April 30, 1916

Rousing Reception Given Evangelist.

The busy thousands of Kansas City will now turn to the contemplation of their sins -- Billy Sunday's in town.

He came yesterday morning at 10:30 o'clock, Sunday grin, Sunday fedora of pearl gray, Sunday overcoat with fur collar. And, oh yes, behind the great evangelist, when he stepped out of his Pullman, appeared "Ma" Sunday, with small round hat with pom pom adornment, in a smile as pleasant as one could wish to see on a bright spring morning. Ten thousand pairs of eager eyes looked and danced a merry welcome while 10,000 voices lifted in a welcoming shout, as the pair and their retinue advanced up the steps into the waiting room of the Union station. Behind them surged a crowd of several hundred who had forced their way past the gatemen to be the first to extend a welcome.

Among the last to shake the hand of Mr. and Mrs. Sunday were those who had been officially selected to do it first. They were borne backward by the throng and had to wait their turn. when former Judge William H. Wallace, whose palatial home at 3200 Norledge place, has been turned over to the evangelists party, finally fought his way to Mr. Sunday, the latter exclaimed with characteristic enthusiasm: "This is a typical Kansas City welcome, isn't it? Say, when my two boys, Billy and Paul, are out of school they will have a great time here."
Mrs. Sunday Busy, Too.

Mrs. Sunday was busy with both hands greeting new friends. The pom pom vibrated with the fervor of her hand shakes. Her illuminating smile came and went and then decided to stay. She, too, appeared to be immensely pleased with the reception.

Out of the station surged the crowd, filling the plaza outside as the couple climbed into a motor car. The voices now had joined in harmony.

"Glory, Glory Hallelujah," and "Brighten the Corner" were sung. Mr. Sunday added his voice to the many, and stood up in the car. He doffed his pearl gray fedora, and waved it like an enthusiastic fan cheering the home team to victory in the ninth.

"Go to it!" he shouted. "That's the way. Now, I know we can't fail to win Kansas City to Christ. It's all over when the shouting begins."

In spite of this however, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday seemed to be fagged out by their long train ride. They soon settled back restfully in the cushions and gave the signal to the driver to "speed up." The party was whisked away amid a hurricane of applause and singing. And "Ma" Sunday looked at her husband with gentle concern because of the drooping eyelids and tired neck muscles which kept his head bent low. It was evident she was thinking of the several weeks of desperately hard work ahead of him. "Ma" Sunday always seems to have her husband's welfare in the back of her mind. As the car jogged along, the pom pom nodded and the fedora dropped, but Mr. Sunday's pleasant and far carrying voice talked on as he recognized landmarks known to him of old.
Recalls Landmarks

"The Midland building?" he said. "Why, that was a hotel when I came here once before. A fine one, too. Seemed like staying at home to be in it. We made our headquarters there when I was playing with the White Sox."

As they passed the tabernacle, which is so large that Solomon's temple and Noah's ark both could be housed in it and with plenty of room to spare, Mr. Sunday brightened up.

"Wasn't this the old ball grounds?" he inquired.

"The very place," declared Colonel Fred Fleming. "But it has been filled up for the tabernacle. You will preach just about where the catcher's stand used to be."

"Really!" was the reply. "That's strange, though. The same thing has happened with variations in several other cities. I guess that is because the old ball parks are about the only downtown vacant spots these days."

The long, low wooden structure, stretching away over a full block on its myriad supports, held his attention for some time. He watched it for many moments and then said:

Pleased with Temporary Home.

"It is just like all of the others, of course. We guard against architectural mistakes by building them in duplicate."

The car now began climbing the unbroken height of Scarritt's Point and Mrs. Sunday caught her first view of the sweeping curves of the river far below and the distant haze-enveloped hills of Clay county.

"Beautiful!" she exclaimed. "This is the prettiest spot in the world. Can we see the river from the house?"

"The best vantage point in the city to see the river," assured Mr. Fleming. The Wallace house was a great source of delight to the entire party. The spacious, well furnished rooms and the wonderful prospect from the bed room windows were points quickly noted in its favor. Mrs. R. A. Long greeted the evangelist at the door. She had personally supervised the finishing touches to the stately homestead and her own hands had adorned the various rooms with thirty dozen carnations. The Sundays proceeded at once to make themselves perfectly at home in their new surroundings and after an hour or two devoted to giving interviews, eating lunch and admiring the landscape, the retired for the afternoon to rest.

April 30, 1916 ~ DON'T WANT STREET PAVED.

April 30, 1916

Owners of Property on Second Object to Expense of Improvement.

Objections were filed yesterday with the streets, alleys and grades committee of the lower house of the council against the paving of Second street from Lydia to Woodland avenue. The improvement was asked for by the manufacturing interests of the district. The owners of property, who will have to pay the tax bills, argued that the paving cost would confiscate their lands. The committee will make its ruling next Friday.

The public improvements committee of the upper house killed ordinances providing for macadam paving on Swope parkway from Blue Ridge boulevard to Sixty-seventh street, because the property owners are not satisfied with the specifications.

The board of public works decided yesterday to pave Main street, Thirteenth to Eighteenth street, with creosoted blocks, and Eighteenth, Grand avenue to Woodland, with material to be selected later. Action on the paving of Walnut street, Twelfth to Nineteenth, was postponed to next Friday.

Mayor Edwards has directed the board of public works to get busy and put the paved streets of the city in a safe condition. Already, in response to orders from the board three paving companies having streets under maintenance have gangs at work on repairs, and the municipal repair plant is contributing repairs. Fifty ordinance have been prepared, ordering repairs to pavements, and 150 more are in preparation.


April 30, 1916

Pictures of Judge Gage and Father Dalton Given M. V. H. S.

Three new directors have been added to the board of the Missouri Valley Historical Society, making a directorate of twelve. The new ones elected yesterday are Purd B. Wright, public librarian, Ford F. Harvey and J. M. Coburn.

John B. White, president of the society, on yesterday presented the organization with an enlarged portrait of the Rev. Father William J. Dalton, which was hung in the rooms at the Westport library branch. A portrait of the late Judge John C. Gage was also presented to the society by Mrs. Gage.


April 29, 1916

Mrs. Caroline Wahlenmaier, Wealthy Widow, Meets Instant Death.

Mrs. Caroline Wahlenmaier, 65 years old, widow of J. W. Wahlenmaier, a wealthy pioneer citizen of Kansas City, was struck and killed by a northbound Country Club car at 5 o'clock yesterday evening at Firty-first and McGee streets. The head was severed from the body and death was instantaneous.

Mrs. Wahlenmaier made her home with her son, A. G. Wahlenmaier, an automobile dealer, at 5110 Main street. She had been to a neighborhood grocery store and was on her way home with some purchases. The care was slowing down to take on passengers, and did not move more than six feet after it struck her. Witnesses told Patrolman B. D. Crowley that the woman seemed absent-minded, and either did not notice the car or thought that she could cross ahead of it. They declared that they did not believe the motorman was to blame.

The motorman, L. R. Marshall, 4530 Virginia avenue, and the conductor, V. T. Todd, 4836 Charlotte street, were arrested and taken to police headquarters. They were held until two of the sons of the dead woman appeared and asked that they be released, declaring that they believed the accident to be unavoidable, and due to the failing faculties of their mother. The two men were released under orders to appear and make statements today at the prosecutor's office.

