CAPS FOR CROSSING GUARDS. ~ Police Board Will Decide Today as to Winter Uniforms.

October 31, 1907

Police Board Will Decide Today as to
Winter Uniforms.
New Style of Caps for the Crossing Guard.

Winter uniforms for the traffic squad will be decided upon at today's meeting of the board of police commissioners. The board long ago decided to adopt the uniforms prescribed for the traffic squad of New York city, and yesterday samples of the caps and leggings were received by Orderly Sergeant Morrison. The cap, of blue cloth with thin braids of cavalry yellow, is fitted for attaching a short cape, which, when worn during the falling weather, is fastened to the cap and hangs to shed rain or snow over the collar of the top coat.

To protect the men while handling traffic of the driveways, high leggings will be provided. The glove to be admitted is the new style cavalry buckskin, which is without the gauntlet. The soldiers found that the main thing a gauntlet did was to accumulate snow.

Commissioner Gallagher has ordered a report made upon the hours of traffic in the downtown district. The traffic squad is now on post until 4:15.

"We want to shorten the hours for these men, whose work is tiresome and unremitting," said the commissioner yesterday. "It was hard during the summer, and it is going to be harder than ever during the winter. The men want an eight-hour shift. I do not think we can manage that, but a schedule is now being drawn up that may show us how three more men could let us make a nine-hour shift of crossing duty."

STENOGRAPHER WAS PRETTY. ~ That Led Mrs. John D. Hamrick to Secure a Divorce.

October 31, 1907

That Led Mrs. John D. Hamrick to
Secure a Divorce.

Mrs. Nellie Hamrick, who quarreled with her husband, John D. Hamrick, Jr., some months ago because she thought one of the stenographers employed in the Hamrick Remedy Company's offices, 214 East Eleventh street, was too pretty, was granted a divorce yesterday afternoon by Judge T. J. Seehorn of the district court. The husband is to pay her $25 a month permanent alimony. Hamrick was owner of the Alkano Remedy Company until its failure about a year ago, and is now president of the company which bears his name. The Hamricks live at 2419 East Thirteenth street.

Other divorces granted yesterday in the circuit court were: Mrs. Beula Edwards of the Densmore hotel from Wilkie L. Edwards, Maggie O'Moore from Edward K. Moore and Hiram F. Adams from Mary Adams.

MISTOOK SIGNS FOR AN INSULT. ~ Neighbor Against Whom a Doctor Complained Discharged in Court.

October 31, 1907

Neighbor Against Whom a Doctor
Complained Discharged in Court.

"It was 10 o'clock Sunday morning. I was in my study. Across the street I saw this man on his porch. He was talking in a loud tone and gesticulating. I saw him point over my way and think he swore. I think he was alluding to me and it looked like he was calling me all the names he could think of. I am sure he said, 'I'll fix that horse doctor over there!' "

This was the testimony of Dr. J. A. Lowell, 2122 Mercier street, in police court yesterday against Abraham Ashbaugh of 2123 Mercier street.

"I was on my porch, as he says," testified Ashbaugh, "but I was not talking about my neighbor."

"He seems to think that you were," said the court. "Discharged. Don't get out on your porch and make any more gestures."

JUDGE M'CUNE IN DOUBT. ~ Non-Committal Opinion of a Visitor to His Court.

October 30, 1907

Non-Committal Opinion of a Visitor
to His Court.

"Like other men, I like to hear something in the way of approval of my public work," said Circuit Judge H. L. McCune yesterday, "and occasionally I do hear it. I am doubtful, however, about what Jim Smith's father said of my juvenile court yesterday."

The Mr. Smith referred to is 93 years of age, a stately old man.

"He spent the whole day in the juvenile court watching the proceedings," Judge McCune explained, "and I supposed he must have been agreeably surprised at the summary way in which business is dispatched. He saw thirty or forty criminal cases put on trial and disposed of in a single day.

" 'What do you think about it, Mr. Smith?' I inquired, prepared for the usual complimentary remark about the system.

" 'It is the damdest court I was ever in,' the patriarch responded."

