice on which their appointments were made, each had a number of ideas that promise much in the way of curbing criminal activities.

"I have no swamp-root remedies or sweeping reforms to proclaim," said Thomas R. Marks last night at his office in the First National bank building. "I have a well-imbedded idea that the police service should become one of the military arms of the state, with its efficiency raised to the highest possible degree by the enforcement of discipline and promotion for the men, based on merit alone. It should be the alm of the police department to win the confidence of respectable citizens and not submit to the machinations of a lot of political gangsters.

"It appears to me that the published reports of an epidemic of crime are not exaggerated. Of course, you can't put down crime with a theory, and I hope I'm not a crank on such matters, but it seems to me that the problem can be boiled down to this: Law enforcement."

"Will a chief of police be appointed from within or with the force?" Mr. Marks was asked.

"Personally, I would much prefer that a head of the department be selected from those attached to it, provided a man who can meet the qualifications can be found. On the other hand I should not hesitate to go outside of the force for a chief, if I thought it were for the benefit of the service. This same applies to other appointments to be made by the board./

"Governor Hadley called me up this afternoon and told me I simply must accept the appointment," said Robert R. Middlebrook last night at his residence, 1800 Linwood boulevard. "It could not but militate against good taste for me to make any statement as to reform," Mr. Middlebrook went on. "The trouble with most so-called reformers," he said, "is that they do not preserve the rotundity of the law as they would have it enforced. They vigorously enforce the statutes against certain classes of criminals, while other classes, not so conspicuous perhaps, go unchecked. That is lop-sided reform. I am for a clean, orderly administration, with the explicit understanding that the compensation fixed by law shall be the only remuneration. In other words -- no graft."


February 27, 1909


Supplied Part of Kansas City With
Water 44 Years Ago, When
There Were No Meters
to Watch.

When a heavily-laden wagon broke through the asphalt paving at the corner of Tenth and McGee streets yesterday afternoon and the rear wheels sank into a hole to the hubs little damage resulted. There was a general outpouring of reminiscences, however, from old-timers who witnessed the accident that made the incident an interesting story, for the hole into which the wheels sank is what remains of a well from which the pioneers of Kansas City obtained their drinking water in the early '70s.

Of the history of the old well, J. F. Spalding, president of the Spalding Commercial college and a pioneer of Kansas City, said:

"That hole is the old well which was sunk by Thomas Smart forty-four years ago. Smart purchased the forty acres of Ninth and Fourteenth streets and laid out an addition to Kansas City. There was a lack of good drinking water on the hill and Colonel Smart dug the well at the corner of Tenth and McGee. It was eighty feet deep and contained the finest of water. The settlers of the new addition used the water from the well for years. Finally it was abandoned and partly filled. Later it was cut down when the hill was graded for the old Tenth street cable line. Still later it was covered with an old stone slab and the pavers went right over it. I had almost forgotten about it until I saw that wagon break through there and then I recalled it at once. It was one of the city's landmarks in her infant days."

The hole caused by the wagon disclosed the walls of the old well. The pavement covering it was not more than three-quarters of an inch thick and the wonder is that it did not give away under heavy traffic before.

A "WASH" UNDER DIFFICULTIES. ~ Raw Recruit Tried to Bathe in Federal Building Sink.

February 26, 1909

Raw Recruit Tried to Bathe in Fed-
eral Building Sink.

"I don't know, I s'pose that feller meant what he said, but how can I get a good wash here unless I get right into it, and how am I going to get in even if he does want me to," ruminated C. L. Johnson, a raw recruit for the navy, in the public wash room in the federal building yesterday.

W. J. Vickery, chief clerk in the postoffice inspector's department, heard Johnson's soliloquy and called in Quartermaster Freese of the recruiting station. When Freese arrived on the scene Johnson was just removing the last articles of his apparel preparatory to the bath he was about to take.

"Now, how do you ever expect a feller to get into that?" exclaimed the recruit, while pointing at the porcelain sink used by the janitors of the building. "I simply can't do it, an' if you want me to take a good wash, I guess I'll have to do it a little at a time. If I did get into it, I could never get out."

By this time an interested group of spectators had gathered, and Johnson concluded to postpone his bath, and hurriedly donned his clothing. Quartermaster Freese explained the situation.

"I told him to go out and take a good wash, so that I could get a record of his finger prints, which we keep on file in our office for reference. I didn't mean for him to take a bath. He'll get all of that that's coming to him when he gets to Mare Island."

Johnson is 18 years old, and said he had parents, but did not know where they were. His physical examination showed far better than the majority of applicants. He was sent to San Francisco, where he will enter the apprentice schools at Mare Island. He said he lived at Anderson, Mo.

SEND FAMILY ON THEIR WAY. ~ Depot Philanthropists Help Mother and Children.

February 26, 1909

Depot Philanthropists Help Mother
and Children.

Speeding today toward Twin Rocks, Pa., where her husband has prepared a home for her and her six little children, Mrs. Eliza Sherwood is thanking from the bottom of her heart Matron Ollie Everingham of the Union depot and kind travelers who enabled her to continue her journey last night.

Mrs. Sherwood, who has been living at Denning, Ark., on her arrival in Kansas City, found that she lacked $8 of having enough money for tickets to the Pennsylvania town. Making a liberal donation herself, Mrs. Everingham appealead to bystanders to make up the deficiency. Willing hands flew to purse pockets, and in a few minutes there was plenty of money for the stranded woman to continue on her way and to feed her hungry offspring while en route.


February 26, 1909

Dream of a Kansas City Blues Fan.

NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE HALL. ~ Police Compelled H. B. Wagner to Stay at a Gypsy Smith Meeting.

February 25, 1909

Police Compelled H. B. Wagner to
Stay at a Gypsy Smith Meeting.

H. B. Wagner, 407 Baird building, addressed a communication to the police commissioners yesterday, complaining that he was compelled to sit and listen to Gypsy Smith in Convention hall February 22 against his will. He desired to be informed by what authority the police stationed at the revival meeting refused to allow anyone to leave the building.

The writer stated that Captain John Branham, No. 3 police station, informed him that he was acting under orders of Ex-Mayor Beardsley, and he wanted to be cited to the authority giving anyone the right to take away his constitutional privileges. The board failed to take any action on the complaint.

WHAT! MAKE THE RAT WORK. ~ "Well, Say! What Sort of a Town Do You T'ink Dis Is?"

February 25, 1909

"Well, Say! What Sort of a Town
Do You T'ink Dis Is?"

Confined for one week in the workhouse, where he was sent on a $500 fine in the municipal court February 18, John Riley, commonly called Riley the "Rat," a well known pickpocket, is "carefully guarded," but not allowed to do any manual labor.