Mrs. Wahlenmaier was the owner of the Wahlenmaier building, the finest office building in Kansas City, Kas., and many other properties in both Kansas Citys. She is survived by three sons: A. G., with whom she made her home, W. F. of Seattle, Wash., and F. C. Wahlenmaier, an oculist living at the Densmore hotel, and a daughter, Mrs. L. F. Barney, wife of Dr. L. F. Barney, living at the Hotel Grand in Kansas City, Kas.
Both Mrs. Wahlenmaier and her husband were born in Germany and came to the United States with their parents when they were children. She would have been 66 years old today. The parents of both settled in Kansas City, Kas. Mrs. Wahlenmaier lived for forty-seven years at her hold home at 436 Washington boulevard, Kansas City, Kas. Her husband was a pioneer lumber dealer and for many years conducted a lumber yard at what is now Fourth street and Washington boulevard. He was prominent in civic affairs and became an extensive property holder. When he bought the land on which the Wahlemaier building now stands at Eight street and Minnesota avenue, it was covered with underbrush. He died thirty-one years ago. Mrs. Wahlenmamier recently went to live at the home of her son, near where she was killed. She had one sister, Mrs. Catherine Brune, who lives at Lakeview, Kas.


April 29, 1916

"As It May Be" Is Feature of the Weekend Bill at Globe.

The new weekend bill at the Globe features Miss Leila Davis, a heavy-weight comedienne, in a clever travesty on the suffragette movement, "As It May Be." The plot depicts the trials of a poor but honest woman carpenter in love with teh son of the delicatessen dispenser, who is in the toils of a bad and designing city lady. The trials the hero has to over come are many and beset with dangers. To tell this love story Miss Davis has surrounded herself with those clever funmakers, Miss Lucille Berdell as the bad city lady, and Henry J. Mosley as the male heroine.

The well-known Harry Van Fossen, formerly of minstrel fame, has returned with many new laughs. The Longworths are a pair of well mannered and pleasing vocalists in an offering of high class. Frances and De Mar are pleasing harmony singers. A novelty new to vaudeville is presented by Crane, Mason and School, who perform daring acrobatics on roller skates. Juggling De Lisle is a finished manipulator of various articles. "Out of the Quagmire," a three-reel feature, and the news events are shown in the films.

April 29, 1916 ~ SUES OWNER OF MOTOR CAR.

April 29, 1916

Cyclist Who Chased Boy Stealing Foul Balls Collided With Auto.

When a small boy picks up all the foul balls knocked over the ball park fence and keeps them he eventually will break up the game. That's what one boy did last August when two teams were playing a friendly game at Association park. Henry H. Topping, 1314 Askew avenue, started on a motorcycle in pursuit of the boy. At Sixteenth street and Park avenue Topping's motorcycle collided with a motor car driven by Richard F. Bourne, and Topping was injured.

Topping is suing Bourne for $10,000 damages. The case is being tried in Judge Robinson's division of the circuit court.


April 28, 1916

Slugged, She Pursues and Captures Alleged Shoplifter.

A young woman detective of the Jones Store Company, after being struck twice yesterday by a man she declares is a shoplifter, chased him out of the store and down an alley, capturing him single-handed in an abandoned building at Thirteenth and Main streets.

Miss Lena Eshelman, the detective, was making her rounds yesterday at noon when, she says, the actions of a man in the hosiery department awakened her suspicions. She says that while she watched him he stealthily took two pairs of women's hosiery from a counter and slipped them under his coat. Miss Eshelman walked up to the man and placed her arm on his shoulder.

"You are under arrest," she told him. "I am a detective. I have caught you red-handed."

Employes of the store say the man did not tarry to argue, but doubled his fist, and struck the woman, knocking her against the wall. Miss Eshelman seized him a second time and again he struck her. The man ran out the door and the detective followed.

For half a block east on Twelfth street the chase continued and a crowd of nearly 300 men joined in pursuit of the fugitive, who turned south in the alley between Walnut and Main streets. He ran into a vacant building back of the Globe theater, with Miss Eshelman at his heels. She followed him into the basement of the building, groping in the dark and stumbling over discarded boxes and lumber. The man ran upstairs again and was trying to unlock a door at the head of the stairway when his persistent pursuer seized him for the third time.

S. H. Tilfree, Pinkerton detective, was in advance of the crowd which joined in the chase and he assisted Miss Eshelman in subduing the man, who was taken to police headquarters. He said his name is William Ward, 25 years old, and that he came here from St. Louis. Ten pairs of hosiery, valued at $1 a pair, were found in his pockets.


April 28, 1916

Leslie Clem of Arkansas Is Latest Recruit at Detention Home.

To the growing colony of runaway boys at the Detention home was added yesterday Leslie Clem of Branch, Ark. Leslie, although but 16 years old, is a well developed type of what is known in some localities as a "hill billy." His father, Street Clem, conducts a restaurant at Branch and obtained for Leslie a job on a farm in Arkansas at $7.50 a month, "board and keep." The work wasn't so bad, but Leslie allowed the "keep" wasn't to his liking.

Railroad men took Leslie to the Detention home, where he is awaiting word from his father. In the meantime Leslie is entertaining the other runaway boys with tales of the Ozarks, told in his inimitable drawl.

April 28, 1916 ~ PRISONERS WILL COOK.

April 28, 1916

Only Bread and Water for Those Who Don't in Independence.

Marshal Harris has established a school of cooking for city prisoners at Independence. The food of prisoners has been a little high and the marshal thought economy could be practiced if the prisoners do their own cooking. Yesterday the pots and kettles, long in discard, were brightened up and ranged along the municipal kitchen. "If any of the prisoners do not know how to cook I will teach them," said the marshal yesterday, "and those who refuse to cook will have to go without or have bread and water."

The cooking will be done by prisoners after working hours.


April 18, 1916

Proscribed Zone Established by City Upheld by Supreme Court

The family liquor stores and wholesale liquor houses east of Troost avenue and south of Twenty-fifth street must go. In fact, they have no legal grounding. That is the decree of the supreme court of Missouri handed down in a decision, the gist of which was received last night by A. F. Smith, assistant city counselor.

The fight on the family liquor stores in Westport and other outlying localities inside the city limits, and the retaliatory fight put up by owners of the stores has occupied the last four months.


April 27, 1916

Mrs. W. B. Thayer Tells of Intention to Form Museum Nucleus.

Pending the selection of an adequate fireproof storeroom or exhibition room for her valuable art collection, Mrs. W. B. Thayer has announced that it will be given to Kansas City, as a nucleus for an art museum to the contemplated Mary Adkins institute. For the present it will be considered a gift to the Fine Arts Institute, and has been accepted by President Samuel Moore. A meeting will be held by the directors within the next week to select a proper place of storage.

The collection is valued somewhere between $75,000 and $100,000 and includes paintings, textiles, potteries, precious art novelties of all sorts, prints, basketry and bits of sculpture.

"In a recent trip to San Francisco I tried to find some more to add to my collection," said Mrs. Thayer, "but anything on par with mine were absolutely prohibitive in price. There are articles especially, in the textile line in what I have assembled, that cannot be duplicated elsewhere. And such collections are steadily going up in value. All museums are attempting to assemble collections, especially private collections of them. I want mine to stay here in Kansas City."

Mrs. Thayer is planning a display of her fine collection of textiles in her residence, 4600 Warwick boulevard, next week, beginning Tuesday. The hours will be from 3 till 5 o'clock each day for the week, with a small admission fee charge.