Now Judge McCune wants to know.

DON'T SOAP THE TRACKS. ~ Chief Ahern Issues Orders Governing Halloween Pranks.

October 30, 1907

Chief Ahern Issues Orders Governing
Halloween Pranks.

Daniel Ahern, chief of police, yesterday issued the annual Halloween order. It recites briefly what will happen to "all persons -- men or boys" who violate the order. There must be no practical jokes to the injury of others, no destruction of personal property and, last, but by no means least, no soaping of the street car tracks.

All violators of the order will be promptly arrested and, if they cannot give bond, will be held for investigation until the following day when they will be tried in police court.

SHE WILL HAVE TO WAIT. ~ Sixteen-Year-Old Girl Thought She Could Wed in Kansas.

October 30, 1907

Sixteen-Year-Old Girl Thought She
Could Wed in Kansas.

James C. Upchurch and Lillie Woner, aged 22 and 16 years, respectively, of Lathrop, Mo., called at the office of Probate Judge Van B. Prather in Kansas City, Kas., yesterday morning and informed the magistrate that they wished to be married. When the would-be bride announced her age as 15 years the judge turned in his chair and asked if she had the written consent of her parents.

"I should say not," blushingly replied the girl, "and that's not all, I can't get it."

"Well, I am very sorry, but I cannot marry you under the circumstances," said the judge. "If you had just stretched your age a little, say two years, you would have been marriageable."

The young couple appeared to be much disappointed. Miss Woner stated that she had been told that girls could get married in Kansas at 16 years old, and that was the reason they had come to that state to have the ceremony performed.

HONEYMOON FUNDS WERE GONE. ~ So the Groom Kept Hotel Guest's Watch and Tried to Sell It.

October 30, 1907

So the Groom Kept Hotel Guest's
Watch and Tried to Sell It.

He had been married just five weeks and needed more money to support his wife, his honeymoon funds having been exhausted. This was the excuse given by Richard Beasely, and employe at the Sexton hotel, yesterday, when he was arraigned before Justice Shoemaker on a charge of stealing a watch from A. H. White, a guest at the hotel.

White had dropped his watch in his bed, and when Beasely went to clean the room he found it. Hoping that White would give a generous reward for its recovery, he turned it over to a friend and they decided to advertise it under the name of a third person and divide the proceeds.

But the third person became dubious and, at the last moment, decided that he would have nothing to do with the matter. Consequently the owner got the watch and Beasely got into trouble. He pleaded guilty and was fined $5 and costs, which he paid.

HE HAD "WALKING TYPHOID." ~ Young Man, Delirious From Fever, Is Found on the Streets.

October 30, 1907

Young Man, Delirious From Fever, Is
Found on the Streets.

A young man in a delirious condition and unable to give his name was found wanering about the strets yesterday by the police. After being made comfortable at the emergency hospital, where it was found that he had a temperature of 103 degrees, he was finaly enabled to give his name, Willard Pipes. He is 19 years old and his home is in Danville, Ill.

Pipes said that up to two weeks ago he had been working for a pipe line contractor at Tulsa, O. T. Then he was taken ill but did not go to a hospital. He has been on his feet wandering about most of the time since suffering from what physicians call "walking typhoid." Pipes will be sent to the general hospital, as his condition is critical.


October 29, 1907


Negro Keeper of Dice Game Claims to
Have Paid for Protection -- Officers
Yet to Tell Their Side
of Case.

The trial of Sergeant Alexander Young and Patrolman "Jack" Shinners on a charge of soliciting money from the keeper of a dice game on promises of police protection, was opened yesterday before the police board. The charge against the two officers was filed by "Judge" Frank L. Jackson, a negro, residing in a house at 303 Walnut street, which is on the police fine list as a disorderly place. Jackson told the board that he had paid Sergeant Young about $200 for "police protection" and made the statement that he feared he would be "beat up" for testifying.

Every Sunday, Jackson said, he paid the two officers. The amounts ranged according to the amount of "business" in the dice game. He said the first payment was $1.50, made when the sergeant approached him in a saloon and said, "I know you're crooked, but am told you are a mighty good Indian. Now either "come clean" or "close up."