On Tuesday afternoon "the Rat," dressed in the garb of workhouse prisoners, sat in the lobby of the bastile, conversing with his wife. His hands were as smooth and pink as those of any young lady of society. Although the rules regulating the length of time visitors may see prisoners to fifteen minutes are posted upon the walls,, "the Rat" was allowed to sit on a bench and talk to his wife for at least an hour.

When Patrick O'Hearn, the superintendent, was asked if Riley had been put to work, he said he had not.

"It is too cold, and the mud is too deep," the superintendent remarked.

Only in pleasant weather are the inmates, with pulls, allowed to work out their fine for the day.

THIRD REGIMENT BAND TO GO. ~ Hiner's Organization of Thirty-Five Will Go to Washington.

February 25, 1909

Hiner's Organization of Thirty-Five
Will Go to Washington.

Hiner's Third Regiment band of thirty-five musicians will accompany the Missouri and Kansas Taft inaugural special train, which will leave Kansas City next Tuesday night for Washington. Yesterday Walter S. Dickey sent his personal check for $200 to Roy S. Davis, treasurer of the train, as Mr. Dickey's contribution towards the engagement of the band, and Mr. Davis says that he promises of equal amounts from many leading Republicans to defray the cost of the musicians.

The train will be composed of six Pullmans, a dining car and a commissary car. Two of the Pullmans will be occupied by Kansas City, Kas., and Kansas state representative men with their wives, and one by citizens of St. Joseph. Three cars have been reserved for Kansas City and people and those living out of state, and the reservations have been about all taken. The cars will be appropriately decorated and the expense for the round trip, including Pullman berths going and coming and while in Washington, is but $48.50.

The train will go over the Alton to St. Louis, and from St. Louis to Washington over the Baltimore & Ohio, reaching Washington at 6:30 on the morning of March 4. Returning, the train leaves Washington at 12:30 a. m. March 6 and reaches Kansas City at 5 p. m. the following day. Tickets are good for side trips to New York and Annapolis.

FAMOUS ORPHEUM SHOW HERE. ~ Stellar Lights of Vaudeville to Appear Here Next Week.

February 24, 1909

Stellar Lights of Vaudeville to Ap-
pear Here Next Week.

The famous Orpheum show, under the direction of Martin Beck, arrived yesterday from Denver, accompanied by a carload of scenery and accessories. The show this year is regarded as the finest aggregation of stellar lights in vaudeville that has ever been sent out over the Orpheum circuit. Mr. Beck says that he has spared no expense in assembling this show, and in his opinion it is by far the best that has ever appeared.

POLICE HOLDOVER IS A DISGRACE TO THE CITY. ~ Pardon and Parole Board Takes Official Cognizance of Conditions at City Hall.

February 24, 1909

Pardon and Parole Board Takes Offi-
cial Cognizance of Conditions
at City Hall.

Unsanitary, filled with vermin and a disgrace to the city, are a few of the things said about the holdover at police headquarters in the report of the secretary of the board of pardons and paroles, which report was made on motion of Jacob Billikopf. Frank E. McCrary, the secretary, investigated the condition of the holdover.

The jail for men is situated in the cellar and is a breeding place for disease, the report says. The room in which prisoners are held while waiting for their cases to be called in the municipal court, the report continues, is too small and not well ventilated, the foul air making it very offensive in the court room.

Captain Whitsett is quoted as saying that all prisoners arrested by the uniformed police are only held until the following morning, while those arrested by the detectives, or secret branch, are held longer. One case brought to the attention of the board was that of witnesses against Dr. Harrison Webber, accused of selling cocaine and having $8,000 in fines against him. Dr. Webber is detained in the matron's room, while two witnesses who bought the drug from him are being held in the holdover. They have been there now over twenty days. The three are being held as witnesses against members of a medical company.

While the board admitted its inability to remedy the unsanitary condition of the holdover, they suggested that even public buildings came within the jurisdiction of the tenement commission. The Humane Society will be asked to investigate the sanitary conditions, and, if possible, have them improved.

ROBBER WAS FULL OF "COKE." ~ Wanted More "Dope," His Defense for Stealing.

February 24, 1909

Wanted More "Dope," His Defense
for Stealing.

After a cocaine debauch which he said cost nearly $400, Richard L. Hayes, a carpenter, who broke into the harness shop of Pearl Martin, 1720 Troost avenue, last Saturday night and stole a blanket, a shovel and a halter, confessed his guilt before Justice Shoemaker yesterday and was sentenced to serve twenty days in the workhouse.

"It was not I that stole the stuff, judge," said Hayes, "it was the 'coke.' I had spent all my money and wanted more of the drug. I am a carpenter and until last week was employed at the county farm. I had not touched a drop of liquor nor used cocaine for more than three months until I came to town last week.


February 23, 1909


Two Separate Institutions at Denver
for Sufferers of All Races and
Creeds -- First Patient
a Catholic.

Interest in the exhibit of the National Society for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, now going on in the Scarritt building, Ninth street and Grand avenue, under the auspices of the Jackson county society, increases. Yesterday and last night over 3,000 persons attended.

On account of the large attendance at the stereopticon lecture and the discussions by prominent local physicians in the evening, it has become necessary to double the capacity of the lecture hall.

Last night the meeting was under the auspices of the United Jewish Charities, with Rabbi H. H. Mayer in the chair. Rabbi Mayer told his audience what the Jewish people are doing in the fight against the great white plague. He spoke of its ravages among his people, especially in the sweat shops and the poor tenements of New York, where those from foreign lands live and work.

"The National hospital at Denver," he said, "is now managed and maintained wholly by the Jews, yet it is open to the unfortunate of all religions. Only two questions are asked of the applicant -- 'Is the disease in its first stages?' and 'Are you unable to pay for treatment?' It might be interesting to know that the first patient admitted was a Catholic. We have another institution in that city, a hospital for those in the advanced stages of the disease."

Rabbi Mayer then told his hearers that if they knew any person who needed treatment in these institutions to send them to Jacob Billikopf, local superintendent of the Jewish Charities, where they would be examined, classified and placed upon the waiting list for admission.


"Consumption," he said in closing, "is only a symptom of modern civilization. It is a result of modern crowded and herded conditions in the great cities. That was its beginning, and it has spread like a pestilence."

Dr. Jacob Block, who followed Rabbi Mayer and spoke on "The Economic Value of Prevention," agreed that tuberculosis, or consumption,, is a disease of civilization. He then told of the advancement of bacteriology and what it had accomplished in the battle against this and other germ diseases.

W. L. Cosper, in his stereopticon talk last night, informed his audience that the tubercle bacillus, the germ of tuberculosis, is a vegetable germ. It is not a wiggling thing, but has no vitality, is inert and must be raised by dust or other method to get into the system, where it multiplies by dividing. In an hour one germ will become thousands, each doing its amount of damage to the person with the run down system or the unhealthy mucous membrane. A person in good health, he said, will get rid of all kinds of disease germs by his natural resisting powers.