Mrs. Thayer has just returned from Guatemala, where she "picked up" the best samples of embroidery and lace in ecclesiastic vestments. One robe, dating from the fifteenth century, was the property of a cardinal of the ancient Italian family, the Sagredo branch, well known in Venetian history. The reverend gentleman, who wore the robe, was cardinal of the Apostolic church in Venice. She also obtained the elaborate christening robe of a Spanish duke. One point lace robe to be shown is worth $2,500, and some Coptic embroideries she bought in Cairo, Egypt, and Constantinople are priceless. her list of quaint old samplers is also interesting.

April 27, 1916 ~ SEEKS HEIR TO A FORTUNE.

April 27, 1916

N. Y. Attorney Comes Here in Search of Rosa Bonita.

Kansas City's Italian quarters was searched yesterday for an Italian girl, whose name was Rosa Bonita when at the age of 19 years she arrived in America six years ago. J. David Malone, a New York attorney, brought the information of the estate awaiting this woman to Kansas City yesterday. He had no information that Rosa was in Kansas City, but is making a systematic search of all the cities in an effort to locate her.

"Rosa's uncle, from whom she inherits this fortune," said Mr. Malone yesterday at the Hotel Muehlebach, "was killed in the war a short time ago. His name was Colonel Giuseppe Bonita."

It is not known whether the woman has been married since her arrival in this country and therefore the search is rather a hopeless one.


April 27, 1916

"Human Fly" Walks Up After Being "Shooed" From Other Feats.

After dodging from one building to another only to be warned away by policemen, Harry H. Gardiner, the "human fly," climbed the Federal building yesterday at noon. About 15,000 persons jammed the adjacent streets while Gardiner worked his way from sidewalk to the pinnacle of the dome.

It was a hard climb, the "human fly" said after it was all over -- the hardest he has ever tackled.

Gardiner first went to the Commerce building, then to the Scarritt building, but he was warned that if he so much as set his foot on a wall he would be arrested for trespassing.


April 26, 1916

Makers Raise Price and Druggists Will Reduce Portions.

Less ice cream in the sundae or the ice cream soda served at Kansas City drug stores is the prospect as the summer season approaches. The wholesale ice cream makers have raised the price, and the druggists declare they must either cut down on the amount they serve to their customers or conduct the fountain business at a loss.

This matter was discussed last night at a meeting of the Kansas City Drug Club at the Coates House. The ice cream men were present to present their side of the case. They all indulged in a banquet and were entertained by a cabaret. The druggists also discussed the amount of money they would raise for the G.A.R. entertainment fund. W. C. Brown talked about the clean-up campaign.


April 26, 1916

Boy Scouts Will Find Out What Effect Notices Had.

The second survey in the city-wide clean-up campaign, in which 500 Boy Scouts are assisting the health department, will be made today. Each detail of boys will be under a sanitary inspector, as on last Saturday. This survey is to see if notices left on the first visit have been complied with. If not, a second notice will be left. On Friday and Saturday the final inspection will be made by the health department, the inspectors visiting the places about which complaints have been filed. The tenants and property owners will be given until May 1 to clean up, after which date prosecutions will be instituted, Dr. Paul Paquin, director of public health, announced yesterday afternoon.

Today the Consumers' League will begin to make reports on inspections of grocery stores, meat markets, ice cream parlors, restaurants, etc. Complaints filed by the women who make these inspections will be investigated at once by men from the sanitary department of the board of health and action taken to require a clean-up.

About 150 to 200 cards are arriving daily from children 12 years of age and older, in the public schools. These are giving the department a vast amount of information as to where insanitary conditions exist, such as in trash piles, tin cans, weeds and fly-breeding dumps. These will be looked after by sanitary inspectors.

April 25, 1916 ~ FEW MARCH FOR PEACE.

April 25, 1916

Anti-War Demonstration in K. C., Kas., Is Without Trouble.

Following an American flag and a sign "We March for Peace," 190 men and boys and a few women paraded on Minnesota avenue, Kansas City, Kas., last night. The parade was planned by Jacob Frohwerk, editor of a German publication. The men who marched were mostly members of local German-American organizations. The parade was lead by six mounted policemen and a band.

Several discussions pertaining to preparedness occurred on the streets following the parade. While some of them became rather heated no trouble occurred.

April 25, 1916 ~ DIES IN POOL HALL.

April 25, 1916

Visitor From Leavenworth, Supposed to Be Asleep, Found Dead.

A man went into Probasco's pool hall, 316 Main street, yesterday, and sat down to watch a game. He did not move and it was supposed he had gone to sleep. After an hour one of the players attempted to wake him up and found he was dead. Deputy Coroner Fritz Moennighoff said the man must have died soon after sitting down.

The body was taken to Freeman & Marshall's undertaking rooms. It is believed to be that of John McCarty, 63 years old, of the National military home at Leavenworth.


April 25, 1916

No Evidence of Sales Against Place on Independence Avenue.

C. C. Slaughter, owner of a drug store at 5100 Independence avenue, was discharged yesterday by Judge Fred W. Coon in the North Side municipal court on a charge of selling liquor. A raiding squad found a quantity of beer and many empty bottles at the drug store, but did not find any direct evidence of sales.

"I am giving everyone a fair chance," Judge Coon said, "but the drug store saloons must clean out of their places. In the future druggists must understand that the presence of beer in any quantity larger than what might be for private consumption, will be considered as evidence against them."

April 24, 1916 ~ LOVE LANDS TRIO IN CELLS.

April 24, 1916

Romance Begun in Mexico Leads to Fight in Kansas City.

A romance of Old Mexico, where the affections of two men were centered upon a pretty senorita, Josephine Gonsalez, came to a climax yesterday afternoon when the trio was taken to police headquarters by Patrolman Dick Elliott. There, in broken English, the story of the love affair was gleaned from the lips of the young woman and her two admirers.

In a little city 100 miles north of the City of Mexico there lived a fruit vendor named Felix Gonsalez, and his daughter, Josephine. Francisco Reos, the son of a well-to-do tradesman, loved Josephine, but he loved her secretly. He was a bashful young man. Far different was Manuel Remirez, a good looking water boy. He wooed her ardently and, it is said, she returned his love.

One of the major regimes gained control of the nation and Remirez, who h ad earned the enmity of the ruling faction, was banished as an outlaw. He came to the United States and with him was Josephine Gonsalez. The couple drifted from city to city and came to Kansas City several months ago. Remirez found employment here and worked hard to make a comfortable home for the woman he loved.

Meanwhile Reos was in deepest sorrow in Mexico. No other of the senoritas in his town attracted him. He finally decided to search for Josephine and bring her back to the land of her nativity. He traced her through several states and early this month arrived in Kansas City. He soon found Josephine's address and called upon her.

Remirez declares that Reos tempted Josephine with his wealth and that he tried to induce her to leave him. The two men met yesterday at the senorita's room at 510 Main street and, it is said, blows were exchanged freely. Officer Elliott heard the commotion and took the trio to the holdover.

Remirez and Reos were locked up in separate cells. Josephine Gonsalez, crying bitterly, was led away to the matron's department.

"Which of the two men do you love the most?" an officer asked the senorita.

"I do not know," she sobbed, "they are both such nice boys."

It is up to Judge Fred W. Coon in the North municipal court this morning to decide what shall be done to patch up the quarrel between Remirez and Reos. The two Mexicans and Miss Gonsalez are charged with disturbing the peace.


April 24, 1916

Crowd in City's Playground Estimated at Not Less Than 25,000.