Fred Urfer, attorney for the two officers, placed neither on the stand, but will do so next Wednesday when the hearing is resumed.

The witnesses used yesterday were all for the prosecution, conducted by City Counselor Meservey. The board had difficulty in securing a statement from Harry Levine, a shoemaker of 307 Independence avenue. He said he sold Sergeant Young two pairs of shoes, but that the sergeant did not pay him. He admitted, after an hour of coaxing by the board and by the city counselor and Attorney Urfer, that he had been told not to tell the board anything about the matter. Dick Stone, a negro barber next door, paid for the shoes, Levine finally testified.

Mrs. Alice Jackson, wife of "Judge" Jackson, told the board she often gave her husband money to "pay out" and said that once she saw him give $10 of this money to Sergeant Young. Jackson said he paid Shinners because the sergeant told him he must "take care of the men on the beat." Other witness were Emma King, negress, housekeeper for the Jacksons; Carrie White, a negress, who said the sergeant forbade her opening a "place" unless she "divided," and Ed Rogers, a negro, 3101 Forest avenue.

"I told Sergeant Young I wouldn't give him a cent," said Mrs. White, "and I never did give him any money. I paid my fine just like the rest do to the clerk of the police court."

Rogers testified that Shinners had him take a painting out of his house at Twentieth and Summit streets. The painting, according to the testimony, had been given to Shinners by Jackson.

SAYS HIS PUZZLE WAS SPOILED. ~ Advertising Man Sues Jewelry Concern on a Wrong Guess.

October 29, 1907

Advertising Man Sues Jewelry Con-
cern on a Wrong Guess.

Because a jewelry company published what S. G. Lindeman, who describes himself as "an advertising generalist," says is a wrong answer to the puzzle: "7 for 7. What's the answer?" Lindeman sued in the circuit court yesterday afternoon for $25,000 damages.

Lindeman says he originated the puzzle and has spent $3,500, since October 10, in putting it on billboards and in newspapers for the public to wonder over. In his suit he doesn't disclose the answer, but admits that it is something to sell and that he is to be paid for his work.

Since October 23 the jewelry company has been telling the people through the press that the answer is "a seven-jeweled watch for $7." Lindeman claims that this isn't the right answer at all, and that the publishing of it as such has injured the value of his scheme.

If the jewelry company had guessed the right answer it would have received, according to Lindeman, $25.

SNIPPED HAIR FOR REVENGE? ~ Enemy of J. L. Stark May Have Disfigured His Wife.

October 28, 1907


Enemy of J. L. Stark May Have
Disfigured His Wife.

Mrs. J. L. Stark, whose hair was so mysteriously cut from her head while she was sleeping at the home of her mother, 822 East Fifteenth street, on the morning of October 20, returned to her husband and her home, 2646 La Salle street, St. Louis, yesterday morning.
The matter of the strange assault upon her remains as much of a mystery as when it was first committed, though it is believed by Mrs. A. C. Ecton, the mother of the young woman that the latter's husband has an idea as to who made such a singular attack upon his wife. This is based on a letter received from him by Mrs. Stark in which he warned her to return home immediately before something more serious was done. "They will cut your throat next," the letter said, and Mrs. Stark packed up her belongings and left the city forthwith.
J. L. Stark was formerly a brick mason and contractor in this city, the last work he did here being in and upon the R. A. Long building. It is the idea of Mrs. Stark's parents that her husband may have had an enemy who made this disfigurement of the young wife the means of his revenge upon the husband.
The police have not interested themselves in the matter so far as the parents and friends of Mrs. Stark know.

RETURN OF ALLEN DORMAN. ~ Rainmaker Is Back and With a Brand New Scheme.

October 28, 1907

Rainmaker Is Back and With a
Brand New Scheme.

No wonder there has been a long drought. Allen Dorman has been neglecting his rain-making business.

"I never had a minute till last Wednesday," said Mr. Dorman yesterday, "and you notice it rained right away. 'Most had a mind to make it snow, but then I thought of the poor people. I have not got my own coal in yet."

