MEXICANS LOVE THE IRISH. ~ Is the Foreigner Most Welcome Whether He Be Rich or Poor.

March 31, 1909

Is the Foreigner Most Welcome
Whether He Be Rich or Poor.

"The foreigner most welcome to my country whether he is rich or poor, is the Irishman," said J. E. Gonzalez, the acting Mexican consul in this city, yesterday.

"I don't know exactly why, but there is a natural sympathy between the Mexicans and South Americans and the Irish which keeps them in harmony, and the pretty Mexican girl of fortune and blue blood is always willing to mate with an eligible Irishman, although she shies at Americans and Englishmen.

"In Mexico City we have such names as Don Ignacio O'Brien, Ernesto Murphy and Miguel McCarty. Sometimes there is a slight change in the last name to make it Spanish and then McCarthy appears McCarthi, Murphy turned out to be Murphi and like as not the good Hiberian name of O'Brien will be distorted conveniently into Briano.

"There are great settlements in Mexico made up of Irish and they are the country's pride. You will remember that Admiral O'Higgins was an Irishman who went to Chile and became its greatest sea fighter. Today there is a battleship belonging to that country named after him. In my country red hair is reverenced from the fact that it is so often worn by sons of the old sod and freckles the size of a 10-cent piece are at a premium there.

"The last Spanish viceroy in Mexico was named O'Donoju and his ancestors were plain O'Donohos in Ireland. As in the United States every battlefield since the revolution was made rich with the blood of patriotic naturalized Irishmen.

"How much the Irish lean toward the Mexicans is illustrated by this historical incident. When the American troops were storming over a certain height near the City of Mexico, several Irish companies deserted and came over to our ranks. They asked for a position nearest the firing line and died nearly to the last man, fighting. They had come from their island, it is said, expressly to fight, and asserted that in that case they should take the weaker side."

THIS BROUGHAM RAN AWAY. ~ Unoccupied Electric Machine Scatters Crowd on Walnut Street.

March 31, 1909

Unoccupied Electric Machine Scatters
Crowd on Walnut Street.

A crowd which had gathered at Twelfth and Walnut streets was scattered yesterday about noon when an unoccupied electric brougham belonging to Mrs. R. N. Simpson of 109 West Armour boulevard ran away. After it had run a block, however, the fractious car was stopped by a daring chauffeur who leaped from his own machine into the runaway.

The trouble began at Twelfth and Grand by a collision of a west bound Twelfth street car with the brougham, which narrowly missed inflicting serious injury. Mrs. Simpson, who was driving the electric, had with her a woman and a little girl. In her southward course along Grand avenue she had stopped the machine at the intersection of Twelfth street to await the passage of an eastbound car.

In the meantime a westbound car came along. The motorman failed to stop in time, and the front part of the brougham was struck a heavy blow. It was not overturned, however, and a policeman asked Mrs. Simpson to steer it to Twelfth and Walnut to avoid the gathering crowd. She did so, and with her companions, stepped out of the electric to use a nearby telephone.

The impact of the street car had loosened the mechanism of the machine and it caught fire from two crossed wires. In his eagerness to stop the blaze, a bystander inadvertently pushed forward the controller and the brougham started off by itself and got nearly to Thirteenth and Walnut before the chauffeur stopped it.

STABS ROBBER WITH HATPIN. ~ Melvina Gerard Puts Purse Snatcher to Flight and Makes Him Candidate for Surgical Treatment.

March 31, 1909

Melvina Gerard Puts Purse Snatcher
to Flight and Makes Him Can-
didate for Surgical Treatment.

The problem of coping with the purse snatcher has been solved by Miss Melvina Gerard, the proprietor of a women's tailoring establishment, who was walking from a Twelfth street car to her home at 2823 East Eleventh street late Saturday night. When a man who had followed her from the car attempted to snatch her purse she promptly began to stab him with her hat pin. The vanquished robber fled in dismay.

Miss Gerard worked late Saturday night and with her sister, Miss Ernestine Gerard, started home laden with purchases. A man who boarded the same car as the young women also alighted at Chestnut street. It was over two blocks to their home and not a person was in sight. The streets were poorly lighted and a purse snatcher could operate without much chance of being identified.

The women felt they were being followed, as the man made no attempt to pass them. Miss Ernestine Gerard slipped her purse out of sight under a package, but Miss Melvina made up her mind to cope with the footpad in a different manner should he attempt to snatch her purse. She pulled a long gold hat pin from her hat and waited. At the corner of Eleventh and Chestnut streets the man quickened his pace, and dodging between the two women made a grab for Miss Melvina's purse. He wasn't prepared for the reception in store for him.

As he grasped the purse, the hat pin was jabbed into his face and a moment later it came through his black derby hat. Clearly it was time to retreat, and it didn't take him long to come to this decision. But in his retreat he left his hat on the sidewalk. The sister had screamed for help and this accelerated his flight.

The women reached home with his hat which was turned over to the police department Sunday. At headquarters an examination showed that the hat pin had pierced the crown and it is believed the footpad must have been a candidate for a surgeon.

Miss Gerard was not inclined to talk very much on the subject last night. She didn't want the notoriety, she said.

"If every woman would draw a hat pin instead of screaming for help, there would be less purse snatching," she said. "I wasn't a bit frightened, and knew what I was doing. I must have struck him about four times."


March 31, 1909


Father's Habeas Corpus Proceedings
Call Out All the Skeletons From
the Family Closet -- "Checkers"
Incident Again.


While the lad about whom there was all the fuss tried to pick the spectacles from the nose of his chaperon, the battle for his possession went briskly on between Theodore C. Thomas, the father, and Mrs. Agnes Boss Thomas, the mother. After five hours of hearing testimony little had been accomplished when court adjourned last night and the indications are that the case may take longer than today.

If there are any skeletons left in the Thomas family closet it will take a vacuum cleaner to find them, for the married life of the parents, now divorced, was gone into in great detail.

The Thomases were divorced three years ago, the husband securing the decree and the custody of the child., except for one month each year. On September 25, 1908, Mrs. Thomas took the child from the Oak street school in Leavenworth, brought him to Kansas City, and has since had him at the home of her mother, Mrs. Annie Boss, 113 East Thirty-fourth street. The father brought habeas corpus proceedings in the circuit court to gain possession of the boy, who is constantly referred to by his mother as "Tito." It is on this application that the hearing is now being had.

For the husband the court records were introduced as his case. Mrs. Thomas's attorney demurred, but were overruled and the introduction of testimony for the wife began.


Frank P. Walsh, the first witness, testified as for her good character. Then Mrs. Thomas was put on the stand and for four hours was pelted with questions. Her cross-examination will be resumed this morning.

Mrs. Thomas, who is of the Mrs. Leslie Carter type as to features and bearing, although a brunette, proved a quick and alert witness. She seemed a match for the attorneys.

Mrs. Thomas admitted that she attended one of the parties given at the Humes house. She said there was a Dutch lunch and a jolly time, but that she did not go again. She denied that there was anything out of the way the night she was at the Humeses. The others at the party nicknamed her "Checker," she said.


Thomas, according to the wife's testimony, kept a hotel at Cleveland. The wife said he was intemperate and that she largely supported him. She mentioned alleged indignities at the hotel. In 1906 she sued for divorce, but before the case came to trial she decided to go to Europe, and understood, so she said, that the divorce matter was to be held in abeyance. When she returned, however, she said she was told by Thomas that he had secured a divorce on a cross-bill, and also the boy. She said she knew nothing of the trial of the divorce case until that time.