Perhaps the largest Easter Sunday crowd in the history of Swope park went and came by street car and motor yesterday and all practically without accident or mishap of any sort. The crowd numbered during the day not less than 25,000 people. The Kansas City Railways Company estimates that its cars hauled 20,000 people to and from the park. In addition to this crowd there was a constant stream of motor cars plying between the city and the park all day long. Some of the motorists spent the day there and many remained only a short time.

It was not a record crowd for the park but it was an unusually large crowd for an Easter day that had as much chill in the air as yesterday.

A large amount of "glad raiment" found its way to the city's playground.

Most of the animals at the zoo appeared in their spring garb, although a few of the more sluggish fowl and beasts have not yet moulted nor shed, according to the manner in which each should don its spring show clothes.

The ponies, upon which the youngsters have counted so much for frolic, were on exhibition but they were not ridden. The saddles that were recently ordered have not yet been finished. Workmen are hurrying them and they will be ready in a few days.

The two golf courses were visited by a fairly good sized crowd of golfers, although Easter services took many of the customary golf fans to church when some of them have heretofore spent an hour on the links. Fishing attracted a large number of men and boys.

No accidents were reported at the park or on the traffic ways leading there.


April 24, 1916

Great Tabernacle Is Filled With an Enthusiastic Throng Representing All Evangelical Churches.

"Tabernacle dedicated yesterday at 2 p.m. in midst of great spiritual enthusiasm and intense devotion by a crowd of more than 12,000 people, every evangelical church in Greater Kansas City being represented. Anticipation is at highest pitch and we bespeak you a rousing welcome and blessed campaign for the kingdom."

The foregoing telegram was sent to Billy Sunday at Baltimore yesterday afternoon and he received it just before he had begun his final meeting of the campaign in that city. It was sent by O. J. Hill, chairman of the executive committee of the Billy Sunday campaign in Kansas City, and it was written while the dedicatory ceremonies of the new tabernacle at Admiral boulevard and Virginia avenue were in progress.

The tabernacle was formally opened to the public yesterday and the largest crowd of religious enthusiasts that had ever gathered in Kansas City at one time was there for the initial ceremonies. Every seat in the vast auditorium was occupied, the percentage of men and women being about equal, and the spirit displayed was regarded as a splendid forerunner for the seven weeks' revival, which will be inaugurated on next Sunday night.

Serious Purpose Evident

The event in numbers and to the enthusiasm of the crowd left no doubt as to whether the religious bodies of Kansas City want Billy Sunday. It was a crowd bent on serious purpose. Only a very, very few were attracted by idle curiosity. The great bulk of the congregation was there to begin the real work of the biggest religious campaign that Kansas City has ever known.

The Rev. J. W. Welsh, Billy Sunday's advance agent, made a pertinent talk to the crowd as to what they may expect and what they must do when Billy Sunday starts his campaign. Mr. Welsh outlined the following essential points:

"The women attending the Sunday meetings must leave their millinery at home. Hats are not tolerated at a Sunday meeting.  Babies under 4 years of age will not be admitted to the meeting. Arrangements have been made so that mothers may leave their infants at the First Congregational church, nearby."

"These babies will be checked," Mr. Welsh said, "and if you don't lose your check and if your baby doesn't eat the tag that is left on it, the probabilities are that you will get the right baby back when you return to the temporary nursery."
Final Drills Start Tonight

At 7:30 o'clock tonight the Choir No. 1 will be on the rostrum and be finally drilled under the direction of Prof. Fred A. Mills, in charge of the music of the revival.

Tomorrow night Chorus No. 2 will meet on the rostrum at the same hour, and will be similarly drilled by Mr. Mills.

Tuesday night, Mr. Welsh said, should witness the cottage prayer meetings all over the city. "It must be recognized by all," Mr. Welsh said, "that this week -- the final week be3ofre the opening of the service -- is to be a big week of prayer."

On Wednesday night there will be the usual prayer meetings in all the city churches and members are urged to get as many as they possibly can to attend these meetings.

On Thursday night there will be an ushers' drill in the Tabernacle. About 300 ushers will be used and it is very essential that these ushers be fully trained.

On Friday night all the men who have been assigned to sing in the chorus and all who desire to sing in it are to report at the Tabernacle.

Meetings for men only are to be held on Thursday and Sunday afternoons during the entire campaign, although the meeting on next Sunday afternoon, the first to be held, will be open to the general public.

April 23, 1916 ~ ARRAIGNED THRICE IN 3 DAYS.

April 23, 1916

"Black Mike" Now Must Face Murder Charge.

Arraignments on three criminal charges in three days will be the record of "Black Mike," whose correct name is J. J. McGovern, but who is known also as John Carroll. He was arraigned yesterday on two separate charges of robbery and will be arraigned tomorrow on a murder charge.

"Black Mike" and his crowd have kept the police department and the county officers interested for several months. He and two of his pals, Tom Bosco and John Lazia, have been in jail on charges of holding up Herman Allman's saloon, 2513 East Fifteenth street, on the night of December 29, and the H. F. Van Noy drug store on the night of January 6. Lazia was released yesterday on bond of $2,000 at his arraignment before Judge Latshaw on a charge of flourishing a weapon in a restaurant on February 29. The others are in jail.

"Black Mike's" arraignment tomorrow will be on a charge of murdering Arch Tirado. Tirado was killed on December 23. He was in love with Hazel Burschiel, a sweetheart of "Black Mike."


April 23, 1916

Man With Credentials Spent Several Weeks Here, It Develops.


Disappearance of a number of Youths Thus Is Explained.

The police have been puzzled for the past two months in an effort to account for the disappearance of a large number of men and boys. In several instances lately it has been discovered that several young men have joined the Canadian army for service in Europe at the instance of a British army officer, who has been recruiting in Kansas City.

In the latter part of March a man came to Kansas City and registered at a local hotel from Boston. He said he was a traveling salesman for a book concern. He remained in Kansas City for several weeks, leaving about a week ago for Montreal, Canada.

During the time he was in Kansas City, according to a statement made by the man -- who gave the name Miller -- to several Kansas City people, he had paid traveling expenses of at least twelve young men and boys, sending them to Canada and putting them in charge of the American Legion of Canada as soon as they crossed the international boundary.

Frequented Hotel Lobbies.

The man frequented hotel lobbies and saloons. He said he was born in Scotland and in glowing words told of his romantic experiences as a traveler and soldier of fortune.

Miller, who confidently told some of his "prospects" that he has a captain's commission in the British army, presented papers of identification which showed that he was empowered to recruit for the regiment of American adventurers to join the allies in Europe. Several companies of this regiment already have seen active service in the war zone.

The officer's plan in getting American youths to join the English colors was to tell of his own experiences as a captain in the Belgian campaigns.

"I was in command of a company in Belgium and later in France," he is reported to have told several persons, "and it was at Aix La Chapelle that I was wounded three times. I was among the leaders of a charge on a German battery. The Teutons had a position which enabled them to give us a warm cross fire and I fell, with three shrapnel bullets imbedded in my right leg and in my left shoulder. If you boys want to be real heroes you can take up my proposition. You will be given a mighty thrill when you are able to take a German battery or a string of trenches."

Five in One Party

To show that his sympathy for the allies was not prejudiced by his Scottish birth, Captain Miller detailed his adventures as a lieutenant in the United States army during the Spanish war.

"I am the Lieutenant Miller you read about in history," he told one young man in the lobby of the Baltimore hotel. "In addition to serving Uncle Sam during that conflict, I held commissions from the Nicaraguan federal government when Zelaya was ousted, and with the Italians in the Turkish war."