In speaking of tuberculosis in cattle and hogs, Mr. Cosper said that it had been found that about 1 per cent of cattle and 2 per cent of hogs were infected. At the great packing houses, through government inspection, such carcasses are destroyed, but in smaller communities where a butcher kills his own animals there is no inspection. A Nebraska butcher told Mr. Cosper that he had frequently found animals with diseased organs like those he saw at the exhibit. "But I never sold that meat," he said. "I always laid it aside and made sausage from it."

The germ of tuberculosis shown under the microscope is attracting much attention at the exhibit. Germs which cause green and yellow pus, diphtheria, typhoid fever, anthrax and tuberculosis are being cultivated in tubes on what is known as "culture media." Many of them have become so thick that they can be seen with the naked eye -- where there are millions of them. They are safely bottled.

CHILDREN'S PARTY AT ELKS. ~ Washington's Birthday Celebration a Success, as Usual.

February 23, 1909

Washington's Birthday Celebration a
Success, as Usual.

Senior Elks took back seats in favor of their little Elklets at the club house yesterday afternoon, when the annual children's party, in celebration of Washington's birthday, was given. Hundreds of the youngsters came, and some of the mothers were there, too.

The programme opened with the singing of "The Star Spangled Banner." Dr. C. J. Morrow made an address on the life of Washington, and entertainment was added with a Punch and Judy show. Dancing and refreshments ended the party.

Miss Glendora Runyan and Chauncey Bowlus were attired as the grown-up Martha and George Washington, while the junior pair were Miss Fleeta Jagodnigg and Master Charles Sweetman were senior and junior Uncle Sams, respectively.

Dr. C. J. Morrow, Oscar Sachs and Thomas P. Watts made up the committee in charge.

TRYING TO WALK TO OMAHA. ~ Orphan Boy Nearly Starved, Wanted to See Aunt.

February 23, 1909

Orphan Boy Nearly Starved, Wanted
to See Aunt.

A three weeks' existence in Kansas City with no food except what he was able to beg, was the experience of Henry Weatherby, 13 years old, who started last Monday to walk to Omaha, where an aunt is living. The boy was found near Wolcott, Kas., and was brought to Kansas City yesterday afternoon by John Merrett, foreman of a construction company. He was sent to the Detention home.

"My father died three weeks ago," the little fellow said. "He was a stationary engineer, and we had been in Kansas City about six weeks, when he took sick with pneumonia. We were living at Sixth street and Forest avenue, and had come from Omaha, where my mother died eight years ago. I started to attend the Woodland school, but had to stop when my father got sick.

"After his death there wasn't any money left, and I've been trying to live without letting the boys know I was in so much trouble. I tried to get work, but couldn't and at last I decided to start for Omaha. Two or three times I went over a day without anything to eat.

"Yesterday morning I started out on my journey, and was able to get as far as Wolcott, when it got dark. I was glad when I found the construction gang's boat on the river, and they took me on board and gave me something to eat."

The boy was in tears during the recital of his troubles, and no one doubted his story. Dr. E. L. Mathias of the Detention home will communicate with the boy's aunt today.

ATHLETES ARE DIETING. ~ Dish of Breakfast Food and Fruit Their Daily Ration.

February 22, 1909

Dish of Breakfast Food and Fruit
Their Daily Ration.

In the interest of science two athletes at the University of Missouri are living on a small dish of breakfast food and a little fruit for their daily ration. The experiment began on December 19 and the men have each gained ten pounds in weight, although their waist lines have been reduced. They declare that they feel both younger and stronger.

Both men are athletes of more than local reputation. Dorset V. Graves, known as "Tubby," played tackle four years on the football team and was the mainstay of the eleven. He is also a baseball player. Frank L. Williams, known as "Red" Williams, played on the football team for two years and also with the baseball nine. Graves is president of the senior class and a member of the Quo Vadis Club, an organization of student hoboes.

The experiment is being conducted under the auspices of the university by Dr. R. B. Gibson, instructor in chemistry. The men intend to fast until April 1.

MEXICAN THROWS BOUQUETS. ~ Signor di Vazquez Says Nice Things About the United States.

February 22, 1909

Signor di Vazquez Says Nice Things
About the United States.

That the finest horses and cattle in the world are to be procured in the United States is the assertion of Arturo LaTour di Vazquez, a Mexican mining expert and cattle buyer of Mexico City, now at the Blossom house. with him is Dorocco Fernandez, whose card bears the inscription of "dealer and importer of pure live stock."

"Mexico is one of the best customers that this country has," said Signor di Vazquez. Annually we import nearly $50,000,000 worth of cattle and grain from this country to ours. But American tourists in Mexico also spend great sums of money there. It may be that one will equal the other.

"Another thing you may not know is that Americans pay taxes in my country on nearly $800,000,000 of property."

THIEVES IN REVIVAL CROWD? ~ Dr. E. G. Davis Thinks He Was Robbed of $50 While Leaving Gypsy Smith Meeting.

February 22, 1909

Dr. E. G. Davis Thinks He Was
Robbed of $50 While Leaving
Gypsy Smith Meeting.

Kansas City's light-fingered brigade switched its field of operation last night from crowded street cars to the Gypsy Smith revival meeting at Convention hall. Dr. E. G. Davis of 228 North Seventeenth street, Kansas City, Kas., was the victim. So cleverly was the job done that Dr. Davis did not discover his loss until he reached home after the meeting. He remembered of having been jostled in the crowd as he left the big hall and he is satisfied that it was there that he was separated from his pocketbook containing $50 in currency.

"There was the usual jam at the close of the meeting," said the doctor, in reporting his loss to the Kansas City, Kas., police, 'but I never suspected that pick-pockets would dare apply their trade at the big revival meeting, hence I took the jostling in the best of humor. I am positive that the theft was committed in the hall, as I walked direct to Main street and boarded a viaduct car for home."

Dr. Davis's pocketbook was in his right hip pocket. Besides the money the purse contained some private papers.

The car on which he rode home was not crowded.

NEW WAY TO GRIND COFFEE. ~ A Mill, A Bicycle and a Pair of Feet to Do the Trick.

February 21, 1909

A Mill, A Bicycle and a Pair of Feet
to Do the Trick.

A combination exerciser and coffee grinder is the latest product of the inventive genius of Curtis F. Smith, a Kansas City, Kas., grocer. On the rear porch of the grocery store at 2063 North Thirteenth street, Kansas City, Kas., a large coffee mill is connected by a belt with a bicycle which is propped up so as to act upon the principle of a treadmill.

When the Saturday orders are in, a small boy takes his stand by the coffee mill prepared to pour the coffee into the hopper. Mr. Smith mounts the bicycle and beginning slowly as though climbing a steep hill, he gradually increases his speed and bends low over the handle bars until the wheels of the bicycle and the coffee mill fairly hum. The Saturday coffee is ground in a jiffy.

