Women Ask Hadley to Make Him
Confederate Home Superintendent.
After passing several restless hours after an operation, Lieutenant M. E. Ryan died at St. Joseph's hosptial at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. His wife and children were at his bedside when he died. According to physicians who attended him, he might have lived had he not felt it his duty to be at the station every night.
Funeral arrangements have not been made as yet but it is likely that the greatest number of police that ever took part will accompany the body to the grave. Chief Snow will attend to the matter in person.
"He was one of the bravest and most courageous officers I ever knew," said Captain Walter Whitsett's tribute to him last night. "He never shirked a duty that he undertook and could always be depended upon. The police department has suffered a big loss in his death."
Lieutenant Ryan is survived by a father, a widow and four children. M. E. Ryan, the father, l ives at Eighty street and Tracy avenue. The widow with Mary, 16 years old; Jeremiah, 12; Monica, 9, and Joseph, 6, lives 3711 Woodland avenue.
It was announced last night that the funeral services wo uld be held on a Thursday but no definite arrangements had been made.