Captain Miller said that the joys of traveling and fighting far excel those of persons who are content to remain at home.

The English officer took several young men to the Union station, where he bought through tickets to Montreal. Five recruits went in one party. They signed statements in which they renounced their allegiance to the United States and offered to stake everything for the cause of the allies.

Captain Miller, it is said, left Kansas City suddenly. Before he went he inadvertently said that his recruiting here was successful, and that he had "worked" St. Louis, Cincinnati, Minneapolis and other cities.



C. M. Smith Remanded to Jail on Charge of Murder at Mount Washington.

C. M. Smith, who shot and killed W. F. George of Mount Washington on April 15, was charged with murder in the first degree, after the preliminary hearing given by Justice Clinton at Independence yesterday.

The defendant decided not to put any of his witnesses on the stand, and the defendant was remanded to jail without bond. It was also arranged to take the case before Judge Latshaw of the criminal court that the case may be given an early hearing. Few witnesses were heard yesterday. Dr. H. E. Brown of Englewood said the bullet entered the right hip, ranged around through the spinal column, and emerged at the left hip. The weapon used, he said, was an army Springfield rifle. J. W. Davis, an eyewitness, says he told Smith, "You did a dirty trick by shooting that man." He claimed George made no attempt to go after Smith, and there was considerable distance between the man when the shooting occurred.

The defendant's wife and children were also present, also Mrs. George, wife of the victim, and their children. Many from Mount Washington were present to testify. Mrs. Rose Fox testified that she heard the loud words in the rear of her home, but was not allowed to testify as to the argument before the shooting. George was in the feed lot at the time, and had a bucket in his hand, as if going to feed his horses, she said. The trouble between the two men, she said, was over in five minutes.

Fred George, a son of the slain man, swore to a complaint a few days ago, charging that a Mount Washington wine dealer had sold his father three drinks of wine before the trouble came up. The son expressed a desire yesterday that the matter should not be pushed. Notwithstanding this, a meeting was held last night at Mount Washington in Moss hall, to look into the matter. It is proposed by the Law and Order League to clean up that section.


April 23, 1916

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wolfe Now Certified with Queen City School.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wolfe, experienced dressmaking college teachers, are now associated with Mrs. S. J. Smith in the management of the Queen City College of Dressmaking, 1207-09 Brooklyn avenue. Mrs. S. J. Smith, who established the college six y ears ago, is an artiste in her line, and personally superintends all cutting, fitting, and designing. Mr. Wolfe will superintend the drafting. The college teaches women to do their own sowing and prepares women for professional dressmaking.

An exclusive system of cutting, fitting and designing is taught. The Queen City college has thirty-five branch schools and hundreds of graduates are successful dressmakers. With the addition to its staff of Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe the college is one of the best equipped and most influential in the Southwest.


April 22, 1916

"Speed King" Stops Here on His First Transcontinental Drive.

With the tan of nearly 2,000 miles of a transcontinental automobile trip, Barney Oldfield, motor speed king, and David Joyce, millionaire Chicagoan and inseparable friend, arrived in Kansas City from the West. The party, which is traveling in a 5-58 Packard, includes a chauffeur and a valet. Oldfield and Joyce left San Francisco on April 12 and, with the exception of one day spent at the Grand Canyon, they have been making good time, aided by excellent roads.

"We are on our way to New York," said Oldfield at the Hotel Muehlebach yesterday. "Although I have done considerable motoring in my time, this is my first transcontinental trip. From here we go to Chicago, where we will visit at Mr. Joyce's home for a week. Mrs. Oldfield will meet me there. We expect to reach New York by May 10, in plenty of time to see the speedway races there on May 12. I will not take part in them."

Oldfield says he is to be in the Indianapolis speedway races on May 30, and that this trip is for the purpose of hardening him for the strain of those events. The party will leave Kansas City this morning.

"The last race in which I took part," said Oldfield, "was at Corona, Cal., on April 8, when Bob Burman was killed. At the time of the accident I had retired from the race on account of a breakdown, but just before then, when Burman was fourth in the race and I was sixth, he was running just ahead of me."

The Oldfield-Joyce party came through Kansas like a jackrabbit, they said. They spent Thursday night at Smith Center. At Kinsley Oldfield had the unusual experience of buying an inner tube and paying for it with money. Oldfield may be the "speed king of America," but his reputation doesn't pass for collateral with the "short grass" garage men.

April 22, 1916 ~ SLAVE BOY MADE GOOD.

April 22, 1916

Independence Man Thinks He Once Owned Late Lucky Negro.

Sanford Johnson, a negro, who died at Stockton, Kas., and whose will was probated, showing 640 acres of land, unincumbered, and $7,000 in personal property, was at one time a slave boy, according to Colonel W. T. Hearne, who believes him to be the boy who was willed to him by his father in Bourbon county, Kentucky.

After President Lincoln emancipated the slaves, Colonel Hearne kept in touch with Johnson for awhile. Johnson finally left for the West and accumulated his fortune.

Colonel Hearne now lives in Independence, and was overjoyed to know that the former slave boy had made good.


April 22, 1916

Contents of 204 Bottles in Wagon of Rosedale Dairyman Destroyed.

A Rosedale dairyman, who frequently had been warned that he was selling misbranded milk in Kansas City, and had been ordered to come up to requirements or cease delivery, got his lesson at Thirteenth and McGee streets yesterday morning, where he was making delivery to a grocery store. Inspectors from the food and dairy department, acting on orders of W. H. Phipps, chief inspector, seized 204 bottles of milk and cream, and destroyed the contents by adding vinegar to each bottle.

The milk was dirty, Mr. Phipps was told by those who made the inspection, the bottles contained a sediment and they had not been properly cleaned. The amount destroyed consisted of 108 quarts and 84 pints of milk, and 62 bottles of cream. Dirty, dangerous and insanitary as it was the dairyman had "Grade A Raw Milk" on the caps of the milk bottles and "Grade A Raw Cream" on the cream bottles.

To Conduct Vigorous Campaign.

"This plan will be pursued vigorously from now on," said Mr. Phipps later. "The dairymen selling milk in Kansas City must comply with the ordinance or stop selling milk here. The man whose product was destroyed today has been in trouble with the hospital and health board previous to this. Two years ago, when he admitted watering his milk, his permit was revoked, but later, on a promise of good behavior, it was returned to him."

Mr. Phipps yesterday sent out to all producers and distributors of milk who sell their product in Kansas City, a circular letter on the production of pure milk and advising them to get busy with the spring clean-up. The letter told them how to clean up and said plainly what will be expected of them. It draws attention to the fact that milk, of all food products, is the most easily contaminated and, therefore, the greatest care should be exercised in its production. It also discusses the problem of flies, mosquitoes and other insects which contaminate milk and tells how to rid the pace of them.

Dairy Plants to Be Scored.

The dairymen are told that an inspector will call on them soon and their plants scored for the summer months on conditions as they are found. This score will be used as a basis for grading the milk which will be permitted sold here this summer.


April 21, 1916

Carl A. Kiefer's Skull Fractured by Conductor C. C. Reese.

Carl A. Kiefer, clerk for a wholesale drug house died at the General hospital early this morning from a fractured skull as a result of a quarrel with C. C. Reese, a conductor on the Troost avenue line. According to Reese, Kiefer and another man, not identified, got on a southbound Troost car at Eighteenth street and insisted on smoking on the rear platform.