STRODE GOES TO BRUNSWICK. ~ Lincoln's Stranded Friend Gets Start Towards Springfield.

February 21, 1909

Lincoln's Stranded Friend Gets Start
Towards Springfield.

Ely Strode, 86 years of age, who was stranded in Kansas City for several days on account of thieves stealing his wallet, overcoat and trunk between Lyons, Kas., and Kansas City left yesterday morning for Brunswick, Mo. The man, who is a retired farmer, was on his way to visit relatives in Springfield, Ill., and take part in the Lincoln anniversary ceremony there. He was a personal friend and neighbor of Lincoln before the civil war. Strode succeeded in raising enough money here to pay his car fare to Brunswick, Mo., where he said he believed an old friend of his was living. It was his intention to seek this friend and borrow sufficient funds to continue his journey to Springfield.

EASY DAY FOR UNCLE SAM. ~ Only Few Departments of Postoffice Open Tomorrow -- One Delivery.

February 21, 1909

Only Few Departments of Postoffice
Open Tomorrow -- One Delivery.

Tomorrow is Washington's birthday and the schedule at the postoffice will be changed accordingly. All carriers will make one full delivery, leaving the postoffice and substations at 8:15. Three collections will be made in the business districts, at 7 a. m., 2 p. m. and 6 p. m.

The money order division will be closed all day, but Uncle Sam's nieces and nephews can buy all the stamps they want any time in the day. The general delivery window will be opened all day, but the inquiry department and registry division will only do business from 8 to 11 o'clock in the morning.

THIRTY YEARS FOR BLEDSOE. ~ Man Who Tried to Extort $7,000 From L. M. Jones Gets the Maximum Sentence.

February 21, 1909

Man Who Tried to Extort $7,000
From L. M. Jones Gets the
Maximum Sentence.

Assuring the court that he had no intention of harming anyone, Robert Bledsoe, aka C. H. Garnett, who tried to extort $7,000 from Lawrence M. Jones last Tuesday, pleaded guilty to attempted robbery in the criminal court. Judge Ralph S. Latshaw sentenced him to thirty years in the penitentiary. The law makes the minimum sentence for this offense two years, but leaves the maximum to the discretion of the court. It means a life sentence for Bledsoe, who already is nearing middle age.

Only a few chairs held spectators when Mr. Jones stepped into the court room and took a seat. Judge Latshaw, after Bledsoe had pleaded guilty but before he had been sentenced, asked Mr. Jones to tell the story of the attempted robbery.

"I want to get at the degree of the guilt of this man," said the court.

Mr. Jones retold the morning's happenings, saying that he heard Bledsoe say he could not understand why the infernal machine had not exploded. "There must have been too much powder in it," said Mr. Jones.

Bledsoe told the court he had not meant to harm anyone. He said he had no confederates, but planned and executed the holdup alone. Questioning from the court brought out the fact that Bledsoe hailed from Dallas, Tex.; that he had seven years of schooling; that he had abandoned his wife six years ago, and that he had not heard from his mother in four years. He had gone to San Francisco to make a home for his family, he said, when he received a letter which induced him never to go home again.

At the sentencing, he had no reason to give why he should not be punished. Looking at Mr. Jones, who sat twenty-five feet distant, he obeyed the call of the deputy marshal who took him back to jail.

NO TYPHOID IN WATER. ~ First Chemical Test Shows Satisfactory Results.

February 20, 1909

First Chemical Test Shows Satisfac-
tory Results.

It takes three days for Dr. W. M. Cross, city chemist, to make a complete and satisfactory analysis of the city's supply of water from the Missouri river. At a meeting of the fire and water board Thursday the chemist was directed to submit a daily analysis of the water to the water department, and this morning he will furnish data of an analysis of the water taken from the river and settling basins three days ago.

"The analysis is very satisfactory," said Dr. Cross yesterday. "There are no typhoid germs visible, and the water is in very good shape for this time of the year. Owing to the many complaints made of the hardness of the water, which his due to the clarifying of it with alum, I may recommend the discontinuance of alum and the substitution of iron and lime. The later softens the water, and iron is splendid as a coagulant."

DR. UNTHANK A REGISTERED LOBBYIST. ~ First Negro Lobbyist in the State of Missouri.

February 20, 1909

First Negro Lobbyist in the
State of Missouri.

JEFFERSON CITY, MO., Feb. 19. -- Dr. T. C. Unthank, a negro of Kansas City, is the first Afro-American to sign the book of "legislative visitations." He registered to day as a "lobbyist" for the measure of seeking to establish a state reformator for incorrigible negro girls.

PRINTERS TO ENTER A PROTEST. ~ Mass Meeting in Kansas City Sunday to Voice Opposition.

February 20, 1909

Mass Meeting in Kansas City Sunday
to Voice Opposition.

JEFFERSON CITY, Feb. 19. -- A row is brewing here over the several bills which have been introduced to establish a public printing plant in the penitentiary. Charles W. Fear, legislative agent for one of the trade unions is sowing the senate and house with copies of a Journal editorial of two days ago condemning the plan to have convicts print the textbooks for Missouri school children.

"We are not opposed to the state making the convicts work, and we are in favor of the state teaching these men trades, but we are opposed to one particular industry having to bear the brunt of the proposed new system. It will be a crime to attack the printer in this way."

A mass meeting has been called for Kansas City on Sunday to protest against the enactment of a bill introduced by Representative Coakley of Kansas City.

PASSENGER STATION A JOKE? ~ Back East They're Inclined to Make Fun of Kansas City.

February 20, 1909

Back East They're Inclined to Make
Fun of Kansas City.

"Kansas City's promised union passenger station not only is a national issue, but a great joke in the East and South," observed R. H. Willilams of the board of public works, yesterday. Mr. Williams is just back from Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Indianapolis, and inall these places he says he was asked how Kansas City is coming along with its union passenger station.

"Last Friday I tendered my personal check drawn on a Kansas City bank in payment of my bill at the Waldorf in New York, and as I passed the check over to the clerk there was a merry twinkle in his eye as he remarked, 'This will be honored before the union passenger station is built, I presume."

NEW GARBAGE WAGONS HERE. ~ Public Display Made of First Installment of Twelve.

February 20, 1909

Public Display Made of First Install-
ment of Twelve.

"H. & H. B."

Twelve newly painted red wagons, bearing the foregoing inscription and driven by men dressed in white canvas clothes, attracted more than ordinary attention as they paraded through the street yesterday afternoon. Many guesses were made as to the meaning of the "H. & H. B.," but those who guessed that it meant "Hospital and Health Board" had it right. It was a parade of the first installment of about forty new wagons which will collect the garbage of the city. J. I. Boyer, the contractor, had charge of the wagons and, therefore, was the marshal of the day, the man who wears a red sash and rides a skittish horse. Mr. Boyer rode a red wagon yesterday, however.