"I finally left Cleveland and came to Kansas City, because Mr. Thomas threatened to kill me if I did not leave the child and go away," she testified.

Further, Mrs. Thomas said her husband again asked her to marry him, but that she would have nothing to do with a reconciliation. She testified that she had the boy in her possession for a month during both 1906 and the succeeding year, the time being October. As to her ex-mother-in-law, she said every effort was being made to alienate the affections of the child from her.

There yet remain many witnesses to be heard. Judge Slover is giving attorneys wide scope in bringing out testimony.

ONE-ARMED HIGHWAYMEN. ~ New Feature to Street Car Holdup on Kansas Side.

March 31, 1909

New Feature to Street Car
Holdup on Kansas Side.

Another holdup of a street car conductor occurred last night on an eastbound Quindaro boulevard car betweeen Tenth and Eleventh streets, Kansas City, Kas. Two men, one of whom had only one arm, boarded the car, which carried no passengers, and the one-armed one "stuck up" the conductor with a revolver, while the other cut his change pouch from his belt with a knife and went through his pockets. They secured $12 and jumped off the car. The conductor was J. P. Farrell. Motorman J. J. Bunting did not know that the conductor was being robbed.

VOTE OF THANKS TO BROWN. ~ For Once He Had No Gas Resolution and No Speeches.

March 30, 1909

For Once He Had No Gas Res-
olution and No Speeches.

"I am reliably informed by Alderman Darius A. Brown, our worthy member from the Fifth ward, that he does not intend to introduce a resolution here tonight regarding gas, the utilities commission or anything else and further that he will not even make a speech," said Alderman Frank Shinnick in the lower house of the council last night. "I think he is entitled to a vote of thanks by this house."

"He certainly is," said Speaker C. B. Hayes. "Will anybody put that in the form of a motion?"

Alderman Shinnick then put the motion, which was quickly seconded by Alderman E. E. Morris of the Tenth. When it was put to the house the motion carried, only two dissenting votes being recorded.

"I am not willing to thank him until the house has adjourned," said Alderman Miles Bulger. "He may have a gas resolution up his sleeve this very minute. I know him. Let's thank him later."

"Me, too, Pete," came from Alderman Robert J. Smith. "Let's thank him at the next meeting. This one is not over yet."

The motion went through, however, and Alderman Brown kept his word. He did not even make a speech when called upon after being tendered the vote of thanks. This is the first time since he has been in the council that he has not introduced a resolution or made a speech.

IS AWAKENED TOO QUICKLY. ~ Somnambulist Plunges Through a Window, 12 Feet to Ground.

March 30, 1909

Somnambulist Plunges Through
a Window, 12 Feet to Ground.

Too suddenly awakened by his roommate calling him, Henry Harris, a plasterer, while walking in his sleep in his room at 901 East Eighteenth street, at an early hour yesterday morning, plunged through a second story window. He landed on the soft soil of the lawn twelve feet below, and but for severe cuts on his head mad by the broken window panes, would have been uninjured. H e was taken to the general hospital.

Harris has been in the city only five weeks. He is a somnambulist, he says, and has had several hard falls from being frightened while touring his rooms in his sleep.

TELEPHONE AND TYPEWRITER. ~ Two Modern Inventions Not Common in England.

March 29, 1909

Two Modern Inventions Not Com-
mon in England.

"The almost universal use of the telephone and typewriter throughout America puts England in the background," said F. E. Craig of London, Eng., at the Hotel Baltimore last night. Mr. Craig is an American whose business requires that he spend a greater part of his time in London.

"In some of the big manufacturing plants the typewriter is common, but you do not find it everywhere, as in the commercial centers of this country. Britishers seem to prefer to use the pen.

"The telephones here are better and the service in big cities superior to that even in London.

After Seven Years' Chase ~ St. Louis Police Hear Wanted Man Is Caught in Kansas City.

March 29, 1909
After Seven Years' Chase.

St. Louis Police Hear Wanted
Man Is Caught in Kansas City.

ST. LOUIS, March 28. -- Roy Horton, who, with his brother, John L. Horton, has been sought by Pinkerton detectives for seven years to answer to a charge of uttering worthless securities and perpetrating a confidence game upon the Stock Yards bank of East St. Louis, Ill., was arrested in Kansas City Saturday, according to a dispatch John L. Horton claims to have received in Upper Alton, Ill., where the latter was arrested at his wife's home, March 11.

Pinkertons said this was the Hortons' first appearance in the United States since they disappeared following the discovery of the worthlessness of cattle bills on which they had secured loans from the St. Louis Cattle Loan Company. They were reported living in Guatemala. John Horton has since claimed to have been in this country a year prior to his arrest.

No one giving the name of Horton was arrested by the police yesterrday. But one man taken in answered the description of Horton, and he gave a different name, and insisted upon it.

PRAISE FOR WEST VIRGINIA. ~ Wheeling Man Talks of State's Wonderful Resources.

March 29, 1909

Wheeling Man Talks of State's
Wonderful Resources.

"You do not hear much of West Virginia out this way, but it is the richest state of its size in the Union," said H. R. Griffin of Wheeling, W. Va., at the Coates House last night. "It hasn't as many dollars nor as many people as some states, but nature tucked away a lot of riches under the surface and over it, too.

"Last year the state produced 44,000,000 tons of coal. The famous Pocahontas fields are very extensive and are furnishing a much desired steam coal. Experts estimate that the fields will not be exhausted for 650 years. Our timber cannot be cut off in thirty years. West Virginia oil is the finest and the production has only started. Few states have as many natural resources as the so-called home of the rattlesnake."

SINGER HERE SINCE WAR. ~ George Youngclaus, Formerly a General Contractor, Is Dead.

March 29, 1909

George Youngclaus, Formerly a Gen-
eral Contractor, Is Dead.

George Youngclaus, Formerly a General Contractor, Is Dead.

George Youngclaus, 67 years old, who was a choir singer in the old Southern Methodist church before it was torn down years ago, and known as a tenor singer in this city since the civil war, died yesterday at his home, 1016 Cherry street. Mr. Youngclaus is survived by a widow, Elma Youngclaus, and three sons, Herbert, Robert and George Youngclaus, all living in Kansas city. He was born in St. Johns, New Brunswick, his parents having come there from the Shetland Islands. He came to this city from Pittsfield, Mass., in 1869, the year the Hannibal bridge was completed, and engaged in general contracting.

Mr. Youngclaus had a fine tenor voice and was often heard in social gatherings and in church events. He was a member of the Epperson megaphone minstrels.

Funeral services will be from the home at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Burial in Union cemetery.

GOT RID OF A GRAFTER. ~ Effectiveness of Scheme Resorted to By Freight House Boys.

March 29, 1909

Effectiveness of Scheme Resorted
to By Freight House Boys.

A little coterie of railroad men snugly ensconced in a corner of the grill room at the Hotel Baltimore were telling stories. Most of them, of course, were "talking shop." A traveling salesman, who was allowed to mingle with the bunch on account of the fact that he had formerly been in the railroad business, told this story.

"Years ago, and it may be so still, pay day on the different roads here was a signal for representatives from orphanages and old folks' homes to invade the local freight offices after subscriptions. Ticket sellers for entertainments also chose that day to visit us. We used to cough up to these people. It was put up to us so strong that we had to. But the village pest was a long, lank, lean woman who used to bob up quite often. She always carried a booze breath on which you could strop a razor. One month she would be taking up a subscription to bury a poor child and on her next visit she would ask for aid to complete her education. She never had any education to complete, but she always had that booze breath and the boys used to had her a quarter or a half to get away from her. She would weep on your collar if you didn't and that benzine breath came near putting one or two to sleep.