Reese says he remonstrated with the men until the car reached Thirty-first street. Then a fight started. The conductor says one of the men struck him, whereupon he grabbed Kiefer and threw him from the car. Kiefer's head struck the pavement.

The motorman, V. M. Woods, helped Reese carry the injured man to a drug store and he was taken from there to the hospital.

Kiefer's home is at 2822 Troost avenue. He is about 25 years old.

Reese, the conductor, was arrested and is held at No. 9 police station.

April 21, 1916 ~ OLD CHURCH TO BE RAZED.

April 21, 1916

Independence Edifice, Erected in 1835, Is Sold for $250.

The old Christian church on South Main street, Independence, erected in 1835, is to be torn down.

When the church was sold to the board of education in Independence at a good price the bell was reserved and when the building is razed the bell will go to Dr. John Bryant of Independence who says it called him to worship for many years. The bell was left in the belfry when the church was sold. Recently thieves had made every preparation to lower it when their plans were discovered and upset.

The building and lot cost the board of education $4,500. The building was sold yesterday for $250 to a contractor, who is to take it away.


April 21, 1916

State Seeks to Prevent Sale; County to Collect Taxes.

More legal history was added to the Union cemetery's sixty-year existence yesterday when two suits were filed in the district court as a direct result of the transfer of eighteen acres of the cemetery ground to the Evergreen Land Company on Wednesday. The transfer of the ground fronting Main and Twenty-seventh streets, which the holders expect to sell for commercial building sites.

Attorney General John T. Barker filed one suit yesterday asking that the transfer of the land be set aside. The defendants are the cemetery company, the land company, Jackson county and the owners of lots in the cemetery. Another request in the same suit was that the company be enjoined from selling any of the land.

The other suit was filed by John Q. Watkins, county collector, who asked for $9,639.85 as 1915 taxes on the part of the cemetery not used as burying ground. The contention of the county is that as the ground is being held for speculation it should yield tax revenue to the county.

April 21, 1916 LONGER 31st STREET SOUGHT.

April 21, 1916

Property Owners Outside City to Meet With Improvement Body.

The South Side Improvement Association will meet tonight at 3035 Main street to take up matters of importance to the district. Property owners from outside the city at the eastern end of Thirty-first street will meet with the Sough Side association in an attempt to extend Thirty-first street from its eastern terminus into the county. These farmers are also seeking the cooperation of the East Thirty-first Street Improvement Association.

Another matter which will come up will be the problem of of the Main street cut from Twenty-fourth to Twenty-seventh street. This has been opened and car tracks have been laid, but traffic is rendered dangerous because of the overhanging banks of earth at each side of the gulch. A committee from the association will appear before the board of public works this afternoon.

The association also will ask that action be taken on the item in the bond budget providing for a viaduct on Thirty-first street over Wyandotte street, which is necessary to complete the extension of Thirty-first street west from Main street.

April 20, 1916 HE WANTS TO GO TO PRISON.

April 20, 1916

Again W. H. Clayton Defaces Mail Boxes to Get Sentence.

W. H. Clayton has no dread of a long prison sentence. That, in fact, is the one thing he has been longing for. He is at police headquarters, following his arrest on Tuesday night at Fourteenth street and Grand avenue, where he was defacing United States mail boxes.

Clayton told the police he wants to go to the federal prison at Leavenworth. He is a homeless cripple. Two months ago he surrendered for breaking government mail boxes but the federal district attorney refused to prosecute him. He once served a term in prison and says he liked his treatment there.

April 20, 1916 ~ TO CLIMB LONG BUILDING.

April 20, 1916

"Human Fly," Who Ascended Westgate Hotel, Will Do New Stunt.

The Nafziger Baking Company yesterday secured H. H. Gardiner, "the human fly," for an exhibition which will include the climbing of the fourteen-story R. A. Long building at noon today. Gardiner recently scaled teh walls of the Westgate hotel, at the Junction, before more than 12,000 persons. He uses only his feet and bare hands, or rather, the tips of his fingers.

Abot half an hour will be required for the ascent, and during this time the "human fly" will be seen by thousands, hanging to the smooth surface of the wall, as if glued there.

April 20, 1916 ~ TO CLEAN UP WESTPORT.

April 20, 1916

Judge of District Warns Evil Doers He Will Stick to Pledges.

Judge Joseph F. Keirnan of the South Side municipal court yesterday announced during the trial of David Nugent, a cigar dealer, 503 Westport avenue, that the Westport district is "in for a clean-up."

Nugent was arrested on suspicion of permitting a gambling game in the room back of his cigar stand, but the case was dismissed for want of sufficient evidence.

"You want to attend strictly to selling cigars," the new judge said. "I am going to keep an eye on things out there. I promised the voters before election that I wold see that no places for the illicit sale of liquor were tolerated in Westport and that all the little games would be 'run out.' I am going to keep my word."


April 19, 1916

Mob Arranged Midnight Attack on Argentine Police Station.


Man Accused of Assaulting White Woman Is Spirited Away.

A threatened jail delivery and lynching of a negro prisoner, to have taken place at the signal of the midnight Armour whistle last night, was thwarted by Thomas Fleming, chief of detectives of Kansas City, Kas., when a friend notified him of the plans of the mob being organized to raid the jail. Fleming hurriedly sent a police motor car with seven officers to the No. 4 police station jail in Argentine and spirited the prisoner away to the police headquarters in the city hall, Sixth street and Ann avenue, Kansas City, Kas.

All day yesterday, it is said, a mob was being quietly formed among the friends and neighbors of Mrs. May Gunn, 1256 Metropolitan avenue, Argentine, who was attacked by a negro in her home the night of April 8. The mob was pledged to avenge the outrage by lynching the negro whom she had identified as her assailant. The band of vengeance numbered 150 men.

Crowd Is Dispersed.
Until 11 o'clock last night Chief Fleming had heard nothing of the plans. Then a telephone call came and the police car arrived fifteen minutes later at the Argentine station.

The officers dispersed the early gatherers and put a guard around the jail while a driver and two officers whirled the prisoner away to a stronger jail. The rescue of the prisoner occurred barely three quarters of an ho ur before the midnight whistle that was to have been the signal for the lynching.

The prisoner is Louis Bush, a negro. He was arrested a few days after Mrs. Gunn was criminally assaulted in her home by a negro. After Bush's arrest Mrs. Gunn visited the jail and identified him as her assailant.

Fainted When Prisoner Spoke
Mrs. Gunn is 22 years old. Her husband is employed in the railway yards and it was while he was at work that a negro entered the house. Mrs. Gunn screamed and then fainted. When she regained consciousness her assailant was gone. When Mrs. Gunn visited the jail she again fainted when Louis Bush, the prisoner, spoke.

A guard was placed in the Kansas City, Kas., police headquarters last night for fear the attempted lynching which had been thwarted in Argentine would be attempted at the stronger building.


April 19, 1916

Returning From Funeral of Wife, Physician Found Home Robbed.

The police believe they have arrested a new brand of criminal, the funeral thief. A series of robberies in other cities occurred recently in homes where the family is attending a funeral.

Charles W. Everhart returned to his home, 4319 Madison avenue, late on Monday afternoon, after attending the funeral of Mrs. Everhart, who died on Saturday. The house was dark. he found a quantity of silverware and jewelry on the kitchen table wrapped in a table cloth. Mr. Everhart heard a noise in the rear yard and saw a man vaulting the fence. He followed him for n early a block and was able to get a detailed description of him.
Suspect Arrested.

