DEATH OF LIEUTENANT RYAN. ~ Women Ask Hadley to Make Him Confederate Home Superintendent.

August 31, 1909

Women Ask Hadley to Make Him
Confederate Home Superintendent.

After passing several restless hours after an operation, Lieutenant M. E. Ryan died at St. Joseph's hosptial at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. His wife and children were at his bedside when he died. According to physicians who attended him, he might have lived had he not felt it his duty to be at the station every night.

Funeral arrangements have not been made as yet but it is likely that the greatest number of police that ever took part will accompany the body to the grave. Chief Snow will attend to the matter in person.

"He was one of the bravest and most courageous officers I ever knew," said Captain Walter Whitsett's tribute to him last night. "He never shirked a duty that he undertook and could always be depended upon. The police department has suffered a big loss in his death."

Lieutenant Ryan is survived by a father, a widow and four children. M. E. Ryan, the father, l ives at Eighty street and Tracy avenue. The widow with Mary, 16 years old; Jeremiah, 12; Monica, 9, and Joseph, 6, lives 3711 Woodland avenue.

It was announced last night that the funeral services wo uld be held on a Thursday but no definite arrangements had been made.

LEFT EAST FOR FRISCO CLAD IN A PAPER SUIT. ~ "Hobo Harry" Started From New York to Walk 3,850 Miles for a Prize.

August 31, 1909

"Hobo Harry" Started From New
York to Walk 3,850 Miles
for a Prize.

"Hobo Harry," who left Madison Square garden in New York June 21, clothed only in seven old newspapers fastened on with a ball of string, reached Kansas City last night at 9 o'clock en route on foot and also "on the bum" to San Francisco.

"Harry" says he is walking for a prize of $2,500 offered by a company of New York publishers. Certain restrictions, which the pedestrian has found hard to meet, were laid down as additional barriers. He must not put up at a hotel nor sleep on a bed; he must not work to earn money n or can he buy anything to sell for a profit.

About the only source of revenue left to him is his suit of clothes. He sells space on his coat, hat and even trousers to those who want to write their signatures as souvenirs in indelible ink.

His paper suit lasted his just three hours and ten minutes had he walked through New York, New Jersey, Arlington and Newark clad in nothing but this journalistic raiment. At Newark he solicited a suit of duck clothing from an obscure philanthropist and the first of his great obstacles was overcome. At Columbus, O., he "bummed" a tough suit of khaki and already this is covered by more than 100 signatures. The highest price he ever received for "advertising space" on his khaki suit was a $2.50 gold piece, he says.

"Harry: says he doesn't allow himself more than eight hours' rest at a time. To win the prize he must make the journey in 156 walking days, Sundays and rainy days are not counted. He says he has reached Kansas City about twenty days ahead of his schedule, based on the total distance of 3,850 miles, as calculated by Weston.

"I am going to beat Weston's first record of 139 days," he said. "Dan O'Leary made the trip in 102 days in '97 and Weston made it again in 105."

He left Lexington, Mo., at 3 o'clock yesterday morning and covered the distance of forty-eight miles to Kansas City by 9 o'clock at night. He will resume his journey Thursday morning at 4 o'clock.

MONKEY'S SENSE OF HUMOR. ~ One Uses Dish in Which Food Is Served for a Hat.

August 31, 1909

One Uses Dish in Which Food Is
Served for a Hat.

The menagerie department of the Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on Earth, which comes here Saturday, enjoys, in addition to its entertaining features, a wealth of fun and humor.

The monkey cage holds a fascination for many. There is a monkey, of the baboon species, that at times will take hold of a dish in which her food is served and put it on her head, as if it were a hat. Thus adorned, she provokes roars of laughter, to her evident gratification, from the crowd around her.

The elephants have a decided sense of humor, and many are the amusing capers they indulge in between exhibition hours. There are forty of these mammoth pachyderms with the Barnum & Bailey collection, two of which are said to be the rarest and most costly in the world. They have huge, umbrella shaped ears which cover nearly half of their bodies. One of them is deeply attached to "Boston," the baby elephant of the group, and is never quiet when "Boston" is out of her sight.

The zoological department of the Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on earth is, it is said, the largest collection of rare animals in the world.

BEATEN CHINAMAN MAY DIE. ~ Lee Wey Brutally Assaulted in Fifth Street Laundry and Robbed of $20.

August 31, 1909

Lee Wey Brutally Assaulted in Fifth
Street Laundry and
Robbed of $20.

While resisting two robbers who seized him in his laundry at 620 East Fifth street about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Lee Wey, a Chinaman, was beaten into insensibility before his assailants secured $20 and escaped. With barely a chance to live Wey was taken to the general hospital.

When a customer arrived two hours later Lee was found on the floor unable to move. The police were notified. A hasty examination by Dr. H. L. Morton at the emergency hospital showed that the top of Lee's scalp was cut to shreds.

Lee regained consciousness and told a meager story of the assault. Two men had come into his laundry before sundown and inquired the way to find the water meter. As he started to go down into the cellar, where it was located, Lee was struck over the head with a piece of gas pipe. Half-stunned he grappled with the smaller of the two. The blows rained on his head until he knew no more. His pockets, inside out, told the story of the robbery.

"All my savings for many months," Lee said in broken English.

JAPANESE CARNIVAL AT FOREST. ~ At Night Park Is Lighted With 10,000 Lanterns.

August 30, 1909

At Night Park Is Lighted With
10,000 Lanterns.

An elaborate display of Japanese lanterns is to be seen this week at Forest park. Nearly 10,000 of these vari-colored transparencies are distributed over the park, and when illuminated at night make an imposing sight.

Owing to the cool weather the ballroom was the objective point yesterday. There is an entire change in the vaudeville bill.

A pleasing and difficult act is that of the Kaichi Japanese troupe of acrobats. "The Climax" is performed by Mlle. Gertrude La Morrow, who not only dances but sings as well. Elliotte an d Le Roy, in a comedy sketch, are amusing.

Tonight is souvenir night for the women at the carnival.


August 30, 1909


For a Week Products of Farm Will
Take Precedence Over Thrill-
ers -- Special Features
Are Attractive.

There was a bunch of tired men in Independence last night who seemed happy in their fatigue. They were the directors of the Independence fair and everything was ready for the opening this morning. The fair this year is going to be just as it has always been, an old-fashioned county affair where the products of the farm take precedence over thrillers of summer park invention and where a prize hog looks a whole lot better than a motor car, for the time being.

And if exhibits are to be counted, the Independence fair is better off this year than ever before. It has been a good year on the farms of Jackson county, and for that reason the exhibits are going to be the largest in the history of the fair. The mountain of pumpkins, a yearly feature of the fair, is to be cooked into pies and distributed to visitors as edible souvenirs. That is to be done on the last day, Saturday.


The fair is to have executive recognition and it will be opened at 10 o'clock this morning by Governor H. S. Hadley. The governor will make his speech at that time, after the salute of Battery B of Kansas City has been fired. After the speech of the governor, the battery will maneuver and the fair will be on in earnest. The gates will be open at 7 o'clock in the morning.

The directors have offered purses aggregating $10,000 for the race meeting, and there is a good list of entries. Independence is on three racing circuits and more than 200 horses will strive for the various purses. There will be from one to three races a day.


Admission to the grounds is to be free this year and as an added attraction, there is to be a fireworks display every night. A band will give a free concert every night. Zach Mulhall's Wild West show will be there.