Allen Dorman is the most notable of all rainmakers. He controls the "electric orbit that moves in eccentric curves across the zones of the polarial system." At least that is what he says he does and nobody has ever been able to find anybody wh could or would dispute it. Dorman takes himself seriously. He is a mild-spoken man. For a month or six weeks he has not been seen in his accustomed haunts, but he turned up safely yesterday with a brand new scheme. He makes rain in summer and sells automobiles, he says, "whenever he can."

SKIN GRAFTING NECESSARY. ~ Delicate Operation Required to Save Mrs. McReynold's Life.

October 27, 1907

Delicate Operation Required to Save
Mrs. McReynold's Life.

The life of Mrs. Anna McReynols, 517 West Fifteenth street, whose scalp was torn off Friday, may be saved by the grafting on of new skin, says Dr. A. C. Boswell. Mrs. McReynolds is very weak from loss of blood and the shock of her injury and to atempt to remove skin from any part of her body and graft it on her head would probably prove immediately fatal. Her only chance to recover lies in gifts of skin by friends. So far as could be learned last night no one had offered any epidermis.

Mrs. McReynolds was employed as forewoman at an overall factory As she was stooping over a machine Friday afternoon, her hair caught in the shafting and the skin from her entire head, down to her eyebrows, was torn off.

BUT IT WASN'T CARRIE NATION. ~ Beer Ran in the Gutter, Due to a Street Car Accident.

October 26, 1907

Beer Ran in the Gutter, Due to a
Street Car Accident.

Beer literally ran in the gutters last night about 6:30 o'clock, when an east-bound Fifth street car ran into a beer wagon belonging to the Kansas City Breweries Company near Guinotte and Woodland avenues.

Cases of bottles were knocked from the wagon to the pavement and broken, the beer running in an amber stream into the gutters, while the crow of laboring men going home gathered about and watched it with wistful eyes.

Bill Slaughter, 45 years old, a negro, who was stealing a ride on the back of the wagon, was knocked to the tracks, and the front trucks of the car ran over his left ankle, crushing it so badly that his leg will probably have to be amputated below the knee. He was taken to the general hospital.

Homer Dantol, the driver of the wagon, was not hurt. W. B. Hanlon and B. E. Racker, patrolmen, were on the car, and arrested Dell Robinson, the conductor, and W. M. Prettyman, the motorman. They were taken to police headquarters, and released after making a statement.

REED IS OUT OF THE RACE. ~ Was Tricked Into Publicly Declaring Himself for Cowherd.

October 26, 1907

Was Tricked Into Publicly Declaring
Himself for Cowherd.

James A. Reed, who has been considered a candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor, made a statement publicly last night in Independence that he has taken a seat in the Cowherd bandwagon and will support his old friend in the campaign. The announcement that he is not to be in the race came suddenly and even, it is said, surprised Mr. Reed himself.

Reed went out to the Independence courthouse last night to hear W. S. Cowherd and John M. Rood speak. Some 500 or more voters crowded into the courtroom to get a look at the candidate for the gubernatorial nomination. Former Mayor Sam Woodson of Independence was chairman of the meeting. In introducing Mr. Cowherd the chairman referred to Reed as a Democrat who ought to be governor of the state, and who would likely oppose Cowherd for the nomination.

"It was up to me to say something," said Mr. Reed after the meeting. "It was forced upon me by the chairman. I was about ready to issue a statement that I would not be in the race, but that chairman put me in a place where I had to do something. So I got up and swore allegiance to Cowherd. It was the statement I was intending to issue -- only it was drawn from me a little early in the game."

Mr. Reed said he had long been a friend of W. S. Cowherd, and that he would get out and lend him support in the campaign for the Democratic nomination. Several hundred Democrats heard Reed's announcement, and greeted it with cheers.


October 25, 1907


With a Razor the Prowler Deprived
Mrs. J. L. Stark of Her Most
Prized Adornment -- He
Mrs. J. L. Stark, Whose Hair was Stolen
Whose Hair Was Stolen.