"One month a check clerk came up from the freight house and announced that 'Miss Weeping Boozelets,' as we called her, was headed our way. A council of war was held. Something had to be done, and that quickly.

"It was moved and seconded that "Billy" Tweedale, the claim clerk, have a violent fit, fall on the floor in convulsions and foam at the mouth. The rest of the boys in that room were to get very busy waiting on Billy and pay no attention whatever to Miss 'Boozelets.'

"Billy loved a practical joke, but he didn't relish taking the star part. His claim was nearest the door, however, and it was up to him to have a first class fit. By means of a bit of soap he was enabled to foam, or rather lather, at the mouth.

"Billy was leaning back in his roller chair. Just as Miss 'Boozelets' entered the door he gave the desk a vicious kick and over he went, landing almost at the frightened woman's feet. While the other boys were running for watter and calling, 'Get a doctor,' the O. S. and D. clerk took Miss 'Boozelets' by the arm and said, 'Madam, this is a delicate matter, will you please retire?' She was led to the door and it was closed behind her. I think the grafting woman heard the laugh that went up as soon as she was on the outside, for she never again came back to the Missouri Pacific local freight office."

FOOD WAS WELL COOKED. ~ Street Lunch Car Destroyed by Fire in North End

March 29, 1909

Street Lunch Car Destroyed by
Fire in North End.

A large lunch wagon which is hauled to the corner of Fourth and Main every night by William Elliott, a negro, teaming contractor, caught fire and the heat scorched the paint on the buildings on each side of the street last night. Elliott unhitched his horses and drove them down the street to a safe distance. The fire department was notified and a hose wagon responded. The lunch car was in ashes when the water was turned on. The fire originated from the lighted gasoline stove in the wagon.

GIFT FOR NETTLETON HOME. ~ Mrs. Budd's Estate, Valued at $40,000, to Institution

March 29, 1909

Mrs. Budd's Estate, Valued at $40,-
000, to Institution.

Another $40,000 was added to the endowment fund of the George H . Nettleton Home for Aged Women when the will of Mrs. Sarah A. C. Budd was filed yesterday for probate. That is the value placed on the estate, which consists, except for the home at 3632 Wyandotte street, entirely of personal property. The Nettleton home is the sole beneficiary.

Mrs. Budd, who died at the age of 82, was the wife of Azariah Budd, who, dying in 1891, left what is now known as Budd park to Kansas city. He named as one of the conditions of the gift that the city should pay Mrs. Budd $3,000 a year so long as she lived. The twenty-one acres, for which the city paid in annuities about $54,000, is now estimated to be worth five times that sum. Now, on the death of Mrs. Budd, the city ceases to pay this money and the park becomes its absolute property.

C. O. Tichenor, the attorney who drew the will, is named as executor in the document. He declined to serve, and Porter B. Godard was named in his stead by Judge J. E. Guinotte of the probate court.


March 28, 1909


Now Jacob Rieger, Aged 75, Is
Speeding Away From His
Intended Bride of
60 Years.

Jacob Rieger, 75 years old, who lives with his son, Alexander Rieger, a wholesale liquor dealer at 4121 Warwick boulevard, believes that at that age he is eligible to the order of benedicts. But others of Mr. Rieger's household had different opinions and as a result a pretty wedding supper was interrupted last Thursday evening at the home of the prospective bride, Mrs. Rosa Peck, 60 years old, a milliner at Sixth and Main streets. Also there is an attachment on $1,100 which Mr. Rieger had in the National Bank of Commerce and a fast train is now hurrying him to New York, where he is to remain until he has outgrown his love for the woman.

Since his wife died a year ago, Mr. Rieger, the elder, has complained of lonesomeness, but could find no one among his near relatives who would even offer a suggestion of a cure.

"It is a pity," he is said to have often remarked, "that an old man like me must stay a widower."

No one, however, paid much attention to the yearnings of the old man. He took his evening walks the same as usual and made no allusion to any woman in particular as a fit subject for his affections, and as he has for several years been a partial invalid no developments were expected.


Up to last Wednesday things went as usual with the old man except it was noticed he had gradually been lengthening his outdoor walks, sometimes absenting himself for hours at a time. Then the word was brought to Alexander Rieger that his father and Mrs. Peck had been to Kansas City, Kas., and obtained a marriage license.

Alexander Rieger immediately went to the telephone and called up his lawyer, Samuel Eppstein of the law firm of Eppstein, Ulmann & Miller, with offices in the Kansas City Life building.

Mr. Eppstein went to see Mrs. Peck that same afternoon in hopes of talking her out of the notion of marrying the elder Mr. Rieger. He told her that her prospective groom, through his retirement from the liquor business, was not exactly in independent circumstances, and that in addition he was suffering from chronic stomach trouble.

Mr. Eppstein is eloquent and talked long and earnestly but by all his entreaties he received a decided "no."

"I love him and I like him," was the double-barreled manner in which Mrs. Peck, in broken German accents, expressed her regard for Mr. Rieger.

"You can't take him from me," she said. "You don't know the love we have for each other, and I wouldnt give him up for $25,000," and there the argument ended.


The day following was stormy, but in spite of this fact the elder Mr. Rieger took a car for downtown early in the day. No one saw him go. It was hours before his absence was noticed and the alert lawyer again notified.

Mr. Eppstein at once hurried to the Sixth and Main street millinery store. He found Mrs. Peck had closed shop and was also missing.

Before starting out to forestall the wedding Mr. Eppstein arranged for a bill of attachment on all money Mr. Rieger had on deposit at the bank. Then he took a fast automobile ride to the home of Rabbi Max Lieberman at 1423 Tracy avenue, where he suspected the marriage ceremony would be performed.

As he expected, Mr. Rieger was there arranging for the nuptuals to be solmnized at 5:30 o'clock. After a good deal of argument Mr. Rieger consented to ride in the automobile back to the home of his son.

This was at 4 o'clock. About 5 o'clock he was again missing. This looked like buisness to Mr. Eppstein and the automobile was again brought into play and headed for the millinery store.

When the door of the living apartments at the rear of the store burst opeon to admit the excited lawyer it found a large table spread with a wedding feast and several guests, relatives of the propective bride assembled.

"This wedding can't go on!" shouted Mr. Eppstein. "I have arranged with the rabbi and he will not come."


"Oh, yes it will," said the bride calmly. "We'll arange for another minister, won't we, Jacob?"

"No, there is nothing doing in the marriage line," replied the lawyer. "It's all off. You see, it isn't legal because you got the license in Kansas City, Kas. That's the law, you know."

Mr. Eppstein did not wait to hear any more, but took the bridegroom by the arm and led him away.

At midnight he was placed aboard a fast train for New York. Mrs. Alexander Rieger went along for company.

Alexander Rieger has maintained a mail order trade under the name of his father, Jacob Rieger, at Fifteenth and Genesse streets for many years, the father now having no interest in the business. Mrs. Peck has been a milliner in the North End over twenty years and is said to have laid by a snug sum of money. Her husband died many years ago, leaving the business exclusively to her.


March 28, 1909


Compelled to Hold Up Hands Ten
Minutes After Robbers Left.
May Have Been Aided
by a Woman.

One of the most sensational holdups in recent years occurred about 10 o'clock last night when five men robbed the saloon of John Galvin at 1419 West Twenty-fourth street. The twenty or more men in the place all held up by two of the bandits and compelled to remain in the saloon fully ten minutes before they dared to leave. About $160 was secured by the highwaymen.