Each wagon is equipped with a tank made of boiler steel in which there are no rivets and no chance for leakage. As fast as a wagon is loaded it will be driven to a spur track on the Belt Line railway, where the tank will be transferred to a waiting car and an empty tank put on the wagon in its place. The garbage is then hauled eight miles into the country. Each tank is thoroughly scalded before it is returned to the city, scalded before it is returned to the city.

"Garbage will be collected in the downtown district before 8 o'clock each morning, winter and summer," said Mr. Boyer yesterday. "In the residence districts there will be three collections a week in summer and two in winter." At present Mr. Boyer has been compelled to use some of the old-style wagons, but he is placing the new ones in commission as fast as possible. They are new in every respect. The steel tanks are built so that there can be no dropping of garbage along the way, and there are trap doors to keep the odor from escaping.


February 19, 1909

Evangelist Also Tells of His
Early Life in a No-
mad Camp.
Gypsy Smith, Evangelist at Convention Hall

"Not nostrums of the earth, but the blood of the Christ, and Him crucified, will cleanse the soul of its sin. Jesus walked abroad with his disciples and behold, a great multitude gathered. And there was one woman who was old and afflicted, and who had seen many doctors and no doubt had taken many drugs and patent medicines of the day, who was in that crowd listening with hope in her heart that she might be cured."

As the great crowd at Convention hall last night looked up from listening to an eloquent prayer by the Rev. S. M. Neel it was to be greeted with a tale of another multitude that had come to witness Christ when He walked and talked among men. The evangelist, Gypsy Smith, chose the same topic for his sermon as on Wednesday night. It was from Mark, fifth chapter and thirtieth verse.


"My father could not read or write, but he had faith," said he. "I say he had faith and I will add that he could pray and sing. Of a cold winter night after the humble meal was cooked and we had gathered about the campfire in the ragged tent, father would say to his family of six: 'Now let us sing His praise.' And we would sing, every one with his stout voice until the woods rang.

"I recollect that people walking past would stop a moment and listen to that hymn service and finally draw nearer and nearer until standing on the skirts of the camp. They could look within and see us at devotion."

At the conclusion of last night's meeting over 500 men and women stood up and signified their willingness to become Christians. When the last song was sung these were conducted to the inquiry room in the rear of the hall.


February 19, 1909


More Than 2,000 Persons Attend
on Opening Day -- Kansas Univer-
sity Medical Department
Well Represented.

The exhibit of the National Society for the Prevention of Tuberculosis opened in the Scarritt building, Ninth street and Grand avenue, yesterday and will continue for two weeks under the auspices of the Jackson county society. W. L. Cosper, who has charge of the exhibit, said last night that in the matter of first day's attendance, Kansas City had broken all records, over 2,000 people visiting it yesterday afternoon and evening.

While the rooms were opened to the public during the afternoon, the exhibit was opened formally last night by Mayor Thomas T. Crittenden, Jr., who made a short address.

The mayor said that before many weeks model play grounds for children would be completed here. That, he said, is a step toward health and happiness. He told the audience that the city had voted $20,000 of bonds for the erection of a tuberculosis sanitarium on the hills east of the city, and the building of bungalows there for the convalescent. He also told of the work of the tenement board, and said said that its members, all busy citizens, should be thanked for giving their time and labor to the city for nothing. The mayor also stated that his hospital and health board was now strictly enforcing the spitting ordinance, which had long been neglected.


"If a policeman yanks you down to the station for spitting on a street car," he said, "don't lose your temper. He is only doing his duty, and you must agree that it is right."

Frank P. Walsh, president of the Jackson county society, presided. In the absence of Dr. W. S. Wheeler, health commissioner, he introduced E. W. Schauffler, who told what tuberculosis is, and how it may be cured if taken in time.

"It is contracted," he said, "generally in inhaling the germ which is blown into your face with the dust of the street, in the workshop or at the room. It is often introduced through food and sometimes by contact. It always produces death of tissue or bone. Three things are essential for its cure -- pure air, sunshine and good food."

The doctor said that "the American people are the greatest spitters in the globe, possibly made so from the tobacco chewing habit."

On account of the breaking of a lense Mr. Cosper was unable last night to give the steropticon lecture. Tonight, however, and every night for the next two weeks, views will be shown and prominent physicians will speak.

The meeting today will be in charge of the tenement commission. Walter C. Root, chairman, will speak on housing conditions in Kansas City, and the inception and spread of tuberculosis. Dr. Oh. H. Duck will speak in the evening. It is expected that Dr. McGee of Topeka, Kas., may be here with his stereopticon lecture on tuberculosis.


That the exhibit alone, without the lectures, has begun to bear fruit, was shown by a little incident yesterday afternoon. Two men emerged from the room talking. One of them cleared his throat and was just in the act of expectorating on the sidewalk when he stopped.

"I guess I'll spit in the gutter after this," he said to his friend, "I've just learned something."

The University of Kansas, Rosedale, has several interesting specimens on view, such as tuberculosis glands, kidneys, hearts, etc. One jar shows a healthy lung, another the organ after being attacked by tuberculosis, and a third jar of a lung which had been affected and later cured of the disease.

A physician from the school explained the exhibit last night. In his pocket he carried a small tube in which he said "are as many tubercle bacilli, the germ which causes tuberculosis, as there are sands in the sea."

J. C. ALTMAN TAKES BRIDE. ~ Was Married to Mrs. Florence Mahannah in St. Joseph.

February 19, 1909

Was Married to Mrs. Florence Ma-
hannah in St. Joseph.

J. C. Altman and Mrs. Florence Mahannah slipped quietly away from friends and family, took a morning train for St. Joseph and were married, although the banns had been announced and Easter was set as the day for the wedding. Mr. Altman is the proprietor of the Altman Shoe Company at Eleventh and Walnut streets, and his bride was formerly employed at the Klein Jewelry Company, 1119 Main street.

The couple arrived in St. Joseph about noon time and proceeded directly to the court house where they secured the license. From there they went to St. Joseph's cathedral, where the ceremony was performed by Father Malloon. Mrs. Lou Harper, a sister of the bride, was present and W. X. Donovan of St. Joseph acted as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Altman will make their home at 1231 Holmes street. They returned to Kansas City late last night.

STREET CAR HITS AUTO. ~ Dr. Shirk's Runabout Is Damaged at Missouri and Grand.

February 18, 1909

Dr. Shirk's Runabout Is Damaged at
Missouri and Grand.

When Dr. William Shirk's motor run-about collided with a Westport car at Missouri and Grand avenues shortly before 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the automobile proved the chief sufferer. Two wheels were smashed. Nobody was hurt.

The motor car, with Dr. Shirk, who has an office in the Commerce building, and Dr. G. A. Graham of 1101 East Eighth street, was eastward bound on Missouri avenue. A car had just passed going south on Grand. Dr. Shirk, as he explained afterwards, was of the impression that street cars did not run north on Grand at that intersection. So, when the southbound car had cleared the crossing, he made the dash for it, only to be caught by the Westport car.