The police arrested a man yesterday at Fortieth and Summit streets who answered the description given by Everhart. He was later identified. At police headquarters he gave the name of William Graham of Chicago. He was also identified as the man who inquired of one of Mr. Everhart's neighbors when the funeral was to be held.

Lieutenant Parker, Bertillon expert at police headquarters, looked up Graham's records and said that the latter was William Grimes, had served a seven-year term in the penitentiary at Jefferson City for assault with intent to kill. He was convicted in St. Louis.

Graham's description, the police say, fits that of a man wanted in Chicago for several clever robberies.

Graham refused to make any statement yesterday. He did not deny or affirm his guilt.

April 19, 1916 ~ NAME MACKEN AS MAYOR.

April 19, 1916

Board of Trustees Select Native Clay Countyan.

The board of trustees elected in North Kansas City at the recent election, in accordance with procedure in towns of that size, met last night and selected William Macken as mayor. Mr. Macken, who is a native of Clay county, is in the grocery business in North Kansas City and also is a fruit grower. He formerly had a big potato farm on the land where now stands the town of which he has just been named as mayor.


April 19, 1916

Independence's Chief Executive Takes Office Third Time.

For the third consecutive time Mayor Ott of Independence was formally installed in office at a meeting of the council last night. He delivered a short speech, in which he pledged himself to work for the best interests of the people of Independence. He announced the following appointments, which were confirmed:

City clerk -- James Craig.
City counselor -- John Phice.
City engineer -- Harry Pendleton.
Street commissioner -- L. R. Hawkenberry
City physician -- Dr. S. L. Cook
Building inspector -- C. S. Blankenship.
Janitory -- J. A. Barlow.
Impounder -- George W. Cooley.
Patrolmen -- Floyd Lattimer, Robert Tonahill, M. J. Curry, A. E. Roby, Charles Ripchie, James Akers, George Barton.

The ordinance governing patrolmen provides for a residence of two years. Barton could not qualify and the ordinance was repealed to admit his appointment. james A. Kemper was an applicant for city counselor, and was supported by a liberally signed petition. He is attorney for the Jackson County Law and Order League.


April 18, 1916

Flowers and Good Wishes Fill Inaugural Chamber at City Hall.

Short, crisp speeches marked the inauguration of Mayor George H. Edwards and the outgoing mayor Henry L. Jost at noon yesterday.

The ceremony took place in the chamber of the lower house of the council, which was lavishly decorated with gay bunting, plants and cut flowers. The usual crowds were present. If anything the attendance was larger than at any previous inauguration for years. Long before noon the chamber was more than crowded, and it is estimated that 1,500 mena and women jammed the halls leading to the chamber.

Shortly after 12 o'clock Mr. Edwards and Mr. Jost were escorted to the rostrum. There the oath of office was administered to Mr. Edwards by James A. Bermingham, city clerk. The crowd cheered. When Mayor Jost arose to deliver his final message to the public he also was given a hearty reception.

"It would be a grand thing if a mayor or a public officer could go through his work surrounded by his friends and in a chamber as fragrant as this, but the stern realities of his work make it entirely different," said Mayor Jost. He urged the support of Democrats and republicans alike in upholding the hands of his successor.

Holds No Ill-Feeling

"I cannot cease without expressing my gratitude to the people of Kansas City," he said. "I do not consider that the people of this community have been unkind to me on any occasion. On the contrary, there is every reason why I should appreciate the splendid support that I have received from the public in the performance of my duties as I have seen them.

"I take satisfaction in the thought that I have yearned and tried to ascertain the right and having determined what in my judgment was right, stood uncompromisingly for it. I can go out of this office with the consciousness that I have never surrendered a principle -- that I have done my best -- that no mayor is infallible. I have done many things that should not h ave been done and left undone things that I should have done, but the mistakes I have made have been made because of lack of understanding rather than with a deliberate purpose to injure the public service.

"I have done the best I could and I know the distinguished gentleman that has been selected by the people of Kansas City as my successor will do the same with a high and lofty purpose and with a determination to carry them out in execution. In this work, he will have my unqualified support and I hope that all my friends and all of those that have supported me with fidelity will give him the same degree of faithful service."

New Mayor Outlines Policy.

Mayor Edwards followed in a straightforward and informal talk. He thanked Mayor Jost for his words of sympathy and help,"for I know it is sincere," he added. He said that he will endeavor to discharge the duties of his office in a way that will meet the approval of the people of Kansas City, and with the hope that they will give him the benefit of their advice if they see him making a wrong step.

In a general way Mayor Edwards outlined the party pledges.

"We are pledged to use every effort to give Kansas City a new charter embodying a simplified form of government," he said. "We are pledged to use every effort to submit at the same time in alternative the question of whether or not the people of Kansas City desire to elect their officers in a non-partisan method; we are pledged to the removal of any unnecessary or incompetent employes should we find such; we are pledged to a fair and impartial civil service system; we are pledged to the accomplishment of the improvements contemplated by the bond proposals recently voted by the city; we are pledged to resubmit to the people of the town the question of how the Union station proposition shall be handled, that we may get definite information and instructions in regard to this important matter; we are pledged to give Kansas City an hones and efficient business administration.

Hearty Co-Operation Expected

"In the fulfillment of all these pledges I am confident that I will have the hearty co-operation of both of the upper and lower house of the common council, both Republicans and Democrats. We differ on party lines, but we all have in mind only the good of our city, and in handling these business problems, I know that I can count, Mr. Jost, on your friends in the council for help, and I know that it will be given.

"My friends, I feel that what I say here today is perhaps of little importance. What we do in the next two years is what will count and I want to again assure my friends here that I shall give to the city the best that is in me. I shall call upon you, many of you, for help and advice. I shall call upon you to give me of your time and your knowledge and I know that you will give me the best that you can. There is so much to do for Kansas City and two years is such a short time in which to accomplish tense great ends that I really feel that we have indulged in enough of talk, and I feel that the council and the mayor should get busy now with some action."

Elaborate Tokens of Esteem

Some of the floral offerings from friends of the aldermen took the form of beautiful designs. The admirers of John George, Italian alderman from the Fifth ward, presented him with a silver loving cup. Michael Cunningham, his predecessor, was remembered with a gold watch and chain, and an Elk tooth ornament. Mayor Edwards received a large amount of flowers. The offering from his family was in immense basket of sweet peas, roses, carnations and Easter lilies. Friends sent an immense horse shoe of carnations and roses.

The cost of the flowers was estimated at $1,500.


April 18, 1916

At Least Two Battle Planes, Fully Equipped, Are to Be Purchased.

The Kansas City Aero Club is anxious that every able bodied man with a mechanical or chemical turn of mind report at once to Louis W. Shouse, manager of Convention hall, and apply for membership in the aero squadron now being organized.

Eight aviators and two expert chemical engineers are required immediately and must have their applications in before the last of next week. When the requisite number of eligibles, 110 men, have signed up, the list will be sent to Washington, D.C., by George M. Myers, president of the Aero Club, for the approval of the war department. This will be the first regularly constituted militia aero squadron organized in the United States. The pay of aviation experts in the army is 30 per cent more than that allowed in other departments.

At least two battle planes of a speed and endurance exceeding any of those at present in the regular army will be purchased and presented to the squadron, Mr. Myers said yesterday. They will be armored and equipped with machine guns and facilities for dropping explosives. The squadron will become a part of the signal corps.