It was unusually crowded in the saloon last night. A dozen men were lined up at the bar, and Thomas McAuliff, the bartender, was so busy that he had hardly time to visit with the frequenters. But he stopped at his work when a woman began to yell in the back yard.

A moment later she burst into the barroom through the rear entrance and yelled, "Murder!" All eyes were fixed in her direction when two men stepped in behind her. Each had a red handkerchief over his face and each held a revolver.

"Up with your hands," commanded the taller of the two.

A few of the patrons tried to slip through the front door, but they changed their minds when they saw three more men with guns on the outside. In a moment they had all backed up against the wall and were holding their hands as high as possible. In a businesslike manner the short man went down the line and searched the pockets of each of the victims. He was evidently disappointed at the small amount of change that he managed to extract.

"The cash register must have it all," he said.

Maculiff was also standing with his hands in the air and made no objection to the robber's familiarity with the cash register. Not satisfied with the $100 which the register contained, the highwaymen searched the bartender. He secured $60, besides a watch which Maculiff valued at $65.

The woman, on whom all the attention was at first directed, had left the room. It was getting tiresome for the twenty victims who were leaning against the wall and they were more than glad when the operations of the robbers seemed to be about over. But the prospect of freedom was not so good when one of the men said:

"Now, if a single one of you move in the next ten minutes, he gets his head blown off." The two men backed out of the saloon through the front entrance and ran eastward on Twenty-fourth street. They were joined by their companions, though the patrons and the bartender were not aware of the fact. All remained in the same tiresome position for fully ten minutes. When Maculiff got to the door he saw that the coast was clear.

The police at the Southwest boulevard police station were notified and hurried to the scene. A few clews were picked up which made the officers believe that the holdup gang had been in the neighborhood all evening. The part that the woman played in the holdup was still a topic of conversation at closing time at midnight. Several affirmed that she was an accomplice to the robbers, while others said that she was some woman who lived in the neighborhood and had run in the saloon for protection.

The frequenters of the saloon were too excited to talk about the robbery in a coherent manner last night. Henry Beadles, who lives at 2014 Summit street, said he thought that there were only two men in the gang, but Michael Connolly, who lives at 2136 Madison street, said that he saw three others plainly through the door.

John Reed, 2312 Terrace street, was sure that he could recognize the robbers should he ever see them again. One of them had high cheek bones, and limped slightly in walking. All of the victims said that the ten minutes which they spent against the wall after the robbers had left were the longest ten minutes they had ever experienced. About $3 was secured from the men.

BRIDE OF 16 SEEKS TO ANNUL MARRIAGE ~ Nellie Walker, Who Eloped Last Wednesday, Says Boy Husband Can't Support Her.

March 28, 1909

Nellie Walker, Who Eloped Last
Wednesday, Says Boy Husband
Can't Support Her.

Nellie Walker, 16 years old, who went to Olathe on the Strang line last Wednesday with Frederick R. Walker, 18, and was married, brought suit in the circuit court yesterday to annul the marriage. The elopers were arrested the evening they returned from Olathe and given into the custody of their parents. Walker is the son of James Walker of 2405 Locust street, and Mrs. Michael Kellcher of 2053 Holmes street is the mother of the girl. She brings the su it for the daughter.

The wife alleges, in her petition, that she was less than lgal age when the marriage license was secured and that she had the consent of neither father nor mother. She adds that her husband is unable to support her.

The story of two weeks of married life is told in the petition of Daisy Tryon against L. Jay Tryon. She alleges that her husband pouted.

Other divorce suits filed were the following:

Laura Belle against Elija P. Sharp.
R. N against Myrtle B. Kennedy.
Christina against Henry Douser.
Mary against Luther Howard.
Nellie M. against Thomas B. Johnson.
Walter R. against Alice L. Gillaspie.
Pearl against Harry McHutt.
Gertrude against John H.Parshall

PURSE SNATCHER REAPPEARS. ~ Mrs. Arthur Hunt Robbed by Well Dressed Youth

March 28, 1909

Mrs. Arthur Hunt Robbed by Well
Dressed Youth.

The purse snatcher was again in evidence last night when Mrs. Arthur Hunt of 1317 Locust street was robbed in front of Teck's restaurant at Eighth and Main streets. Mrs. Hunt was waiting for her husband, who had crossed the street, when she noticed a young man pass her. A moment later he approached, and grabbing the purse, ran north on Main street. The woman screamed, but none of the spectators chased the thief. Mrs. Hunt says the purse snatcher did not appear to be more than 19 years old and that he was well dressed. The purse contained $3 in cash.

MEN'S SUITS TO BE MODEST. ~ No Freaks in Pattern or Tailoring This Season.

March 28, 1909

No Freaks in Pattern or Tailoring
This Season.

Conspicuous designs and freak tailoring effects are little to be seen this season, is the word from tailordom. The smart suitings are English flannels, in plain and small designs. For mid-summer homespuns will have a good demand. "The gentleman who dresses tastefully will dress modestly, both as to pattern and cut," said C. A. Bergfeldt at his shop in the Victor building. "The lines of our garments," he added, "are fashioned to give the wearer the appearance of a well turned figure, with a high chest and graceful waist."

AN ULTILMATUM TO GREEKS. ~ Juvenile Court Names the Hours for Shoe Shine Stands

March 27, 1909

Juvenile Court Names the Hours for
Shoe Shine Stands.

Greek shoe shining stands are to close at 2 p. m. on Sundays, at 10 p. m. on Saturdays and at 8 p. m. the other five days of the week. If they do not comply with this order, made by the juvenile court yesterday, their places will be closed all day Sunday.

While some of the proprietors of such stands have shown a disposition to make life less a burden to the boys they employ, others of their number have opposed orders made by the court. The expression of the court yesterday was in the nature of an ultimatum.

WHAT! NATURALIZED IRISH? ~ Precinct Leader from Slav District Hears Some News.

March 27, 1909

Precinct Leader from Slav District
Hears Some News.

The Democratic campaign managers in their efforts to gain a victory in the approaching election in Kansas City, Kas., have been unusually active in herding foreigners for naturalization purposes. So active has been this work that a few days ago the clerk of the district court ran out of the blanks commonly known as "first papers."

James Meek, chairman of the Democratic central committee had fifty candidates for citizenship corralled in Democratic headquarters and it was decided to get Topeka on long distance and ask that a deputy be sent down with a new supply of blanks.

"How many have you got?" was asked from the Topeka end.

"We have fifty who want to be naturalized," said Meek.

"What kind are they?" asked the man at Topeka.

Meek thought a moment, then turned to a party of his assistants, who had been listening to the local end of the conversation.

"He wants to know what kind of fellows these guys are," said Meek.

"Tell him there are forty-eight Slavs and two Irishmen," said Jay Carlisle.

"What's that?" broke in a precinct leader from the First ward. "Do Irishmen have to be naturalized, too?"

THREATENED TO PUT LAWYERS IN JAIL. ~ Persistent Interruptions in Hospital Hearing Got on the Nerves of Alderman Clubertson.

March 27, 1909

Persistent Interruptions in Hospital
Hearing Got on the Nerves of
Alderman Clubertson.

Threats of imposing a fine, with the alternative of going to jail, were made yesterday afternoon by W. C. Culbertson, chairman of the council committee hearing the charges against the management of the general hospital. Attorneys W. O. Cardwell and J. A. McLain, who are conducting the investigation for the complainants, were the objects of the alderman's threat. Members of the inquiry committee were compelled to request the attorneys to desist from interrupting cross-examination of witnesses.