There is to be a series of special days. Tomorrow is to be a special racing day and there will be an extra race for an extra prize. Thursday will be Kansas City day, when Kansas City exhibitors and Kansas City exhibits will have full sway. Friday will be Old Settler's day. Many of the old settlers of Jackson county and the counties surrounding will attend the fair on that day. Saturday is to be pumpkin day.

LIEUTENANT RYAN MAY DIE. ~ In Critical Condition as Result of an Operation.

August 30, 1909

In Critical Condition as Result of
an Operation.

Lieutenant M. E. Ryan of the police, is in critical condition at St. Joseph's hospital, following an operation performed yesterday afternoon. The operation was to remove a growth inside his right ear. He was unconscious early this morning. His physicians had little hope of his recovery.

Lieutenant Ryan has been on the police force twenty years, having been appointed a patrolman while Thomas M. Speers was chief of police. He was stationed for years at No. 4 police station at Fifteenth and Walnut streets. A year ago he was removed to police headquarters.. Mr. Ryan lives at 3711 Woodland avenue. He is married and has four children.

NO WONDER THE BLUES LOST. ~ Minneapolic Preacher, in Sermon Before the Game, Urged Home Team to Victory.

August 30, 1909

Minneapolic Preacher, in Sermon Be-
fore the Game, Urged Home
Team to Victory.

MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 29. -- Initiation of religious preludes to Sunday baseball games occurred here today when Rev. G. L. Morrill delivered a short address before the Minneapolis-Kansas City game at Nicollet park. Fully 7,000 persons were in attendance and listened interestedly while Mr. Morrill spoke. He was introduced by Umpire King and quiet reigned throughout the park during the service.

"The West," said Mr. Morrill, "is never content to be behind the East in any progressive movement and will not take a back seat when baseball religious services are considered. For myself, I do not usually attend Sunday games because I go every other day of the week, but there is no reason why others than myself should not enjoy the sport. Live and let live is a pretty good motto and I believe that this crowd is largely made up of men who have but this one weekly chance to see the Minneapolis club fight for the pennant. I believe the only sin of Sunday ball is for the home team to lose, so I say to the Minneapolis boys, 'Go in and climb a notch toward the flag.' ''
Minneapolis won the game.


August 29, 1909


Leads Procession of Canoes and
Grand March at Club House
Then Disappears for
Another Year.

With searchlights along the bank of the Blue trained upon him, Kishonga, ancient chief of the Chewatas, from the land of the Illini, returned to the land of the living for a brief sojourn last night. Clad in aboriginal dress, the old chief, in his canoe, headed a procession of twenty-six other similar water craft with modern decorations and pyrotechnical effect.

Lanterns and flanbeaux lighted up the whole procession, while green and red lights on each shore illuminated the river to a weird brilliancy. All the canoes were towed by the launch Ferro from Camp Bughouse, about a quarter of a mile above the bridge, to the clubhouse of the Paddle and Camp Club, just below it, and then back again to the camp.

In true Indian fashion, Chief Kishonga was on his knees in the canoe and everything that an orthodox Indian ought to wear, he wore. His faithful valets had seen to that, for they had gone to the costumer's and bought all in the way of aboriginal dress that looked good to them. His outfit was capped with a huge war bonnet that bristled savagely above his head and trailed down his sinewy back.


Upon returning to the camp, the string of canoes cut loose and reassembled in front of the clubhouse below the bridge again. With proud mien, Kishonga set his moccasined foot on the wharf and walked up the steps into the clubhouse where the grand march was declared on. The big chief led it.

When the merriment was high, there came a sudden interruption. The voice of the Great Spirit was heard -- that is, bombs were set off outside and the drummer in the orchestra rolled his sticks on the tense sheepskin. Then there was a blinding flash. It marked the supernatural translation of Kishonga from the chlubhouse to the wharf where he was seen to re-enter his canoe. Down the river he paddled and disappeared around the first bend, not to be seen again until this time next year.


Although it was 200 years since he incurred the wrath of Gitchie Manitou, and was sent to the Happy Hunting Grounds for his pains, Kishonga didn't have much to say during his brief reincarnation.

Fred B. Schnell, E. E. Branch and Frank A. Missman, constituting the regatta committee of the Paddle and Camp club, were the only ones who were supposed to be accomplished in the language of the chief, and they said he didn't say much. What he did say, however, was brief and to the point.

No one is supposed to know whom impersonated Kishonga. Two black beans and one white one were presented to the three committeemen to draw from . The one who drew the white one was to have the appointment of the chief, but was sworn to secrecy. Thus the mystery was sustained. At noon yesterday the chief was taken in an automobile downtown and given the freedom of the city. About 100 couples danced last night at the club-house after Kishonga had vanished for another year.

LOSES HUSBAND AND APPETITE. ~ For Two Days Patient Mexican Woman Has Been Unable to Eat.

August 29, 1909

For Two Days Patient Mexican
Woman Has Been Unable to Eat.

For two days, or since she has been at the Union depot, not a particle of food has crossed the lips of pretty Senora Hobbs, the wife of John Hobbs, watchmaker and preacher of the Seventh Day Baptist faith. Standing on the balcony of the women's waiting room at the Union depot, rocking the cradle wherein lay her sick 6-months -old baby, the weakened woman kept unceasing vigil, scanning every person who entered the waiting room, hoping against hope almost that any minute would bring her word of her husband, from whom she had not heard for eight days.

Matron Everingham looked after the baby to the extent of seeing that it was supplied with fresh, pure milk, and she volunteered to see that the Mexican woman got food. "I do not feel like eating," she told the matron, when Mrs. Everingham asked her if she did not want to eat something. "I only want my husband. He must be here, and I will find him."

Yesterday Morning Mrs. Hobbs visited the postoffice where she learned that the letters which she had written her husband from La Crosse, Kas., had not been called for by him. She also visited the store where her husband had been employed. They could give her but little information. Her plea for help to locate the man she married in Mexico has roused half a dozen of the attaches at the Union depot and all possible assistance was given the little blackeyed woman from the South in locating Hobbs yesterday. So far as could be learned Hobbs had not done any preaching in the streets in Kansas City. Where he roomed has not yet been learned. At Morino's store, he said that he had lost his watchmaker's tools but the wife says that he had them when he left LaCrosse.

It developed yesterday that Hobbs had been out of communication with his wife for two weeks on a previous occasion. This was when he left Chihuahua for the states. He went to San Antonio and his wife, failing to hear from him for two weeks, got on a train and found him ill at a hotel in the Texas city. There she says she sold her camera and photographic outfit.

DEAF MUTES PLAYED BALL. ~ At End of Unequal Struggle, Score Was 24 to 8.

August 29, 1909

At End of Unequal Struggle, Score
Was 24 to 8.

A V-shaped crowd stood in Swope park yesterday afternoon. Except for occasional handclapping, there was silence. Yet a ball game was in progress. There were no coachers. The batters slugged the ball and ran swiftly about the bases. Not once was there the old familiar "Put 'er here," nor the semi-hysterical "Third base, you chump."

Persons riding in automobiles and in other vehicles stopped to watch the unusual spectacle. The players gesticulated wildly. They made excitedly pantomimic gestures at the umpire on the occasion and snapped their fingers under his nose in a way no regular arbiter would "stand for," but never was a word said between the kicker and the kickee.