HOMEOPATHS ARE BARRED. ~ Are Not Allowed Priveleges of General Hospital Clinics.

February 18, 1909

Are Not Allowed Priveleges of Gen-
eral Hospital Clinics.

Denying recent published statements connecting homeopathic physicians and members of the faculty of the Hehnemann School of Medicine at Tenth street and Troost avenue with the general hospital investigation, Dr. William E. Cramer, dean of the college and chairman of the local association of homeopathic physicians, declared yesterday that they had no part in the general hospital controversy. Both the college and the local association deny positively any connection with the specific charges brought by members of the Modern Woodmen.

Dr. Cramer said yesterday: "We have nothing whatever to do with the charges brought from other sources against the general hospital staff or the individual physicians regularly employed there or connected with the institution.

Dr. Cramer declared that to Kansas City the courtesy of holding clinics in the public hospitals had been denied Homeopathists. He said:

"For twenty-one years we had the privileges of surgical clinics at the general hospital. Our students were permitted to witness these clinics, and paid the customary fee into the city treasury.

"However, since the new hospital and health board was appointed we have been denied these surgical clinics at the general hospital, although repeated attempts have been made to get them.
At the same time the courtesy is extended to the medical department of the University of Kansas at Rosedale. The Kansas students are allowed to come into Kansas City when we citizens and taxpayers are denied.

"There is not one Homeopathic interne or Homeopathic physician regularly employed int he institution."


February 18, 1909


Investigation by Secretary of State
Board of Health Shows Condi-
tion to Be Serious -- Twen-
ty New Cases.

LIBERTY, MO., Feb. 17. -- Twenty new cases of smallpox; six more residences quarantined; four fraternity houses under quarantine; high school, ward schools, churches, skating rink and theaters ordered closed; house-to-house canvass to be made, and all suspected places placed under temporary quarantine; outgoing mail from quarantined places refused at postoffice; laundry work from William Jewell college refused and students now doing their own washing.

Briefly, this is the smallpox situation here tonight.

Under orders from Governor Herbert S. Hadley, Dr. J. A. B. Adcock of Warrensburg, Mo., secretary of the state board of health, came here today and investigated, it having been alleged that in reality students and citizens were suffering from an aggravated form of chickenpox. When Dr. Adcock arrived he held a conference with Dr. F. W. Matthews, county member of the state board, Dr. Bert Maltby, city physician, and Mayor C. F. Murray.

The William Jewell gymnasium, which is being used as a pesthouse, was visited, and the smallpox diagnosis in every case was confirmed.


The Swan Laundry Company of Liberty, the only one here, refused bundles from the gymnasium today, even though thoroughly fumigated. The boys are washing their clothes in the bathrooms.

A. Z. York is a painter and paper-hanger, at whose wife's boarding house the initial case of smallpox was discovered. It was learned that he, too, had developed the disease, and his home was promptly quarantined.

The disease was discovered in six more residences today and the houses quarantined. The four fraternity houses here also were placed under quarantine. At the Sigma Nu chapter house Dr. Adcock examined ten students and found that eight had the disease.

Drs. Adcock, Maltby and Hooser visited four places in two hours and there discovered twenty cases of smallpox that had not been reported. Eleven of the new cases are students and nine are citizens. Five had just broken out yesterday and today.

Following the investigation, a meeting of physicians and citizens was called by Mayor Murray.

Dr. Adcock suggested the immediate closing of the high school, all of the ward schools, all churches, the skating rink and the theaters. All these places will remain closed until the city physician and his assistant raise the quarantine.

Tomorrow Drs. Maltby and Hooser will begin a house to house canvass of the entire town. The physicians are of the opinion that the college may be able to open in two weeks. After tonight the postoffice here will refuse all mail from quarantined places.


February 17, 1909




Intruder Planned to Kidnap Mr.
Jones and Hold Him for
Ransom in Indepen-

A desperate man, armed with a pistol and a dynamite bomb, was overpowered by Lawrence M. Jones, president of the Jones Bros. Dry Goods Company, outside of his home after being held hostage with his wife and son at gunpoint in the library of his home yesterday morning. The man, who gave his name as C. H. Garrett, had demanded $7,000 and says he had intended to hold Mr. Jones for ransom.

Garnett, who is about 40 years old, appeared at the Jones home shortly before 8 o'clock and asked for Mr. Jones. Upon being told that Mr. Jones was eating his breakfast, the man, calling himself Mr. Jones, asked to wait in the hall. Five minutes later L. M. Jones appeared. Garnett introduced himself as Mr. Jones from Grand Island, Neb., and L. M. Jones shook hands with him and asked the man what he could do for him. Garnett said he wanted a private interview. Upon inquiring about the nature of the interview, Garnett informed Mr. Jones that he was in possession of a couple of letters that pertained to his son. Mr. Jones escorted the stranger to his library. Upon entering the library Mr. Jones was confronted by the intruder's pistol and ordered to be seated. The visitor then drew from under his overcoat a dynamite bomb, and explained that unless Mr. Jones gave him $7,000 he would immediately blow up the both of them.

In an endeavor to calm the man Mr. Jones talked with him over half an hour. Mrs. Jones, feeling apprehensive on account of her husband's long interview, entered the library at this point. The intruder ordered her to be seated and the conversation was resumed. Chester L. Jones, Secretary of the Jones Company, a son, followed his mother into the library and was ordered to be seated.


Mrs. Jones pleaded with the intruder, "Please put the pistol down." The intruder then opened the grip and showed the Joneses the contents, ten or twelve sticks of dynamite and a like number of dynamite caps along with ten feet of fuse and a pound of gun powder. Mrs. Jones became very excited after looking into the grip as did Mr. Jones, though he was not as demonstrative as his wife. There was a good deal of talking then, with Mr. and Mrs. Jones trying to reason with the intruder, insisting that they only had $500 in the house and offering to give the man the money without repercussions. Garnett refused to listen and repeatedly threatened to blow them all up.

Mr. Jones then suggested that as he did not have the necessary funds in the house the man should accompany him to the bank. This was agreed to. "And incidentally," Garnett said to Mrs. Jones, "I am going to take your husband with me for a day. In the morning you will get a letter from me telling where he is kept prisoner. You can go let him loose, then."

"If you take Mr. Jones you take me too. Get ready to take care of two instead of one."

"Well, I will take your son then."

"That will make no difference. I go with either."

"That will be all right, then, if you want to."

By that time it was 10:30, and Mr. Jones's automobile was ready to take the party to the Jones store for the money. The party was marched downstairs, Chester Jones leading, followed by Garnett. Mr. and Mrs. Jones brought up the rear.