"I haven't the slightest doubt but that we can get the planes and all the money we need, once the men have been promised," Mr. Myers declared. "This, we hope, will be the crack military organization of the nation. We want good men and will give preference to former soldiers. If they do not know the work, competent instructors will be found at once to teach them how to fly and take care of the machines."

April 18, 1916 ~ PICKET STRIKES WOMAN.

April 18, 1916

Wife of Movie Show Proprietor Is Rendered Unconscious.

Mrs. John E. Hughes, wife of the proprietor of a picture theater at Ninth street and Lister avenue, was struck and knocked unconscious at 7:30 o'clock last night by a man who, it is said, was one of three pickets placed by the business agent of the moving picture operators' union to picket the theater. She was carried into a house near the theater and treated by a physician.

Mr. Hughes said last night that he was visited by the business agent of the union and asked to sign a union contract immediately. He had been operating the picture machine himself, he says, and part of the time was employing a beginner to assist him. Mrs. Hughes looked after the office.

When Mr. Hughes declined to sign the contract at once and, instead, insisted on more time, he says, several pickets took positions outside and began warning patrons of the theater to stay away. While Hughes was inside the theater turning on the lights Ms. Hughes went outside to talk to the nearest picket. She had barely spoken to him when he struck her on the left temple, according to witnesses. Indignant bystanders became threatening and the pickets fled.

Hughes says he was formerly a union operator and that he had trouble with the union at a former place of business. Hughes says he will file a complaint this morning with the county prosecutor.

April 18, 1916 ~ KILLED BY ELEVATOR.

April 18, 1916

E. V. Halley of Otterville, Mo., Loses Life in New Hotel.

Eatel V. Halley, a decorator, 35 years old, of Otterville, Mo., was caught between an elevator and the wall of the shaft yesterday afternoon at the new Westgate hotel, Ninth and Main streets. His head was crushed and death was instantaneous.

Halley left his wife and two children at home a short time ago and came to Kansas City in search of employment. He was employed by the Shackleford Paint and Paper Company. Halley was on the third floor of the new hotel looking over some work that he expected to do. He put his head into the shaft to look down, when the elevator struck him from above. His body was thrown in upon the elevator floor.

A brother, E. R. Halley, lives at 2318 Prospect avenue. The body will be taken to Otterville today for burial.

It is said that Halley's home at Otterville burned a few days ago.

April 17, 1916 ~ Pioneer Merchant Passes Away at 79

April 17, 1916
Pioneer Merchant Passes Away at 79

J. M. Egelhoff, Dead in West Olathe Kas., Lived Here Many Years.

J. M. Egelhoff, a pioneer merchant of Kansas City, died yesterday at his suburban home of West Olathe, Kas. He was 79 years old.

He opened a general merchandise store at Eighteenth and Locust streets in 1860, and, until his retirement, was a factor in building up Kansas City's mercantile trade. He accumulated much property here when it was of little value, holding it for high prices. The site of the Waldheim Building, at Eleventh and Main streets, was one of his holdings.

The Egelhoff Shoe Company, for which he furnished the capital, was a well known local institution for many years. Mr. Egelhoff retired from active business life here in 1879, however, buying a farm near Olathe. There he lived until 1890, when he moved to West Olathe.

A son, George, is connected with a shoe store here. The other children are Mrs. Mary E. Carter, who made her residence with her father; Mrs. J. M. Anderson of Gardner, Kas., and Mrs. Ida Thrasher of Milwaukee. Funeral services will be held on Wednesday afternoon.


April 17, 1916

Explosion of Dynamite Cap Awakens Woman, Who Opens Window.

The explosion of a dynamite cap placed on the combination head of a safe in the office of the George W. Miller Commission Company, 509 North Sixth street, Kansas City, Kas., at 5 o'clock yesterday morning awakened Miss A. Pickerell, who resides across the street. Donning a dressing gown she opened her bedroom window. The noise attracted the attention of three young men in the commission firm's office, who escaped. Miss Pickerell notified the police at headquarters three blocks away.

A pane of glass in the front door of the office was broken in gaining entrance. Finger prints on the bits of broken glass form the only clue the police have to the safe crackers. Chief of Detectives Thomas Fleming said yesterday the job was that of novices. A heavy sledge hammer and several chisels were found lying on the office floor. The safe was not wrecked. It contained about $300, mostly in checks, Mr. Miller said.


April 17, 1916

Celebration Begins With Feast at Sundown This Evening.

At sundown tonight all Jews, especially those of orthodox faith, are expected to being the celebration of the Jewish Passover, a religious observance which has obtained from Biblical times. The celebration begins with the Feast of the Passover, in the Jewish homes, identified with the Last Supper of which Christ and the Disciples partook.

Following the sundown observance tonight, there will be public services at the synagogues at 10'oclock tomorrow morning. For seven days, beginning tomorrow morning, the strictly orthodox Jews will eat no bread, only unleavened wafer, symbolical of the conditions which confronted the Jews when they began their seven days of deliverance out of the bondage in Egypt. Their deliverance was unheralded, and they had no time to await the rising of the bread. During their seven days journey, therefore, they ate only unleavened bread.

The entire celebration is a historical observance of their exodus from Egypt when they "departed hastily and tarried not."



Neighbor, Who Protested, Used Gun in Self-Defense, He Says.


William F. George Dies of Wound Early This Morning.

Incensed, he says, because a neighbor, William F. George, a water contractor was beating his 17-year-old son, Fred, Clarence M. Smith shot and fatally wounded George near Fairmount park yesterday. After the shooting Smith boarded a street car and went to police headquarters, where he surrendered to Captain Thomas P. Flahive.

The injured man was taken from his home, near Maple and Kentucky avenues, to the Independence sanitarium. He died shortly after 1 o'clock this morning.

Smith told Captain Flahive he shot George in self-defense. He said George was coming toward him after he had remonstrated with George for beating the boy. He lives at 309 Home street, in the Fairmount addition, one block from George's home. He is 46 years old.

"I saw George beating the boy with a buggy whip this afternoon," he said, "and I did not think it was right. I was in the next yard. When George threw down the whip and struck his son with his fists I called out to him:

Couldn't Stand Sight

" 'Mr. George, you are a damn coward,'

"I wanted to draw his attention away from the boy I have six children myself and could not stand the sight any longer. George quit beating the boy and started toward me, saying, 'I'm going to get you now.' I ran home and called to my wife to get my old army rifle. I loaded it in the yard. George was still coming toward me and I shouted to him, 'You had better leave me alone.' He paid no attention to that. I fired and he fell."

Isaac Johnson, an uncle of Fred George, the boy over whom the quarrel occurred, was in the George yard at the time.

"Fred worked all morning with me while I was driving an ice wagon," Johnston declared. "This afternoon he wanted to go away and play, but his father ordered him to help him at home. Fred objected and his father took a buggy whip to him and also slapped him. When Smith remonstrated, Mr. George threatened to 'attend to him after he finished the kid.' "

Mother Tried to Intercede.

Smith sat in his cell yesterday afternoon with his head bowed on his arms.

"I couldn't stand to see that boy mistreated," he said, and his voice was husky as he talked. "I have six children of my own. I did not want to hit the man, but I intended to frighten him away. He was curing at me and threatening to beat me when I pulled the trigger."

Smith said that when he first noticed George whipping his boy Mrs. George was trying to intercede in her son's behalf.

The bullet from the army rifle penetrated George's abdomen and barely missed his spinal column.

Smith is being held at police headquarters. Shannon C. Douglass, Jr., assistant prosecuting attorney, began an investigation of the shooting yesterday.