It was the deaf mutes' baseball game.

In spite of the absence of "rooting" and the wild applause which greets the usual base hit in the average game, the Kansas City Silents, who were playing the Missouri Selects, slugged mightily. At the end of the fifty inning the Missouri Selects gave up the unequal battle. The score was 24 to 8, even though two deaf mute mascots of the Selects, each 3 years old, "rooted" as loud as their small fingers would allow them.

YOUTHFUL RUNAWAYS WALKED 10 MILES. ~ Journey in Hot Sun Made Them Long for Home.

August 29, 1909

Journey in Hot Sun Made Them
Long for Home.

Three foot-sore and weary runaways arrived in Kansas City last night by rail from Valencia, Kas. They were Uhlen and Juanita Templeton, 16 and 18 years old respectively, and Helen Duncan, 16 years old. The trio left Kansas City Monday morning by the Rock Island and rode as far as Topeka, Kas. When they left, their intention was to get to Stanley, N. M., where John Templeton, father of the Templeton youngsters, has a mining claim.


Their money gave out in Topeka and they decided to walk the rest of the way to New Mexico, working at intervals along the way for "lifts" by rail. Monday was a hot day and the ten miles they walked to Valencia all but exhausted them. Uhlen would not allow his sister or Helen to carry a suit case in which were the trio's belongings. After a few miles it was decided to throw the grip away and "hoof it" without burdens.


They arrived at the depot in Valencia, hungry, penniless, their feet blistered by the walk over the railroad ties in the blazing sun. Their presence, unaccompanied and without baggage created suspicion. After several offers had been made to them a young man named John Moore, a "good Samaritan," took them to his mother's home for the night. Tuesday morning a council of war was held and a collection was taken up by the Ladies' Aid Society of one of the local churches and they were sent home, after the matron at the Union depot had been wired to be on the lookout for them.


Mrs. Elizabeth Cole, 3712 East Twelfth street, grandmother of the Templetons, has had the care of them since the death of their mother more than a year ago.

Promising that they would "go straight home," the trio were allowed to leave the Union depot, after the fact concerning Mrs. Cole's residence was learned. They went to the home of Helen Duncan 632 Fremont avenue. When a short distance from that address, Uhlen balked, saying he didn't want to stay there. He left the girls, saying he intended to make his way to his father in New Mexico.


"He was afraid to go to grandma's," said Juanita at her grandmother's home, "for fear he would be scolded by our brother, Lester. When we were in Valencia, Mr. Moore, who was so kind to us, told Uhlen that if he did not like it at home for him to go back up there and he would see that he was cared for. I believe that he will try to beat his way to where pap is, however.."


The police have been ordered to look for Uhlen Templeton, who is 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighs about 120 pounds He has dark hair, dark blue eyes and a fair complexion. When last seen he wore a dark blue serge two-piece suit of clothes and a light shirt. He wore a dark, soft hat and dark shoes. The missing boy, with his brother, Lester, 19 years old, has been working for the Pittsburg Paint and Glass Company, Fifth and Wyandotte streets. His fear of being "roasted" by Lester is said to have been the cause of the sudden departure.

Mrs. Cole, the grandmother, is greatly worried over the absence of the boy, and his sister, Juanita, was in a serious condition from hysterics last night. She said that she had been the cause of Uhlen's going away, and, in her temporary delirium, she believed he had been killed.

"Both of the children are headstrong," said the grandmother. "Uhlen has never left me before. If the police can get Uhlen back for me I believe that both will have been cured of running away."

"It was our intention to work our way to papa in New Mexico," said Juanita, when she became quiet enough to talk. "We had but little money, and after we had been in Topeka a short time it was lost. Then we set out on foot towards the West, Uhlen carrying the grip. After we had walked several miles the brave little fellow nearly gave out, and as he would not allow either of us to carry it, we threw it away. The section hands tried to find it later, but they couldn't. My feet are all blisters, and Uhlen's are worse. I know that I am going to stay right here and never go away again."
Helen Duncan is now safely ensconced at home. The girls had been directed to a boarding house in Valencia where they would be allowed to do housework, while Uhlen did the chores, when they were discovered by Mr. Moore, who took them to his mother.

IN A RACE WITH DEATH. ~ Ten-Year-Old Boy Hurrying to Side of Parent Who Is Dying.

August 29, 1909

Ten-Year-Old Boy Hurrying to Side
of Parent Who Is Dying.

Claude Austin, 10 years old, of Richards, Mo., departed from the Union depot last night on a race with death. He is bound for Walton, Wyo., where his father, Joseph Austin, lies in a hospital dying from a broken spine, sustained in a mine accident near there two weeks ago. Austin left Missouri eight years ago, shortly after the death of his wife. He went to Colorado and from there to Wyoming, where he has been employed as a mine worker.

DOWN THE RIVER WITH TAFT. ~ Steamboat Chester Will Carry Kansas Cityans to New Orleans.

August 28, 1909

Steamboat Chester Will Carry Kan-
sas Cityans to New Orleans.

At a meeting held yesterday afternoon the directors of the Commercial Club enthusiastically accepted the invitation from St. Louis to send a steamboat representing Kansas City with the flotilla which will escort President Taft down the Mississippi river from St. Louis to the big waterways convention at New Orleans in October. Secretary E. M. Clendening was instructed to send notification of Kansas City's acceptance and to ask that the Kansas City boat be assigned a good place in the formation of the down-river fleet.

The steamboat Chester will carry the Kansas Cityans to New Orleans. It is the intention to begin the trip at the home dock, make stops at the towns down the Missouri river as far as Jefferson City and join the flotilla at St. Louis. This scheme, it is thought, is preferable to making the start at St. Louis and besides it will afford the Kansas Cityans an excellent opportunity to campaign for river improvement at Lexington, Glasgow, Boonville, Jefferson City and the other towns down the Missouri between here and the state capital.

The Chester has capacity for sixty passengers, and from the way applications for berths are coming in it is probable that they will be engaged long before the trip is to be taken. A band will be on board the boat, which will be gaily decorated. H. G. Wilson, transportation commissioner of the Commercial Club, will be in charge of the arrangements.

The boat will probably leave Kansas City on the afternoon of October 21, will reach St. Louis October 25 and will arrive at New Orleans October 31. It will be used as a floating hotel for the Kansas Cityans while at St. Louis and New Orleans.

HALTED A NEGRO PARADE. ~ Laundry Wagon Driver Was Roughly Handled by Negroes.

August 28, 1909

Laundry Wagon Driver Was Rough-
ly Handled by Negroes.

During the parade of the negro Knights of Pythias yesterday morning at Twelfth and Central streets a small race riot took place when W. S. Jarboe, a driver for the Fern Laundry Company, accompanied by his wife, tried to drive his wagon in the direction that the procession was marching. His horse was seized by several negroes and others drew the wagon to one side. The excitement subsided of its own accord before the arrival of police from headquarters. Sergeant Robert Smith, in command of the squad, decided that the trouble had been magnified and returned to the station without making any arrests.

After the trouble had subsided and the parade had passed, Jarboe and his wife drove to police headquarters and made a complaint to Daniel V. Howell, assistant city attorney. A warrant was issued for the arrest of George Thompson, a negro lawyer who was leading the parade, and who first seized the horse which Jarboe was driving. The warrant was served last night and the case will be tried in the municipal court this morning.