One of the witnesses yesterday was Scott Murphy, an ex-policeman and a painter, who was an inmate of the new general hospital in November. He testified that he saw an extract poured on the injured leg of Arthur Slim, who testified that "Curley" Bates did it. But Murphy swore that a nurse did it and that Bates was not in the room.

Murphy testified that he was treated very well except that the doctors refused to give him any medicine for his cough, and that one of the nurses slipped him some cough tablets. He told of being in the "dope" ward, and also in the "crazy" ward. It was the latter place, he said, that he saw one man put in the bath tub, fulled with ice water, several times each day.

The most serious charge this witness made against the hospital was that of washing the dishes, knives and forks in an uncleanly manner.

Mrs. Maggie Struble was called by the complainants and testified that a son of hers died in the hospital March 18, 1909, and that Dr. Neal had charged her $2, which she has not paid, to sign the death certificate. She also said he had performed a postmortem on the body after she had refused to give him her consent for it to take place.

As to the treatment of her son while in the hospital she said that her son told her they treated him "fine." The only thing she complained of regarding the treatment her son received was that they fed him cooked pigs' feet unseasoned.

The committee then asked Dr. Neal to take the stand. He said that he had refused to sign a death certificate because he did not know the cause of the young man's death. The coroner, he testified, signed the death certificate and performed a postmortem on the body. Dr. Neal admitted charging $2 for filling out the certificate for the insurance company.

Two witness placed on the stand by the complainants were Fannie and Greg Grant, negroes, who testified that they were charged $5 by a physician at the hospital who filled out the insurance papers.

The investigation will be resumed next Monday afternoon.


March 26, 1909



Secret Service Men and City Detect-
ives Discover and Break Up a
Local Plant and Arrest
the Operators.


The operations of a gang of counterfeiters in Kansas City came to a sudden end yesterday with the arrest at Seventh and Penn streets by a United States secret service agent and city detectives of a man and woman giving their names as Charles King and Mary Cook., and the discovery of the apparatus used in making the spurious coin. Both admitted that bad dollars had been made for the past month.

For the past few weeks Charles A. Adams, United States secret service man in Kansas City, has received complaints of bad coins being circulated. He paid particular attention to the arrest of Daniel Kelly in Kansas City, Kas., March 19 for passing a bad dollar on William G. Smith, a grocer at 1700 North Third street. At the time of his arrest Kelly had three irregular coins in his possession. In police court Judge Sims fined Kelly $500 for vagrancy.


Adams, who visited Kelly in prison, says Kelly confessed making the coins and said his assistants were living at 621 Penn street in Kansas City, Mo.

Adams gave the facts to the police department and Andy O'Hare and Samuel Lowe, detectives, found that the couple were living in the basement of the brick house at the number which Kelly gave. Though the detectives watched the place last Sunday, nothing worth mentioning was discovered. The coins which the couple passed were good ones and could not excite suspicion.

Adams himself watched the house yesterday morning. About 10 o'clock the woman came out and got on a Roanoke car and at Southwest boulevard changed to the Rosedale line. The secret service man, of course, was following her. In Rosedale the woman alighted and entered a grocery store and asked if the clerk could change a dollar.


The clerk looked at the coin critically and returned it.

"It's no good," he said, and the woman hurried out.

She walked a short distance when she met a little girl.

"Have you the change for $1?" she asked.

The child shook her head, and she passed on. When Mrs. Cook came to the baker of Mrs. Florence Catley, 1142 Kansas City avenue, she entered and again attempted to pass one of the dollars and was again refused. Out on the sidewalk, Adams stopped the woman.

"You are under arrest," he said.


"Why, I didn't know that it was a bad coin," she protested. "It certainly looks like one, doesn't it?"

But she accompanied Adams up town and as they were walking up the front walk to the rooming house, Detectives O'Hare and Lwe came out with King. She broke down and in the presence of King told the whole story.


"It was all Kelly's fault," she sobbed. "We came here from Denver four weeks ago and there wasn't a job in sight that my husband could get. At last he fell in with Kelly, and then they began to make the bad dollars. But today is the first time that I tried to pass one of the coins. Last night we ate the last food in the house, and I had to do something. I went out and tried to pass one of the coins to keep from starving."

The man hung his head during the recital, and at her conclusion corroborated her statements. He said that they had heard of the arrest of Kelly in Kansas City, Kas., and destroyed the molds at once. In an old vault at 512 Broadway where several buildings have been torn down, he told the officers that they might find the broken pieces.

Following his instructions, the officers found five sets of plaster moulds, a quantity of tin and antimony, and a moulding pot. All the material was taken to the federal building and will be held as evidence. The prisoners were taken to police headquarters, where the woman was placed in the matron's room and the man in the holdover.

In the matron's room the Cook woman said that she had formerly lived in Kansas City. She said that she had purchased a home on the installment plan at 2044 Denver avenue, and had made six payments, until last December. She separated from her husband, Thomas Cook, about a year ago, she said, and went to Denver. There she met King, who was working for a gas company.

"We came back to Kansas City because times were hard," she said, as she wept, "but he couldn't get any work here, and he fell in with Kelly. I didn't know for some time that they were making the bad money. Today is the first time that I tried to pass one of the coins."

The couple will be turned over to the United States authorities today. None of the neighbors suspected anything wrong. The family of John Pulliam, who lived on the same floor in the basement, thought that the man and his wife were employed down town. Kelly and king, the woman said, generally made the coins at night. They were such poor imitations that it is doubtful if many were passed.

CHORUS GIRLS IN NEW STUNT. ~ Will Break Ground for New Theater at Noon Today.

March 26, 1909

Will Break Ground for New Theater
at Noon Today.

Forty-two chorus girls will break ground for the new Gayety theater, which the Columbia Amusement Company of New York is to erect at Twelfth and Wyandotte streets at noon today. They are members of the Knickerbocker company, now playing at the Majestic theater, and the Trocadero company, billed there for next week.

"This is an idea of my own, and with all respect to the mayor, I believe it is much more original than to have him present to do the sodturning act," said Thomas Hodgeman, the manager. "Of course, he's tired of such performances, although he's much too good natured to refuse on such occasions."

"Will the girls be in stage costume?" was asked.

"Uh-huh; that is, I don't know. They may, and they may not. It depends on the weather, as manufactured by P. Connor. If it's a little chilly the girls -- oh, I hate to say it, but really, you know, some of them might catch cold."

PUZZLED THEM FOR HOURS. ~ Mary Costello, Mayor Crittenden’s Stenographer, Could Not Tell Physicians Her Name.

March 26, 1909

Mary Costello, Mayor Crittenden’s
Stenographer, Could Not Tell
Physicians Her Name.

Who Couldn't Remember Her Name.

A stylishly dressed young woman startled the attendants of the University hospital about 1:30 o’clock yesterday afternoon when she walked into the reception room and calmly said:

“Please tell me my name.”

A nurse, upon hearing the odd request, looked closely at the young woman and noticed a peculiar expression in her eyes. The attendants sent her to the emergency hospital, where Dr. H. L. Hess and Dr. F. R. Berry questioned her. To every question the girl returned one monotonous answer:

“I wish I knew my name.”

It was nearly 7 o’clock before the girl’s mind began to become partially clear and she answered several questions in a rational manner. A gold hat pin which Dr. Hess held out for her inspection seemed to revive a chain of thought.

“Why, a Mrs. Crittenden gave that to me,” she said.

The clue was sufficient for the physician, who called up the mayor’s home. Mrs. Crittenden was asked if she had ever given a hat pin to a young woman.