The walks were very slippery, and Mr. Jones noted the fact. As Garnett poised himself on one foot, ready to step down the stone steps to the walk, Mr. Jones threw himself upon the bandit, pinioning his arms to his side.

Mrs. Jones called her son to help his father. The chauffeur jumped from the machine to help. But before either of them could reach the struggling men, Garnett had risen to his knees. His right hand grasped the revolver, which he slipped into his coat pocket, and he was wheeling it upon Mr. Jones. At that moment Chester Jones flung himself upon Garnett and placed his hand over the bandit's upon the revolver. The descending hammer fell upon Chester Jones's finger, tearing the glove. In such a manner Mr. Jones's life probably was saved.

Then Chester Jones slipped the cord from Garnett's wrist, and Mrs. Jones captured the valise and its contents. He was quickly overpowered and held until the police from No. 6 police station arrived. All that the prisoner would say at the Jones home after his capture, was that Mr. Jones had a "mighty plucky wife."


During the two hours and a half that the bandit was in the Jones home, Abbie Jones, a 19-0year old daughter, with a friend, Mary Woods, were in a room just across the hall. They did not know that anything unusual was going on in the house. Servants also went about the house in total ignorance of the near-tragedy being enacted in the library.

Mr. Jones and his son went to work as soon as the bandit had been turned over to the police. Just what Mrs. Jones thinks of the affair is expressed in her exclamation:

"Did you ever hear of anything like that in a civilized country?"


About 6 o'clock last night J. H. Dyer and George Hicks, plain clothes policemen from No. 6 station, arrived from Independence, Mo., where they had gone to investigate the house where Garnett said he had reconstructed a clothes closet for the purpose of holding Mr. Jones upon his capture, at 313 West Linden avenue. The house is several hundred feet from any other residence and is rather sinister and dilapidated in appearance.

They brought with them four chains, each with a padlock, and four large wood screws. Two of the chains had been fastened by means of the screws to the floor, the other two to the wall of the closet four feet from the floor. A small seat had been fashioned out of one of the closet shelves, eighteen inches from the floor. The door leading into the closet could be closed until the tiny apartment, three feet wide and three feet nine inches long, would become airtight.

When Captain Casey displayed the chains to Garnett he looked taken aback but readily admitted they formed part of his device for extracting money from millionaires.

"Some of the neighbors to the house where these chains were in Independence claim that another man was seen about the place with you. I have three witnesses who can swear they saw you with another man. Was he your brother?"

"I have nothing to say," answered Garnett, but some of the witnesses to the scene thought he looked nonplused and hesitated in answering the question.

In Captain Casey's office of No. 6 police station Norman Woodson, assistant county prosecutor, "sweated" Garnett for five consecutive hours. Many of the statements he made to the assistant prosecutor, including his name, will not be relied upon by the police until something more defininte than his word concerning them is found.

WANT TO SEE A POLICEMAN? ~ Cheer Up, Ahern's New Order Fixes Everything.

February 17, 1909

Cheer Up, Ahern's New Order Fixes
Police will be seen occasionally.

Numerous complaints come to Chief of Police Ahern from citizens that they never see a policeman in the vicinity of their homes. To enable the residents to obtain a glimpse of the blue coats, the chief issued a special order yesterday which is as follows:

To Commanding Officers: -- You will hereafter have the officers under your command, while walking their beats, to change their routes several times during the day or night and not walk the same street all the time. In many sections of the city citizens complain that they have never seen a policeman, for the reason that the officers usually walk to and from their boxes on the same street or streets. Have this mode changed so that people can see them occasionally. You will have this matter arranged as you may think best. DANIEL AHERN, Chief of Police.


February 17, 1909


Cruel Treatment Alleged in Affida-
vits Read Before Council -- Com-
mittee Is Appointed to
Sift Complaints.

The lower house on the council last night named Alderman W. P. Woolf, C. J. Gilman and J. G. Lapp to a committee to investigate charges of inhumane treatment towards patients at the new general hospital.

The investigation was made upon the request of Alderman Darious Brown, who read a number of affidavits said to have been signed by patients.

Alderman Miles Bulger openly asserted that the move was a political one to embarrass the administration.

"I do not believe that Alderman Brown is any more sincere in this than he has been with his moves for a gas pressure regulation," declared Bulger.

Alderman brown denied with emphasis the charge of insincerity in wanting the alleged cruelties investigated. He added that it was impossible for him to believe that the prominent men comprising the health and hospital board would want such aspersions cast upon their management of the institution without having to falsity or correctness of them established.


Affidavits outlining complaints of patients who claimed to have been abused were read by Mr. Brown.

F. A. Wolf, 4237 Tracy, was taken to the hospital December 1, he affirmed, suffering from a nervous complaint, but declares the house physicians said he had a hernia and should be operated on. He says he fought being taken to the operating room and succeeded in escaping an operation until his wife could be communicated with. She called Dr. Charles E. Allen, the family physician, and Wolf was removed to Wesley hospital.

Wolf charges cruelty to other patients, declaring he had seen a patient whipped with a leather strap for asking for something to eat after regular meal hours, and had seen a man suffering from pneumonia die after being forced into a tub filled with cold water.


Wolf claims to be a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, and a local lodge of the order is supporting him in his charges.

Frank E. Jefferson made affidavit that on October 22 he underwent an operation at the hospital, and the incision was not dressed until the 25th. Later he was moved to Hahneman Medical college.

Arthur Slim, a brick layer, declared that while he was in the hospital with an ulcerated leg and suffering much pain, a doctor ordered him to the kitchen to work. He replied "that if he had to work, he might as well be laying brick."


Then the doctor repeated his order that Slim must either work in the kitchen or leave. Slim says he left, and limped to the emergency hospital and asked they physicians there to dress his sore leg. They refused, he avers, because he had left the general hospital.

Then Slim went to the University hospital, where his leg was dressed, and he was ordered back to the general hospital.

"December 23 I went back to the hospital," claims Slim, "and when the doctor saw me, he told others he would 'fix' me. He poured a quart bottle of acid over my sore leg."


Signor Friscoe was a trapeze performer. He swears that on January 16, 1909, he fell from a trapeze at the Hippodrome, breaking five ribs and paralyzing his lower limbs. He complains that he was roughly handled both in the ambulance and at the hospital, and that when he asked to be allowed to communicate with the Benevolent Order of Eagles, of which he is a member, his request was denied. Finally, he got into communication with officials of the Kansas City aerie, and was removed to another hospital.

W. O. Cardwell asserts that Walter Gessley died at the hospital, and that a doctor refused to state the cause of death or furnish a death certificate until he was paid $2.

An attack on the hospital management came up in a different form in the upper house of the council. The board asked for authority to spend $5,000 for surgical instruments, an X-ray machine and fitting up a laboratory.


Dr. J. Park Neal, house surgeon at the general hospital, said last night:

"Neither I nor any member of the hospital staff care to deny the charges made against the hospital. We simply ignore them. They are too absurd to make a denial necessary."