"I'm not injured -- except my feelings," said Mrs. Jarboe, as she told her trouble to Attorney Howell.

Spectators, both whites and negroes, agree that Jarboe used considerable indiscretion in trying to drive his horse up the line of the parade. Even after the police had arrived and the horse had been rehitched to the wagon, Jarboe had to be restrained from whipping his horse into the mob of persons that were lined along the curbing.

There was very little excitement, considering that it was purely a racial affair, and the parade did not stop. There was no interference on the part of the "armed knights." Mrs. Jarboe was not injured, aside from her feelings, as she admitted to Mr. Howell.

PREACH FOR PRICE OF DRINK. ~ Street "Missionaries" in Court, One Being Fined $10.

August 28, 1909

Street "Missionaries" in Court, One
Being Fined $10.

Preaching on the streets in the North End to secure the price of drinks, has fallen under the ban of municipal court. Yesterday morning two street preachers were on trial for blockading the streets. Chief Frank Snow testified that the men preached until they had a small collection, then closed the ceremonies and hunted the nearest saloon. An hour later the performance would be repeated. One fo the "missionaries" was fined $10.


August 28, 1909


"We Shall See," Said Mrs. Mary
Baughman, When the Juvenile
Court Took Her Grand Child-
ren From Her.

It took threats of imprisonment to move Mrs. Mary Baughman, who was born McCormick, from the juvenile court room yesterday afternoon. Even in parting she was not subdued.

"It will break my heart to part with the children and I will have them, court or no court," was her defy as she rose to go.

"If you make trouble we shall have to put you in jail," said Judge E. E. Porterfield.

"Yes, we shall see," retorted the irate grandmother. "It doesn't become a judge to talk that way to a woman who is asking nothing but the right to care for her children," and she swept from the room.
"It's my own fault for running to those probation officers with my troubles," said Mrs. Baughman afterward. "Pearl and Frances Harmiston, my grandchildren, have had me as their only support since they were small. Lately I have had them in St. Agnes home. Their mother, my daughter, Mrs. Charlsie Wiggons, 214 East Missouri avenue, is doing better now than she did and I thought she ought to help a little to support the girls. So I asked the probation officers what I could do to make her help me. Instead of this, they bring them into court and send to them to St. Joseph's home, where the little ones have to wash and scrub floors. I have always worked hard, but it wasn't 'till I was a woman grown and had the strength. I was born a McCormick, and I will have the children."

The Harmiston children were sent to St. Joseph's home during the morning session of the court, over the grandmother's protest.

The records show that they were in court as neglected children, on complaint of their mother.

In the afternoon Mrs. Baughman returned and sat patiently until 4 o'clock, when she asked the court again to give her the children. The threat to send her to jail followed.


August 27, 1909


Joseph Monroe and Edward Sanford
Found in vicinity of New South
Side Apartment House --
Stories Conflict.

In the arrest of two suspicious characters at Thirty-sixth street and Broadway about 10 o'clock last night the police believe they averted what was intended to be by far the biggest, most costly and most destructive job of dynamiting ever pulled off in Kansas City or vicinity.

Shortly after 10 o'clock Patrolman E. C. Krister and D. B. Harrison, plain clothes men working out of the Westport police station, saw two men at the corner of Thirty-sixth street and Broadway. One was lighting a cigarette and the officers noticed a small suit case in the hands of the other. When they began to close up the men began to accelerate their speed and only the command "Halt or we'll shoot," stopped them.

The officers did not know what they had until they got the men to the station house and Lieutenant O. T. Wofford carelessly opened the small, cheap suit case. What he believed to be a wire sticking through a hole in the end of the case attracted his attention. When the package was opened it was found to contain forty six-inch sticks of dynamite. Each was marked 40 per cent nitroglycerin -- Hercules No. 2. The "wire" proved to be a fuse and it was attached to two of the sticks of the explosive, in the center, with a cap imbedded deeply into each stick.


The men gave the names of Joseph Monroe and Edward Sanford. The latter had in his possession a 44-caliber Derringer pistol, loaded. Monroe said he was a lineman and Sanford insisted that he was a common laborer.

The stories of the prisoners, who were separated by Lieutenant Wofford and questioned soon after their arrival, differ in many respects as to how they came to be in that neighborhood with such a package. While Lieutenant Wofford was in a room alone with Sanford he turned his head to answer a telephone call. Hearing a noise Wofford looked up and the prisoner had all but reached the club of Sergeant Harry Moulder which hung on an opposite wall. Wofford dropped the telephone and grappled with the man. Sergeant Moulder then entered the room and no further trouble occurred. A door was only a few feet away and had he succeeded in clubbing the lieutenant Sanford could have easily escaped.

When Monroe was questioned he said he, Sanford and a man named Charles Hogan had "bummed" their way from Denver. He claimed they arrived Tuesday morning, while Sanford said Sunday morning. Monroe said that last night he and his partner were walking down Grand avenue when they came upon Hogan at Thirteenth street.

"Do you want to make a piece of money?" Monroe says Hogan asked.

"We told him yes," Monroe went on. "We were both broke, hungry and dry. He then introduced us to a man named Anderson, Charles, I believe he said his first name was. He said he would give us $5 to carry a grip out on the Westport car line. We were to stay on the car until it made the second turn to the left. Then we were to get off and meet Anderson or some man who would be there waiting for us. We got off and had walked down the street a little ways when we were arrested. Anderson said to be careful that there was an explosive in the suitcase . That's all I know and I'm innocent of any wrong."


Sanford, who tried to escape, said they arrived with Hogan two days earlier than Monroe stated.

"We went to the Stag hotel opposite the city hall," he said, "and this morning we met Hogan there. He asked us if we wanted to make a piece of coin and told us to meet him on Grand avenue this evening. He introduced us to Anderson and he was gone a long time after the grip. We met there about 7 o'clock."

"What was the dynamite for?" asked Lieutenant Wofford quickly.

"He said it was to blow up a scab job. No, we were not to do it. That was for the fellow who was to meet us, I guess. Yes, I knew there was an explosive in the grip and I knew I was doing wrong."

Sanford also said, when asked later, that he was to give the derringer to the stranger -- or Anderson -- who was to meet him. Both described the mysterious Anderson after they had been locked up within talking distance as "a man 35 years old, six feet tall, weighing 170 pounds. He wore a black mustache and had black hair and a dark complexion. He was dressed i a dark suite, black derby hat and black shoes."


Sergeant Moulder also said he learned from inquiry along Westport avenue, that there had been much talk among the union men about the big apartment being a "scab job," and "a rat job." There appeared to be much discontent on account of the immense job being done by an "open shop," he said he gathered from talks with saloonkeepers.

Experts who were called in to examine the package of dynamite said that, properly placed, there was enough to wreck any skyscraper in the city and damage buildings for blocks around.

After the men were locked up they were in a position to talk to each other. William Hicks, a patrolman, sat near the door and heard Monroe upbraid Sanford for being such a dunce as to get his dates mixed on the time of their arrival here and their final meeting with Hogan and the mysterious Anderson. The men are being held for investigation.

HORSE TAMES A HORSE TAMER. ~ Former Policeman Duke Lee Injured in Wild West Show.

August 27, 1909

Former Policeman Duke Lee Injured
in Wild West Show.