“I remember giving one to Mary Costello, Mr. Crittenden’s stenographer,” she replied.

The girl looked up in amazement when her name was called.

“Why, that’s my name!” she exclaimed. “How did you know?”

When William P. Costello, her uncle, was notified he took Miss Costello home. The girl, who is 19 years old, left Mr. Crittenden’s real estate office in the Sheldley building last Monday, as she had been taken ill with the grippe. While the family was at lunch yesterday noon she slipped out of the home at 1410 Belleview avenue and her relatives supposed that she had felt well enough to visit friends. The physicians say her present mental condition is only temporary.

SHARP TRIAL POSTPONED. ~ May 17 Date Now Set for "Adam God" Hearing.

March 25, 1909

May 17 Date Now Set for "Adam
God" Hearing.

James and Melissa Sharp, leaders of the band of fanatics who started a riot in December at the city hall, are not to be tried in the criminal court until May 17. Their attorneys yesterday asked for more time to get depositions from Texas to support the defense of insanity which they propose to make. The trial had been set for March 30.

Sharp, who calls himself "Adam God," had set yesterday as the time of his departure from the jail. He said he was going to disappear and vanish to Heaven. However, when the prisoners went to sleep last night the corporeal self of Mr. Sharp was on the cot in the cell he has occupied since December 10. He issued no proclamation of postponement to account for the failure of his promise.


March 25, 1909


Husband, Returning From Office,
Finds Attentions Being Forced
on His Wife -- Fires
Three Shots.

Opening the door of his room to find his wife struggling to free herself from the grasp of another man, Leon Brady of 1014 East Fifteenth street, a mechanical draftsman in the employ of the board of education, shot and fatally wounded Josehp Flanagan, a land promoter of El Hito, N. M. The shooting occurred at 1:45 o'clock yesterday afternoon in the hallway of the boarding house at 1014 East Fifteenth streeet, where both Flanagan and the Brady family lived.

Upon arriving at his office at 1526 Campbell street shortly after lunch yesterday afternoon, Brady "felt that something was wrong at home." He went immediately to the East Fifteenth street boarding house and found the door of his room locked and his wife inside. His wife responded to his knock.

"After I had been in the room a few moments, my wife went out and down to the second floor. I shut the door and waited for her to return. In about five minutes I heard her cough. I listened and she coughed again. Then I went to the door and waited. I could not hear anything at first, but in a moment I heard someone whispering and it seemed excited. Then I heard my wife say: 'No! No! No!' in a half frightened, half sobbing tone.


"I cannot explain my action and I cannot tell how I feel about it now. I saw my wife struggle and I knew the man. I was white with rage and I could not control myself. It was that kind of a situation about which little is remembered and nothing is clear."

Brady rushed to the bureau and grabbed his revolver. Throwing the door open he saw Flanagan and his wife. Then he fired.

Flanagan fell at the first shot. Mrs. Brady uttered a cry and her husband fired twice again at his victim. Flanagan then arose and groped his way to his own room, while Brady went back and put two more cartridges in his revolver. Mrs. Brady, at her husband's request, went to the telephone and notified the police.

Flanagan was taken to the general hospital, where he died two hours later. In his statement to Assistant Prosecutor Garrett, he said he realized he was about to die and had given up all hope. He declared that his relations with Mrs. Brady had never been otherwise than friendly.

At the Walnut street police station where Brady surrendered he stated that Flanagan had persistently attempted to force his attention upon Mrs. Brady. "Flanagan was under the influence of liquor a week ago and he came to our room in that condition. He called my wife by her first name, Rose, and this impression of intimacy with my wife angered me," he said.

"Last Sunday I went out to my father's house at 3115 Benton boulevard, and took Billy, my year-old son, with me. While there someone called me on the telephone, and a woman's voice said, 'You had better come home and see what is doing.' I immediately returned to the boarding house.


"My wife told me when I arrived at the house that Flanagan had come to her room after I left and said to her, 'You are expecting someone.' She told me she was offended by his talk and manner, and asked him why he had taken advantage of my absence to come and see her. He told her that I need not know about it, and my wife told him that she would tell me. Flanagan was angry at that, and said to her, 'I'll fix you if you do. I'll do you dirt.' "

According to the statements of both men, they were out walking together the two evenings before the shooting took place. Both say that on no occasion had Mrs. Brady ever been mentioned by them.

Yesterday at noon when Brady came to lunch he found Flanagan already at the table and sat down with him. They talked during the meal and afterward Brady carried a lunch up to his wife, who is ill and confined to her room.

In an ante-mortem statement Flanagan said Mrs. Brady came out of the room in to the passageway, and following her, Brady appeared and shot him without saying a word. "I fell after the first shot," said he, "and then he fired twice more. I said, 'Oh Brady, Brady, Brady! Why have you done this?' His wife said nothing; simply stood there.

"We had always been good friends and he had never spoken to me about her. She told me to look out for him two days ago. I did not know anything was wrong or that he had anything against me until his wife told me. I ate lunch with him today and and boarded at the same house with them. I have known both of them about four months."


Brady is a graduate of the engineering department of Columbia university in New York and is the son of J. H. Brady, chief engineer of the board of education of Kansas City. He was yesterday elected president of the National Association of Heating and Sanitary Engineers in New York. Young Brady is said by his classmates to have been exceptionally bright and stood high with his teachers and others.

Leaving school he went to Mexico as a mining engineer. While riding on the cowcatcher of one of the small locomotives employed about the mines, the engine struck a burro standing in the tracks. The animal fell on Brady and the force of the impact broke his leg in two places. The injured man was taken to the house of the mine superintendent and nursed back to health by the daughter of the household. During the days when he lay helpless on his bed, he and the girl formed a friendship that gradually ripened into love and they were married three years ago. Since that time a son has been born. The son is a little more than a year old and at the boarding house on East Fifteenth street was the universal favorite.

WOODWARD TRIPLETS THRIVE. ~ Neighbors Give "Shower" in Honor of New Arrivals.

March 25, 1909

Neighbors Give "Shower" in Honor
of New Arrivals.

The Woodward triplets, born in Kansas City, Kas., last St. Patrick's day, continue to thrive and their condition is pronounced the best by Dr. E. A. Reeves, the attending physician. The mother is also gaining strength rapidly.

The Woodward home at 903 Orville avenue, was the scene of a "shower" in honor of the new arrivals yesterday. The women of the neighborhood, who "have just gone daffy" over the triplets, held a special session a couple of days ago and decided to "shower the little ones and they did so. Garments of all descriptions belonging to an infant's wardrobe made up the shower.


March 25, 1909


Rabbi's Daughter Seeks Annulment
of Civil Marriage Because, She
Says, Husband Refused to
Keep Agreement.

Daughter of a rabbi, pretty Anna Stopeck told Judge Slover of the circuit court a story yesterday of how her husband wouldn't wed her, although they were married. Explaining this apparent paradox, she added that, being orthodox, she did not consider herself married until after the Jewish ceremony had been performed.

A civil marriage was performed and the annulment of this is the purpose of the young woman's suit. Her father, Rabbi Samuel J. Shapiro, with whom she lives at 502 Oak street, was with her in court. The case is being contested.

Hyman Stopeck, a tailor at 515 Main street, is the husband. He is about 40 years old, while the girl appears half that age. On the witness stand the wife, telling her story in broken English and with confused idioms, said:
"Mr. Stopeck paid attention to me last spring and summer. He told me he had never been married before, and I liked him. He gave me a diamond ring and on July 30, 1908, at our home, the formal engagement was announced to our friends. It was agreed that there should be a civil and then a Jewish ceremony, my father and all of us being orthodox.