February 16, 1909


Student Who Dared Germs to Catch
Him Placed in Solitary Con-
finement -- Now for

Smallpox is still raging at William Jewell college, and The Journal's correspondent, the only vaccinated newspaper man in Liberty, and the only correspondent woh is right at the seat of war, or, to be more exact, right in the pest house, got busy last night nad sent a startling story via fumigated long distance telephone, the only fumigated long distance telephone in the world.

Readers of The Journal need have no fear in reading this column, as all type is sterilized before going to the press room.

"Hello! Is this Liberty?" said the Kansas City Journal's smallpox expert at the Kansas City end.

"That's the name of the town," said The Journal's vaccinated staff correspondent, "but technically speaking, this is not Liberty, not Independence, either. This is the quarantine station."

"Good. How is everything at the pesthouse?


"Well, the neighbors are doing about as well as could be expected. The big news? Hold your ear close to the 'phone.

"The detective bureau got busy today and achieved two distinct victories. Landed the fellow who brought the malady back here after the holidays. Name, Sanford E. Tilton, residence, Allendale, Mo. Came back to college January 5. Showed symptoms on January 17 and on January 23 purchased a pair of eye-glasses."

"What's the significance of the eye-glasses? Wanted to see his finish?"

"No, sore eyes is one of hte earlier symptoms of smallpox. Investigation by our expert sleuths disclosed the fact that the suspect had purchased the eye-glasses after a few days' confinement. Doc, the family physician out here, rounded him up today and we wrung a complete confession out of him. He's not dangerous, but we have him with us. He likes it, too. No doubt that he's the fellow. He sat right next to one of the other fellows who was one of the smallpox pioneers.


"Yes, another one. Put down this name. Henry Weber, home, St. Louis, admitted to the bar, but still studying. Wanted to catch the smallpox. Came down here when Doc was taking his morning constitutional, crept inside and dared the pox to attack him. Made his getaway.

"What happened?"

"Hold your breath. Doc got indignant, went to the fellow's room, locked him in and announced that he is to be kept in solitary confinement for one week."

"What's that, feed? O, yes. They're feeding him through a crack."

"Had another recruit today. He plays first cornet and when he was brought in he was immediately assigned to the orchestral quarters. lays well and the band concert today showed great improvement. Don't wish anyone any bad luck, but we did need a first cornet.


"Basketball was cancelled today and the warmest exercise was the antiseptic bath. This is to be a daily feature until the official fumigation, which is to be inaugurated next Thursday.

"Feature of the band concert for Thursday morning will be 'Hot Time in Old Town Tonight' and 'Smoke Up Some More."

"School will positively reopen next Monday, and Doc (don't forget to mention Doc Hooser's name, he's a D. D. and an M. D. and a real fellow) thinks we'll all be at liberty, literally as well as geographically, by the end of the week. And, by the way, twenty students beat it out of town when the smallpox was first discovered and went home, but that's all been fixed. They're all in a little quarantine of their own at the instigation of the local college officials, who notified the police in the towns where these fellows live to keep 'em confined.

"The first band number is about on. So long."


February 16, 1909
WITH 12,000 AT HALL.


Persons Who Practice Religion Only
on Sunday Charactarized as
Walking Frauds -- Cen-
sure for Parents.

With the choir of 1,000 voices softly singing "Won't You Come," and Gypsy Smith, pleading, beseeching, urging them to come, more than 500 persons stood up and professed the faith and followed the ushers into the "inquiry room" at Convention hall last night. Despite the inclement weather, it was estimated that more than 12,000 persons attended last night's meeting.

Rev. H. D. Baily of the Central Presbyterian church announced that only $400 had been taken in the collection at the first meeting Sunday night, and contrasted this with the showing made at St. Louis on the evangelist's first night there, when $1,000 was given. He said "that poor St. Louis should be ahead of Kansas City is deplorable. Let us get together, and let's make a record here tonight. Let us beat St. Louis."

Gypsy Smith followed, declaring that he was not going to say anything about the money, and launched at once into the subject, "Following Jesus." "Are you following Jesus?" he asked. "Are you doing as He would have done, as He did?"


"There are some of us who think that to attend the church once on Sunday is sufficient for the whole week, and these same people call themselves Christians. These walking frauds are the churches' greatest curse. You needn't wear a badge if you are a Christian."

"If I were your minister it would make little difference to me whether you were this or that, you would be obliged to be born again to have a place in my church. You may be a Sunday school teacher, or a superintendent, but you wouldn't be if I were your minister."

The evangelist went into a dissertation on the subject of the examples set their children by the majority of parents. He declared that the example of most of them was sending their children to Sunday school, and if not staying away from church entirely, a perfunctory attendance at the morning service sufficed.

"Mothers and fathers, I say to you that inconsistencies like this will not bring your children to love you and reverence you, and to fear God as they should, but it will make them despise you, despise you. I say it again, despise you.

"The Lord said 'suffer little children to come unto Me,' but this kind of parent are not apt to add a word. They say suffer little children not to come unto me, and if they do come, you don't want them.


"How hard a matter it is to get teachers in the Sunday schools. They do not want the little children to come unto them, and yet they think they are following Jesus. I want to ask every teacher and superintendent here if this is not true. Isn't it?"

A feeble response came from the audience.

Gypsy Smith insisted, "Don't you have trouble to get teachers; don't you speak up?"

To this a rousing "Yes" went up, and the audience laughed.

"This is no laughing matter," the speaker indignantly asserted. "If I have only succeeded in touching the giggles in you, I am ashamed.. You who laugh are shallow, and the shallows in your lives will always show when you laugh on an occasion like this.

"Don't call yourselves Christians and say that you are following Jesus unless you are doing what Jesus did, giving your heart's blood if necessary for His sake. That is following Jesus."


He asked how many had gone out in the morning and knocked on someone's door, and asked, when it was answered, if Christ was a member of that household. He wanted to know if anyone had done this and said, when the door opened, that his desire for the spirit of Christ to enter there had been the reason for his knocking.

"Have you gone and invited anybody to come with you and give their hearts to Christ? No! But you will go out and invite them to other things, and you will get excited about other things, but do you get excited about following Jesus? You call yourself a church member and Christian, but if the preacher asks you to close your eyes for five minutes, you won't do it."

Following his sermon, Gypsy Smith asked his audience to bow their heads in prayer, and asked: "Are there not of us here tonight many who are ashamed of ourselves and ashamed to confess to the Father? Are there not of those who feel thus many who are thinking, 'By Thy grace, Lord Jesus, I will make an honest attempt to follow in Thy ways.' " Then he asked them to stand. As each one stood, he acknowledged it by saying: "That's right, brother," or "I thank you, sister."
He admonished the audience not to look about and made the way for those who wished to profess their faith easier by doing so.