Duke Lee, former soldier, Kansas City policeman and rough rider, is in Kansas City again, recuperating from injuries which he received in Grand Rapids, Mich., two weeks ago while attempting to tame a broncho in a Wild West show, with which he has been traveling. Lee was thrown and trampled upon by the vicious animal. He suffered two broken ribs and a dislocated collar bone.

"I can't explain how it happened," Lee said yesterday. "The show keeps wild horses instead of trained ones and it is a real fight in the arena that the crowd is watching."

Lee resigned from the police department in the spring. He served in the regular army and was in the Boxer insurrection in China before his appointment to the force.

K. C. BURGLAR ESCAPES. ~ Meyer, Serving a 5-Year Term, Changed Suits in Mansion.

August 27, 1909

Meyer, Serving a 5-Year Term,
Changed Suits in Mansion.

JEFFERSON CITY, MO., Aug. 26. -- Justin Meyer, a Kansas City burglar doing a five-year sentence in the penitentiary, escaped this afternoon from the executive mansion. He was working as an electrician with a party of a dozen other convicts engaged in making repairs on the building. He is supposed to have gained access to a bedroom in an upper story where there was an old suit of clothes. His suit of stripes was found in this room. After getting rid of his convict garb he walked boldly out by the two guards and passed unnoticed by them. Meyer has served about two years of his sentence. A reward was offered for his capture by Warden Andrae tonight.

DEATH OF AN OLD EDUCATOR. ~ Jeremiah Enright Had Prominent Part in School and Official Life.

August 27, 1909

Jeremiah Enright Had Prominent
Part in School and Official Life.

An educator, who has part in the memories of two generations of Kansas Cityans, passed in death yesterday afternoon of Jeremiah Enright of 516 Belmont avenue. Mr. Enright had lived in this city forty-two years and throughout his life played a promintent part in school and official circles here.

Mr. Enright was 66 years old. He was born in Ireland. Soon after he came to Kansas City in 1867, he began teaching in the parochial schools and many of the more prominent business and professional men of the West, who lived their earlier days in the West Bottoms, had Mr. Enright as their teacher. He was the first instructor in the parochial school of Annunciation parish when the Rev. Father William J. Dalton, at that time ordained only a short while, took up ministerial duties in the West Bottoms. The church and school grew fast. Afterwards, Mr. Enright taught in the parochial school attached to the cathedral. His earnestness as a teacher andt eh personal interest he took in his pupils were marked characteristics. He became a teacher in the public schools several months after teaching in Independence, to where he rode on horseback each school day. His promotion in the public school was rapid and he served as principal of the Humboldt and Woodland schools.

In official life, Mr. Enright was city clerk in the administration of Mayor R. H. Hunt and for eight years was a deputy recorder. After leaving the latter position, he took up the examination of titles. In recent yeras, he had served as an assistant probationary officer. Mr. Enright lived on a tract of land which he bought when only a cow track led to it from Main street.

Mr. Enright married in 1868 Miss Katherine O'Grady of St. Louis. She and six children survive him. The children are John P., Joseph J., Edmund J., Katie, Margaret and Josephine Enright. The funeral will be tomorrow morning at 9:30 from St. John's church.

FIGHT ON TOP OF FLYING TRAIN. ~ Man Thrown Under Car in Struggle, Dies of Injuries.

August 26, 1909

Man Thrown Under Car in Struggle,
Dies of Injuries.

While a westbound fast freight was running through the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad yards at Argentine at 2 o'clock yesterday morning, switchmen in the yards saw two men struggling on top of one of the box cars of the train. One of the men was seen to fall between two cars. He caught at a brake beam as he fell, clung to it for a few seconds and then dropped to the track beneath the moving train.

The switchmen carried him to the Y. M. C. A. building, a short distance from the Santa Fe depot in Argentine. He was attended there by Dr. D. C. Clopper, a surgeon for the railroad company. A hole was found on the left side of his head, his left leg was severed below the knee and his left arm was badly mangled. He was taken to St. Margaret's hospital in Kansas City, Kas., where he died at 3:15 o'clock yesterday afternoon.

The injured man was unconscious when picked up, and nothing could be learned of the struggle on the car, or the identity of his companion. He wore a button of the United Mine Workers of America and letters found in his pockets identified him as Albert Winter of Roanoke, Ill. Daniels & Comfort, the undertakers who took charge of the body, telegraphed to the authorities of that city and received orders to hold the body until the arrival of his relatives from Roanoke. Winter was about 35 years old.

ORACLE WAS NOT ON DUTY. ~ Anyway, This Seeress Failed to Know Her Mother Was in Town.

August 26, 1909

Anyway, This Seeress Failed to
Know Her Mother Was in Town.

To carelessness is consulting her oracle yesterday morning was ascribed by a fortune teller to the fact that she was unaware he aged and almost blind mother was in town or contemplated leaving Stanley, Mo., and going to Lawrence, Kas.

"I wish you would telephone my daughter and tell her that I am at the Union depot," said the octogenarian mother of the fortune teller as she was assisted into a wheeled chair at the Union depot yesterday afternoon. She came from Stanley, Mo., an d expected to depart for Lawrence, Kas., on the evening train.

"My daughter has a reputation of being the second best fortune teller in Kansas City," said the aged woman, "and it does seem strange that she would not know know that I am passing through the city. She has been telling fortunes for fifteen years."

"I will be down at the depot after lunch," replied the fortune teller when informed over the telephone that her mother had been waiting at the depot for an hour and did not understand why she could not divine the fact that she was in the city. "I had no way of knowing that she was in the city," replied she who knoweth the past and present and revealeth the future.

The seeress arrived at the depot about 5:30 p. m. "Why didn't you write me that you were coming to the city," she asked as she greeted her mother.

"You knew that your niece would not marry the man she was going with and I thought you would know that I am in the city," replied the mother.

DIES IN STATE HOSPITAL. ~ For Years Harry B. Taylor Was a Well Known Band Man.

August 26, 1909

For Years Harry B. Taylor Was a
Well Known Band Man.

Harry B. Taylor, 32 years old, who was for years a drummer in Coleman's Military band in Kansas City, Kas., died yesterday morning in the state hospital for the insane at Osawatomie, Kas. The body will be brought to Fairweather & Baker's undertaking rooms in Kansas City, Kas., this morning. Burial will be in Leavenworth, Kas. He is survived by a sister, Esther, 15 years old.

MAYOR CRITTENDEN, SPEAKER. ~ Addresses the League of American Municipalities at Montreal.

August 26, 1909

Addresses the League of American
Municipalities at Montreal.

MONTREAL, August 25. -- With 700 delegates from all parts of the United States and Canada in attendance, the convention of the league of American Municipalities opened here today. Mayor Silas Cook of East St. Louis, Ill., in his opening address, advocated greater publicity of municipal work in order to do away with abuses. John McVickar, the secretary and treasurer, scored Ambassador Bryce for the stand which he took in his book, "The American Commonwealth," saying that because of the bad name given office holders in that book every citizen entering the service of a municipality took his reputation in his hands.

Thomas T. Crittenden, Jr., mayor of Kansas City, and Dr. W. H. Atherton of Montreal, delivered addresses on municipal subjects.

PLAY BALL FOR HOME TOWN, SAYS BECKLEY. ~ Ball Player Who Has Observed Traction Lines Throughout Land Picks Kansas City for Home.

August 25, 1909

Ball Player Who Has Observed Trac-
tion Lines Throughout Land
Picks Kansas City
for Home.
Famous Baseball Player Jake Beckley.