"So on August 4 we went to Kansas City, Kas., and got a marriage license and were wedded. Van B. Prather, judge of the probate court, performed the ceremony. That was about 11 o'clock in the morning.

"After that we returned to my father's home. Mr. Stopeck stayed there for dinner and until 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Then he left. I have not seen h im since August 7, when he came to ask me to return the diamond ring."

"But why did he leave you?" asked Gerston B. Silverman, the wife's attorney.

"Because he asked my father to give him $500 before he would go through the Jewish ceremony. When this was not done, he said:
" 'I'll let her (meaning me) wait for ten years before I'll go through the Jewish ceremony unless I get that $500.' "

Then the girl explained that her belief regarded the Jewish ceremony as essential.

"And was Stopeck ever married?" inquired Mr. Silverman.

"He told me afterwards that he had been married at Rochester, N. Y., and that his wife had secured a divorce from him.

"Why," continued the girl, "he was so attentive before we were engaged. On July 7 he brought me a clipping from a paper. He said: 'Get yourself a hat like this.' "

Here the attorney displayed a two-column portrait of the Princess de Sagan, formerly Anna Gould, wearing a huge Gainsborough.

When court adjouroned for the night it was expected that the trial of the case would occupy all of today.

CIVIL WAR VETERAN DEAD. ~ Captain Williams Had Been an Invalid for Two Years.

March 25, 1909

Captain Williams Had Been an In-
valid for Two Years.

Captain W. J. Williams, a veteran of the civil war, for forty years a resident of Kansas City, Kas., died yesterday at St. Margaret's hospital from the effects of an operation. He was 73 years old and had been practically an invalid for the past two years.

Captain Williams was born in North Carolina and at the age of 19 years ran away from home and joined the regular army at Leavenworth for the sole purpose of going with the troops to attack Brigham Young at Salt Lake City. His company was among the forces dispatched to the Mormon capital, but before much of the journey had been accomplished war was declared between the North and South and the westbound troops were recalled to Fort Leavenworth and sent South. Captain Williams was engaged in the battle of Wilson creek.

Of a family of five children, Captain Williams is survived by one son, Frank Williams, a former member of the Kansas City, Kas., police force. His wife died eight months ago. He lived at 193 South Pyle street. Funeral arrangements have not been made.

GIRL OF FIFTEEN MISSING. ~ Clacie Claunch Has Not Been Home Since Sunday Morning.

March 24, 1909

Clacie Claunch Has Not Been Home
Since Sunday Morning.

The police are looking for Clacie Claunch, 15 years old, who disappeared from her home at 3324 East Eighteenth street Sunday morning. She wore a red skirt, light waist, light striped jacket and long brown leather gloves. Her hair and eyes are brown. She had intended to go to the Hippodrome when she left home.

Arthur Gladstone, 2452 Woodland avenue, reported to the police that his wife has been missing for several days. She is 24 years old, wieghs 120 pounds and wore a blue suit.

MAY HAVE REMNANT SALE. ~ Dry Goods Stock Likely to Become Police Property.

March 24, 1909

Dry Goods Stock Likely to Become
Police Property.

It is probable that the police department will be richer by $2,000 if the cases against William Gilbert, Thomas O'Neill, Ruth Hester and Grace Harris do not come up soon in the criminal court where they were appealed last October after the four persons were convicted of shoplifting in the municipal court.

At that time, the representatives of most of the dry goods stores in the city identified goods which were found at 1221 Harrison street, where the alleged shoplifters were rooming.

But of late, the representatives of the dry goods stores have not been coming to the city hall to ask for the property as they did formerly. They say that styles will change before the criminal court will try the cases against the accused persons and that the goods, though they were valued at $2,000 last October, will not be nearly so valuable.

Since the release of the four the police in New Orleans arrested four suspects who correspond in description to the four released on appeal bonds in Kansas City.

EPPERSON'S AUTO HITS BOY. ~ Chauffeur, 17 Years Old, Was Making Trial Trip With New Touring Car.

March 24, 1909

Chauffeur, 17 Years Old, Was
Making Trial Trip With New
Touring Car.

The trial trip of U. S. Epperson's new touring car yesterday afternoon resulted in the serious injury of Jesse Bridgeman, 13 years old, who was run over at Eleventh and Holmes streets. J. C. Collins, 17 years old, the chauffeur, was arrested. He was released at police headquarters, Mr. Epperson signing his bond.

The Bridgeman boy, who lives with his mother, Mrs. Gertrude Bridgeman, 1416 Locust street, came out of the Humbolt school, put on his roller skates and coasted down Eleventh street. A moment later, as he attempted to cross the street, he was struck by the car and hurled to the pavement. The machine passed over him, although he was untouched by the wheels.

Collins, who had thrown on the emergency brake, stopped the car and ran back. It was almost impossible for J. M. Maloney, a patrolman, to break through the hundreds of excited pupils to the spot where the child lay. Collins offered to take the boy in the motor car to the emergency hospital, but Maloney called the ambulance, which hurried to the scene. Dr. Fred B. Kryger found the child's left leg fractured in two places. He was also bruised about the head and body. He was sent to Dr. H. B. McCall's private sanitarium at 1424 Holmes street, where his condition was little improved last night.

The boy chauffeur has been in Mr. Epperson's employ about three weeks. He says the accident was unavoidable.

Mr. Epperson hurried to the emergency hospital as soon as he heard of the accident, and listened to the child's story. He said he did not believe Collins was exceeding the speed limit.

FOUR PITCHERS ARE ON HOSPITAL LIST. ~ Three Will Be Laid Up For at Least Ten Days.

March 23, 1909

Three Will Be Laid Up For
at Least Ten Days.

With four of the best twirlers on the Blues' staff in the hospital, the prospects for starting the season with well trained flingers assumed a very gloomy aspect yesterday. Two of them must stay in bed at least a week, under the most favorable conditions, and may be confined for six weeks. One is out, but may be ordered to a bunk on short notice, and the other will be laid up for at least ten days.

The sick list contains William Duggleby, "Nick" Carter, "Vinegar Bill" Essick and "Lefty" Brennan. Roy Brashear has a severe cold which may put the star infielder out of commission later, but he is still able to play. Duggleby has a badly swollen eye as the result of being hit on the head by a pitched ball Sunday and will not be able to play for at least ten days, although he will try to keep in training to a certain extent during that time. Essick is able to work, but he has a severe cold which will not keep him away from practice altogether unless it gets worse.

The real sick members are Brenan and Carter. They played Saturday and Brennan was able to make three hits in the game Sunday, but yesterday the club physician stated that they had malaria fever and made them go to bed for at least a week. They may be able to get up at the end of that time if their condition shows improvement daily, ubt should they get worse, which is altogether probable, they may be confined to their rooms or a hospital for six weeks..

Manager Cross knows what Essick and Carter can do. In fact, they are about sure of being on the regular staff this season, but Brenan is entirely new to Cross and it is a question whether Duggleby can pitch the brand of ball needed in this league. He failed to do anything remarkable in the Eastern league a year ago and unless he shows improvement this spring he may not draw a regular station.

THEY'RE COMING BACK AGAIN. ~ "Sanitary" Trash Cans Will Decorate Street Corners.

March 23, 1909

"Sanitary" Trash Cans Will Decor-
ate Street Corners.

"Will the committee explain what good these cans are? They obstruct sidewalks; are not beautiful to look at, and when we had them before I could see no earthly use for them."