Jake Beckley, the idol of local baseball fans and one of the most popular men in the profession, has bought a home.

"I bought it here," said the great ball player, "because here is where I want to live. I have had no home for so long that I lived under my hat. 'Buses mostly were my homes, and never in the same town more than a week. Now I can see where I want to light, and it is right here in Kansas City. They say there are other places better. I want to say after being in all that everybody else has been in and more than only myself and the natives have been in, Kansas City has them all skinned. I am narrowing down the years till we catch up with St. Louis. It is a great town."

"They say it is not, Jake, and that its street cars are on the bum," said a fan who, one of a party of half a dozen, had been listening to the player talk shop.


"It is not on the bum, and the town is not. Here is where I have fixed to live. I tell you that I have bought a little home here. I have been all over this continent, from the snow up in Canada to where it was hotter than this in Mexico, and right here is where I camp. I do not like to say how big I think Kansas City will be when I get ready to quit it, for I expect to live to be an old man. I am feeling pretty good now, thank you."

Mr. Beckley was then asked how he happened to pick out Kansas City.

"I picked out Kansas City because I have been in the other towns," said Jake. "I was in New York and got lost as soon as I got off Broadway. They have one street there and if you get of of it you are in the residence district. The natives never go on it and the tourist and the grafters never leave it. There is a procession of street cars along it and everybody there thinks they are wonderful. If a man has to stand up, and I never got to sit down, he pats himself on the head and says he is in a big, hustling city. If he has to stand up at home he growls and says the street car system must be on the bum.

"I go out to the ball park in the 'bus. I always watch the street cars. When I see everybody has a seat and nobody is riding on the footrail or the fender, I know we will be playing to the benches that afternoon. When I see them scrapping with the conductor to get on the roof, 'it's a full house for us, I say Jake, my boy,' and sure enough there is good business. I size up a town from the depot and the hotel lobby first, and then from the street cars."

BANK'S 25TH ANNIVERSARY. ~ Reception Today from 10 to 3 at German American.

August 25, 1909

Reception Today from 10 to 3 at
German American.

Officers and directors of the German-American bank at Fourteenth street and Grand avenue will hold a reception today. The reception will mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the bank. Special decorations have been arranged and visitors will be entertained from 10 o'clock until 3. The bank was instituted by Louis A. Lambert and his five sons, one of whom, Henry C. Lambert, is cashier.

INCINERATING PLANT THE ONLY SOLUTION. ~ Safe and Sanitary Way to Dispose of Garbage.

August 25, 1909

Safe and Sanitary Way to
Dispose of Garbage.

"The time is at hand for this city to face the garbage problem and to face it in a safe and sanitary sort of way. In my opinion the proper solution lies not only in the collection of all refuse, but also in its final destruction. the city should be provided with an incinerating plant; indeed, it is now so large since the borders have been increased that we should have two such plants."

Dr. W. S. Wheeler, health commissioner, made this suggestion in the first annual report, which he read before the hospital and health board yesterday afternoon.

In discussing this subject Dr. Wheeler tells the board that J. I. Boyer contracted last December to remove garbage three times a day during the months between May and October and twice a day during the other months. The garbage was to be removed away from the city.

"Up to this date," the report states, "Mr. Boyer has not in any particular fulfilled his contract with the city, and, with his present equipment, he will not be able to do so. further, Mr. Boyer has had implicit instructions from your health commissioner that the government officials had warned our department that no more garbage should be dumped into the Missouri river, but Mr. Boyer has, purposely or otherwise, not heeded our protestations in this respect."


Dr. Wheeler speaks of the workhouse as a "veritable pest house for all kinds of diseases." He blames the construction of the place for the unsanitary condition, and says "unfortunates are packed in cells like rats in holes." He suggests that the place be enlarged so that more cell room may be had, that sewer connections be made with each cell and that two wards be built where the attending physician may see that sick prisoners get humane treatment.

The commissioner next takes up the spit nuisance, tells of the ordinance passed concerning spitting in street cars, and says that education has done much to abate the nuisance.

In a long dissertation on "the house fly," he speaks of the diseases that are carried into homes by this insect. It is his opinion that typhoid fever and many intestinal troubles are spread by the fly.

He recommends the destruction of open vaults and that sewage should not be allowed to empty into adjacent streams, but should be destroyed completely. To keep the city in better condition he recommends more inspectors and a system by which tab may be kept on them to see that they work.

DEATH FROM BOILING STARCH. ~ One-Year-Old Boy Fell Into a Pan of It Two Weeks Ago.

August 25, 1909

One-Year-Old Boy Fell Into a Pan
of It Two Weeks Ago.

The one-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Trestrail of 2919 Indiana avenue, who fell into a dishpan of boiling starch two weeks ago, and was severly burned, died yesterday morning. The funeral was held from the reisdence yesterday afternoon. Burial was in Elmwood cemetery.

PARK BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT. ~ Acceptance of Zoo Buildings Probably Will Take Place Today.

August 24, 1909

Acceptance of Zoo Buildings Prob-
ably Will Take Place Today.

There was no quorum of the park board present in the city yesterday afternoon. As a consequence, according to John W. Wagner, the sole member in the city yesterday, the meeting was postponed to today, when D. J. Haff, a member of the board, is expected to return. The board is expected to receive from the contractors the bird and animal house of the new zoo in Swope park. If this is done, the Kansas City Zoological Society immediately will begin to place animals in the building.


August 24, 1909


Every State in Union Wil Be Rep-
resented on Roll Call -- Recep-
tion at Second Bap-
tist Church.

With a delegation of 5,000 negro men and women from every state in the Union, the supreme lodge of negro Knights of Pythias opens this morning in Ivanhoe hall, Nineteenth street and Tracy avenue, and continues until Friday night. It is the largest gathering of its kind ever held in Kansas City. Among the delegates are doctors, lawyers, bankers, merchants, clerks, porters, barbers, teachers, editors, farmers and every other profession, trade and business followed by negroes.

A reception was held last night at the Second Baptist church, Tenth and Charlotte streets. Grand Chancellor A. W. Lloyd of St. Louis presided and music was furnished by the choir of the Second Baptist church.

Nelson C. Crews, chairman of the local committee, made an address of welcome.

A solo by Miss Ennis Collins followed.

Welcome to the state was extended by Professor W. W. Yates, who represented Governor Hadley. His address was short and cordial. A selection by the Calanthian choir then followed.

S. W. Green of New Orleans, supreme chancellor, responded to this address.

S. C. Woodson represented Mayor Crittenden in an address of welcome.

There was a solo by Wiliam J. Tompkins and a selection by the choir, "The Heavens Are Telling." Other addresses were made by Prof. J. R. Jefferson of West Virginia; Dr. J. E. Perry, E. D. Green, of Chicago; Dr. W. P. Curtiss, St. Louis; Dr. J. A. Ward, Indianapolis; Mrs. Janie C. Combs and A. J. Hazelwood.

The Supreme Court of Calanthe will be presided over by John W. Strauther of Greenville, Miss. The session will be held at the Hodcarrier's hall. In this meeting every phase of the negro's home life will be discussed. Strauther is one of the most noted men of his race in the country.

At 2 o'clock this afternoon a band concert will be given at Cap Carrouthers by the Bixton, Ia., band, and dress parade at 5:30 p. m. by the entire uniform ranks.

Rev. B. Hillman of Terra Haute, Ind., made the opening prayer last night.

GIFT FOR CARL BUSCH. ~ Composer Presented With Oil Portrait of Himself Yesterday.

August 24, 1909

Composer Presented With Oil Por-
trait of Himself Yesterday.

A number of the friends of Carl Busch, the Kansas City composer, who recently returned from Denmark, where he conducted an orchestra on American day at the exposition of Aarhus, assembled in Mr. Busch's studio in the Studio building early yesterday morning. When Mr. Busch arrived he was presented with a finely executed oil portrait of himself by J. H. Nelson, an artist at 918 Main street. Mr. Busch was traditionally surprised and declared that the portrait was a speaking likeness. It represents Mr. Busch seated and was painted from a photograph. It will be exhibited for a week at Jenkins' music store.


August 24, 1909


Wear Good Watch, Don't Visit,
Avoid Troubles and Keep Mum,
Sergeant James Tells
the "Rookies.".

Thirty-eight newly appointed patrolmen received the final lecture yesterday afternoon at Convention hall in a course of instruction by Sergeant R. L. James of the Sixth district. The "rookies" have been drilled and coached daily by Sergeant James for the last month. Yesterday afternoon he gave them a review of the work and tomorrow morning he will turn them over to the police board to be assigned to their duties.

"I have worked hard with these men," said Sergeant James yesterday afternoon, "and I can say that they are educated in police ethics and the practical phases of the work. They have a thorough knowledge of their duties and will not have to ask bewildering and confusing questions of their superiors or fellow policemen as has been the habit of new men in former years."

"For the honor of the department and for the honor of your family," is the slogan which Sergeant James has endeavored to instill into the minds of his pupils.


He has kept the fact before them that they are conservators as well as guardians of the peace, and that their acts are watched by hundreds of persons and copied by many.

Sergeant James has made the fact clear that a patrolman's duties do not consist solely of putting on a uniform and wearing it about the streets. He warned them especially to be polite to women and not to think when a woman addressed a patrolman she does so because she likes his appearance.

The standing of a policeman in law was gone into thoroughly. His duty with reference to the service of warrants and attendance at trials was discussed and more important than either of these, the men were urged to keep aloof from civil and divorce cases. Sergeant James's advice is that a policeman should seek to induce people not to get warrants.

The new police were instructed not to leave a beat unless told to do so by a superior officer. They were also told not to ask favors.

"These policemen will be recognized when they go to work," said Sergeant James. "They will be neat in appearance, courteous and will be of military bearing. In addition they will have a fund of knowledge which will be hard for one of the old men to duplicate. That the school of instruction is a good thing and is recognized by the old men as such is shown by the fact that I have had from two to a dozen old policemen in the class every day. These men came up of their own volition and seemed to take as much interest in my talks as the new men."

The following rules summarize Sergeant James's course of instruction to the new men:


Don't think you are it when a woman speaks to you.
Avoid arguments.
Don't mix in civil and divorce cases.
Locking up a man is but a drop in the bucket of a policeman's duties.
Always have star and gun.
Be prompt in all things.
Give roll call special attention.
Wear clubs going to and from the police station.
Be careful in calling for the patrol wagon or the ambulance.
Only one man is successful at drinking. He is the man who sells alcoholic drinks.
Avoid loafing and arguments in stores.
Don't be afraid of working overtime.
If you don't understand a case call your superior officer.
Buy and wear a good watch.
Do not be overzealous in making arrests.
Don't visit brother officers and don't have friends walk your beats.
Keep your business to yourself.
When late at a box use the telephone.
Remember you do not know it all.
If ill, call the station so that a doctor can visit you.
Don't go over the heads of your immediate superiors.
Don't kill dogs indiscriminately. Give the complainant permission to kill the animal with your gun, then call the health department.
Don't permit funeral processions to be disturbed except by the fire department.
Be polite and ready to serve strangers.

TWO MORE TYPHOID VICTIMS. ~ Father and Son Succumb to Fever in Stricken Neighborhood.

August 23, 1909

Father and Son Succumb to Fever in
Stricken Neighborhood.

Two more victims of typhoid fever have been reported from the neighborhood of Eighth street and Brighton avenue, where there has been a small epidemic of that disease for the past two weeks, the last two cases being father and son, John Sheffner, 5016 East Eighth street, a carpenter 64 years old, died yesterday morning. His son, G. Blaine Sheffner, died last Thursday.

Funeral services will be in the Armour memorial chapel and burial will be in Elmwood cemetery.

"DEAD LINE" AT THE DEPOT. ~ Heavy Travel Necessitates a Safety Zone at the Old Shack.

August 23, 1909

Heavy Travel Necessitates a Safety
Zone at the Old Shack.

A dead line, extending four feet from the building line on the Union depot platform, was established last evening for the first time in the recollection of depot employes. The line was painted with chalk and every person who was not going to or from a train was kept behind the dead line.

Several times this summer the depot employes have had more than their share of work to take care of the people who found their way onto the platform and interfered with those who were endeavoring to catch trains.

Yesterday the usual Sunday crush was greatly augmented by the influx of delegates to the negro Pythian convention, which will be held here this week. The crowd fairly swarmed over the depot platforms and several narrow escapes from injury resulted in the crush. About 6 p. m. Depot Master Wallenstrom decided to make a "dead line" behind which he could keep everyone who was waiting for a train or for friends. The dead line was drawn back of the entrances and exits and parallel with the building. Two "Red Caps" kept the crowd within these boundaries.

TOY AIRSHIP TO TEST IDEAS. ~ Kansas City Men Building Craft Near No. 19 Fire Station.

August 23, 1909

Kansas City Men Building Craft
Near No. 19 Fire Station.

In a shed near No. 19 fire station at Shawnee avenue and High street, Kansas City's most prominent aerial craft is almost completed. It is being constructed by a fireman, Frank Marvin, after designs of his own and those of Edgar C. Faris, an architect.

Mr. Faris fell from a street car Monday and sustained a broken ankle, but expects to be ready to experiment with the air craft by the time it is completed. The present ship is the third built by the two. The former ones were not successes. The second one was demolished when it dashed to the earth in a trial flight.

The airships are merely toys by which ideas of the two inventors are being tried out. The one under construction now is much larger than either of its predecessors, being ten feet long and four feet wide. The engines used in former experiments will not be large enough to drive the new ship. Two were used, each having one-sixteenth of one-horse power. The power will probably be quadrupled. When the ship is ready to fly, an electric light wire will be attached to it to furnish power for the engines. It then will be loosed and the value of the ideas used its construction will be learned.

"COPPER" MADE GOOD NURSE. ~ Patrick Coon Took Care of Sick Mother and Babe.

August 23, 1909

Patrick Coon Took Care of Sick
Mother and Babe.

In the manual of questions asked probationary police officers by Thomas R. Marks, police commissioner, there is none which relates to the art of nursing babies. But if there are credentials needed on that score, women in the block on Wyandotte street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, wouldn't mind indorsing Patrick Coon, one of the oldest policemen on the force. In fact, they'd be glad to do so.

To the rowdies and thugs along Twelfth street, which forms part of his beat, Coon is called a "double knuckled copper." The phrase carries with it majesty of person as well as majesty of law. Coon's heart is as big as his body. That's what the women say. And this is why:

Three weeks ago a baby was born to Mrs. Elizabeth Rockey of 1222 Wyandotte street. Mrs. Rockey was sick and alone. Her husband had left her, it is said. The women in the neighborhood told Coon of the circumstances.