This is what Alderman George H. Edwards said in the upper house of the council last night when the streets and alleys committee recommended the passage of an ordinance giving permission to a company headed by Michael Pendergast, brother of the alderman, to encumber the sidewalks and street corners with trash cans.

"They are sanitary, ornamental and well gotten up; they are absolutely sanitary and can't be kicked over or blown over," was the recommendation furnished for the cans by Alderman Isaac Taylor.

"Also quite convenient for clerks to empty the contents of waste paper baskets into," piped Alderman Emmet O'Malley.

"The last cans were good things to throw trash at, but never into," observed Alderman Edwards.

The ordinance was passed, the only negative vote being filed by Edwards.

In the lower house the ordinance failed of passage under suspension of the rules, but the streets and alleys committee reported it out immediately. The required eight votes were on hand to make it a law, the only objections being Alderman Darius Brown and J. G. Lapp.

STUDYING ARMY METHODS. ~ Australian Military Official Visiting American Posts.

March 23, 1909

Australian Military Official Vis-
iting American Posts.

The military of Australia is to be conducted in some respects like that of the United States, and for the purpose of getting ideas to use in the Antipodes. Major General John C. Hoad, inspector general of the commonwealth of Australia, is visiting United States army posts where service schools are maintained.

Major Hoad was in Kansas City yesterday morning on his way from Leavenworth to Fort Riley. He has visited all the principal forts in the Eastern states and will end his trip with a visit to the Presidio of San Francisco.

PROMOTER UNDER ARREST. ~ John W. Roberts Held Under $2,000 Bond on a Charge of Bigamy.

March 23, 1909

John W. Roberts Held Under $2,000
Bond on a Charge of Bigamy.

John W. Roberts, a promoter, with offices in the Jenkins building, Thirteenth street and Grand avenue, was arraigned before Justice Richardson yesterday, charged with bigamy. The complaint was filed by Mrs. Maggie Roberts, 2305 Minnie avenue, who claims that Roberts, after deserting her nearly four years ago, married Teressa Helmer in Denver, Col., in June, 1906. Roberts was released on $2,000 bond for preliminary examination April 2.

"I was married twenty-two years ago, and lived with my wife until about four years ago," said Roberts yesterday. "We simply could not get along together, and I left her. Since that time I have sent an average of $75 a month to her. She came into my office last Monday, and demanded that I give her $100. This I refused to do, and told her that I would allow her $40, which she took.

"We had two children, Lillian, aged 19, and William T. aged 17. My daughter is living with her mother, and the boy just arrived in Kansas City today from Texas, where he has been working. He probably will make his home with me at 1122 Tracy avenue, if he remains in this city."

William T. Roberts met his father in the Jenkins building last night. He said that with a few exceptions Roberts had provided regulary for his first family.

The second Mrs. Roberts is living at 1122 Tracy avenue and is the mother of a 7-months-old baby girl.

When asked what his plans were, Roberts said:

"I have no plans. When the proper time comes I will make my statement. These charges have been brought against me and they will have to be proved. There is nothing farther to say."

TOOK A STROLL; IS SHY $30. ~ Farmer Slept in Rear of Saloon and Was Touched.

March 23, 1909

Farmer Slept in Rear of Saloon and
Was Touched.

When Farmer Gus Peterson of Topeka, Kas., strayed from the glare of the Union depot last night and started for a little stroll along Union avenue he merrily jingled three golden eagles in his pocket. Two hours later when he awoke from a troubled sleep in the rear of a Union avenue saloon all he could find was a bunch of keys. He remembers going into the saloon to have a drink with two "nice appearin' gents."

Peterson reported his loss to the police at No. 2 station and wired home for money.

SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE. ~ Both Carry the Same Freight, Says Trinity's New Pastor, in His Initial Sermon.

March 22, 1909

An Incident of the Early Days in
Kansas City.

An incident of the good old days in Kansas City town was recalled last night at the Hotel Kupper by Belle Theodore, a member of the Kathryn Osterman company, playing at the Grand this week.

"I have been coming to Kansas City every season for many years," said Mrs. Theodore to a party of friends. "Several years ago on one of my visits I was stopping at the old Coates house. At dinner time one evening all of the waiters in the house went on a strike. The late Kersey Coates, who was then running the place, was in a dreadful stew, hardly knowing how to proceed. The hotel was full of guests and the dining room was rapidly filling. I followed the procession and sat down at a table, thinking that I would take a chance, if there were any, of getting my dinner.

"I had been seated a few minutes when I saw a waiter approaching. As he neared me I saw that it was Mr. Coates, the proprietor. He had donned a jacket and an apron and was handling a tray like a veteran. He worked throughout the dinner hour like a Trojan and made the best of an unpleasant and unforeseen situation."


March 22, 1909


Husband Declares Reform School
Was Suggested as Place for
Girl -- Tells Story of
Marital Troubles.

Charles Hunter, 19 years old, who shot and dangerously injured his wife, Myrtle Hunter, Friday morning, yesterday told visitors of the trouble that led up to his crime, and which is causing his detention at police headquarters. He said he loved his wife, but her waywardness caused the trouble.

When the boy and his child wife were married by Michael Ross, J. P., the mothers went to the court house with them to give consent. The girl's mother called at police headquarters yesterday afternoon to see Hunter. She told him she was still his friend and would do all she could for him.

"Even if Myrtle dies, Charles, we won't blame you," the prisoner was told.

The reform school was suggested by Mrs. Scanlon as the best place for the girl wife. Hunter informed a visitor yesterday. But he said he loved her and wanted to keep her at home if possible.


She left home one day and the mother announced her intention of having the police find the girl and sending her to reform school according to the story Hunter tells. Instead he asked her to wait and allow him to give her another trial. Hunter promised to find her and keep her at home.

After four days' search he declares he found her at a house on East Eighth street in company with another young woman and two men. While Hunter was in the room a rambler placed his arm around his wife and caressed her, which made him frantic with shame and anger. From there he took his wife home and she promised him she would remain away from her former haunts.

Then he says a clerk in a clothing store began to pay her attentions. Hunter said this clerk went to the Scanlon home last Thursday and asked for Myrtle. He made a second trip to the house in the afternoon. Mrs. Hunter opened the door, but refused to allow him to come in. Hunter said he was at the head of the stairs on the second floor and upon asking who the visitor was started down. The man left and his wife and Mrs. Scanlon prevented Hunter from following him.


From the trials he had with his endeavors to keep his wife at home and the attempts by the clerk to take her away, Hunter claims that he was made desperate and driven mad. The climax was reached Wednesday night when the man is said to have collected a gang and announced his intention of going to the Hippodrome and going home with Mrs. Hunter.

Hunter and his wife were standing near the skating rink when the persistent admirer came up and spoke to the wife. She tried to avoid him and when she was unable to do so Hunter says he objected.

"I'll take her home if you have to go home in the undertaker's wagon," Hunter said he was told.

According to Hunter, his uncle, Claude Rider, 1728 Troost avenue, stepped up and said he was going to take a hand in the affair. As his uncle came up Hunter declares friends grabbed him and took him across the street while the other men fought. The police arrested them and took them to No. 4 police station where they were charged with disturbing the peace.

"I believe my mother-in-law was trying to arrange to send Myrtle to the reform school when I shot her," Hunter remarked.

He said he got the pistol at the Scanlon house and that it belonged to his wife's father. The condition of Mrs. Hunter was worse yesterday, but it was said that she still has a chance to recover.

Of late years Hunter has been following the skating rinks and in the summer has had charge of the rink at Fairmount park. At one time Hunter was an office boy for an afternoon newspaper and later became an advertising solicitor.