The patrolman investigated the case. He found that Mrs. Rockey was worthy of help. So he took up a collection on his beat and with the money bought delicacies such as a mother might relish and saw that the baby was cared for. Word was received yesterday from the missing husband, who has been located, that he wishes to be with his wife. Today a letter is expected telling when he will be at home.

BOQUET FROM A STRANGER. ~ Kansas City's Boulevards and Parks Accorded High Praise.

August 23, 1909

Kansas City's Boulevards and Parks
Accorded High Praise.

"In ten year's time Kansas City will not have a peer in the world as a residence city," declared W. C. Dufour, city councilor of New Orleans, La., who with a party of delegates from that city passed through the Union depot last night on their way home from the Trans-Mississippi Commercial congress which was held at Denver. The party made the trip in A. J. Davidson's private car "Frisco No. 100." After the congress they visited the various points of interest in Colorado.

"Here in Kansas City your park and boulevards boards have taken care of the future. They have planted these long rows of trees on your boulevards, so that in some ten year's time you will have drives which will rival any tropical city for shade.

"Then, too, it is generally admitted that there is not a much finer boulevard system in the world than now exists in Kansas City. You have the hills and the flats, the straight lines and the curves and everywhere there is something that attracts and holds the eye."

In the party besides Mr. Dufour were Beverly Myles, John Phillips, George Janvier, George Lhot and Judge I. O. Moore. All of the party were enthusiastic on the subject of the big river convention which will be attended in New Orleans by President Taft.


August 22, 1909


Anniversary of Her Birth Was Cele-
brated Yesterday -- Two Sons
Are Ministers -- Five Weigh
Over 200 Pounds Each.
Four of the Five Generations in Milbra R. Campbell's Family.

Six children, twenty-eight grandchildren, fifty-two great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.

The foregoing are the living descendants of Mrs. Milbra R. Campbell, whose eighty-fourth birth anniversary was celebrated yesterday at the home of her son, George W. Campbell, 728 Wabash avenue. All the five sons who attended are over six feet tall and weigh more than 200 pounds each. They are Rev. John A. Campbell of Chillicothe, Tex., Rev. W. T. Campbell of Pueblo, Col., both ministers in the Baptist church, James H., George W. and David Campbell, all engaged in the live stock commission business in this city. Mrs. E. J. Henry, the only daughter, 1221 Bales avenue, was detained at home on account of illness.

At 1 o'clock a dinner was served to the immediate relatives attending the anniversary. During the afternoon an informal reception was held for relatives and friends. A photographer took pictures of "Grandma" Campbell, as she is familiarly known, and her five stalwart sons. After that group pictures of those present, representing many generations, were taken.


The accompanying photograph represents but four generations of the Campbell family. There are now five. This picture was taken eleven years ago and shows Mrs. Campbell, her only daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Henry, her son, Charles D. Henry and the latter's daughter, Miss Dorothy J. Henry, now in her sixteenth year.

The Rev. W. T. Campbell, who is here with his four children from Pueblo, Col., where he is pastor of the First Baptist church, is not a stranger in Kansas City. He held several pastorates in this city and organized what is now known as the Olive street Baptist church. He will occupy the pulpit there this morning and tonight. Rev. Mr. Campbell was also a pastor of a church in Independence, Mo., for four years.

The ancestors of this sturdy family, in which there has been no deaths since 1864, came from Scotland and the North of Ireland. In 1836 the father and mother immigrated from Tennessee and settled among the early pioneers in Northwestern Arkansas.


The father, who was born in 1826, served in the United States army during the Mexican war of 1847. When volunteers were being called for to stay the failing fortunes of the Confederacy he volunteered to the governor of Arkansas in 1861 and was made captain of Company D, Fourteenth Arkansas infantry. After being engaged in many battles he surrendered with his company at Fort Hudson, July 8, 1863, and was made a prisoner of war. He died shortly afterward of a disease contracted in the army.

J. H. Campbell, the oldest brother, and John A. Campbell, now a minister, enlisted in the Confederate army later on and were with General Price in most of his big fights, and with Price's raid into Missouri. John was severely wounded in the battle of the Little Blue and captured, spending the rest of the war time in a military prison at Indianapolis, Ind. J. H. Campbell served with Price until the surrender at Shreveport, La., June 9, 1865. Both brothers were in the same company.

OPENING TO FREEDOM CLOSED. ~ Air Chute in City Holdover Stopped With Brick and Cement.

August 22, 1909

Air Chute in City Holdover Stopped
With Brick and Cement.

Similar to the farmer who locked the barn door after his horse was stolen was the action of the police in closing up the air chute in the city holdover yesterday. Harry Martin, a safe keeper, escaped by means of crawling through the air chute Friday morning. He was only one of many who have escaped by that egress in the past.

A workman yesterday closed up the air chute by cementing the opening in the holdover. A foot of cement was placed in the shaft and then bricked over. It is now impossible for a prisoner to get into the shaft to climb to the top and freedom.


August 22, 1909

Sunday, 2:30 p. m., Swope park.
Monday, 8 p. m., Concourse, St. John and Gladstone.
Tuesday, 8 p. m., West Terrace park, Thirteenth and Summit.
Wednesday, 8 p. m., Budd park.
Thursday, 8 p. m., Penn Valley park, Twenty-seventh and Jefferson.
Friday, 8 p. m., Troost park, Thirtieth and Paseo.
Saturday, 8 p. m., the Parade, Fifteenth and the Paseo.

FEW QUANTRELL'S MEN THERE. ~ Former Guerrillas Are More Interested in the Crop Prospects.

August 21, 1909

Former Guerrillas Are More Inter-
ested in the Crop Prospects.

Only twenty-five men responded yesterday morning at the roll call of the Quantrell guerrillas, now in reunion in Independence. Cole Younger was not present, being on a lecture tour, the subject of his lecture being "Keep Straight." Frank James, another noted guerrilla, is down in Oklahoma in the Big Pasture, farming, and did not have time to attend. James has not attended any of the reunions since his noted speech made in the Independence court house yard, in which he declared that his friends were in the North and that he was never turned down except by those of the Southland.

The headquarters of the reunion were in the Brown building, North Main street. Here the scattered membership met and registered and it was here that it was noted that among the absent ones were John C. Hope, ex-sheriff of Jackson county, and Cyrus Flannery Wolf of Bates county, both having died within the past year. Captain Benjamin Morrow was present, Lieutenant Levi Potts of Grain Valley and Warren Welch were busy among the veteran guerrillas. Captain Gregg, who has been in about as many tight places as the next guerrilla who followed Quantrell, was present with his family. Also Dr. L. C. Miller of Knobnoster.

There was no formality about the reunion. "They just met and that was all there was to it," was the way one of them expressed himself. Some of those from Kansas City and nearby points brought well-filled dinner baskets, but the greater portion of those present had to go to restaurants. It was a day of reminiscent stories for the guerrillas and the oft repeated stories of the civil war were gone over and over again. Gabe Parr, who as a boy shot his way to freedom, yet lives, and others with equally hair raising stories were present and passed the day, telling of the yesterdays of their early manhood. The thing that interested these men most was the state of the crops.

The veterans will hold another session today and adjourn, in all probability to meet in Independence next year.