Mrs. J. L. Stark of 322 East Fifteenth street, was the victim of an assault shortly after 3 o'clock Sunday morning, the peculiar atrocity and mystery of which have not been equaled in this city for many a long day.

While asleep in her bed on the second floor at the address given, some person entered the room, cut her hair off close to the scalp and made good his escape down the front stairs and into the street.

Mrs. Stark's husband is a contractor and they live at 2646 La Salle street, St. Louis. Together they came to Kansas City a week ago to visit Mrs. A. M. Ecton, who is Mrs. Stark's mother, and lives in the upstairs apartments, where this peculiar crime was committed. Since her early girlhood Mrs. Stark has attracted attention from the great luxuriance and unusual light golden tint of her hair. When unloosed it would reach nearly to the floor, and it was her custom upon retiring to confine it in one single braid. This she did when she retired on Saturday night.

Saturday night she retired early and read for a time before going to sleep. She laid down with her head toward the foot of the bed and incidentally toward the only door in the room, which opens into the hall that, in turn, leads downstairs and out of doors. Upon going to her room Mrs. Ecton found her daughter asleep and rather than disturb her got into bed the usual way and was soon asleep.


Mr. Stark had returned to St. Louis a day or two before and the only other persons on that floor were Mr. Ecton and two younger children sleeping in a rear room.

At 3 o'clock the household was aroused by the screams of Mrs. Stark, who, in a half dazed condition, cried that someone as pulling her hair. As she sprang out of bed Mrs. Ecton caught a glimpse of some person disappearing down the front stairs and in another instant the front door was heard to slam. By the time the family got its wits together and realized what had happened to the daughter, it was deemed too late to make an outcry and it was decided to say nothing about the affair in the hope that the mystery might clear it self up. But it is now as far from a solution as ever.


The door of the room where the two women slept was secured by what is known as a "thumb latch," but the hall door leading to the street was not kept locked at night owing to its necessarily being used by both of the families in the house. Another door at the head of the stairs opens into the Ectons' kitchen and it is probable that the culprit made his way through this and finally reached the bedroom by a roundabout way through the other rooms.
Mrs. Stark's head indicates that he gathered her tresses carefully in his hand and then with one or two sweeping cuts with a razor severed them from her head. A fringe, at some points probably a foot long, was left about the temples and forehead and a few stray wisps of hair at the back of the head.

Mrs. Stark, who is not yet 20 years of age, was a student at the Central high school up to within a few months of her marriage and removed to St. Louis less than two years ago. She takes her peculiar loss as philosophically as possible, and aside from the fright she received and the temporary disfigurement will not be injured by her experience.


"I have not an enemy in the world that I know of," she said last night, "and the only theory I have is that this was done by some one who saw me and knew the money value of my hair. I have often been told that I could sell it for a good price if I wanted to part with it, but it had always been in a joking way by friends."

Mrs. K. C. Barner, who with her family lives on the lower floor of the house, has been ill for some time and was awake at 3 o'clock Sunday morning. Her room is directly under the front stairs.

"I heard Nina scream," she said, "and almost instantly heard some one run downstairs. I am positive that whoever it was was either in his stocking feet or else had on heavy rubbers."

HAMMER BLOW KILLED HIM. ~ Malcolm Kelley Was Attentive to Another Man's Wife.

October 25, 1907

Malcolm Kelley Was Attentive to An-
other Man's Wife.

Malcolm Kelley, the railroad laborer who was injured in a fight with Frank Harrison at 1736 1/2 Madison street last Friday night, died at the general city hospital Wednesday afternoon, presumably as a result of his wounds. The fight arose because Harrison thought that Kelley had been unduly attentive to Mrs. Harrison and started hostilities when he found the railroad man talking to the woman at her home. The injured man received a heavy blow from a machinist's hammer that fractured his skull and led to his death.

Harrison was given a preliminary examination before justice Miller yesterday morning on a charge of murder in the second degree. He pleaded self-defense and was admitted to bond for $5,000 on his own recognizance. He asserts that Kelly attempted to kill him with a razor.

INVESTIGATE FREEMAN DEATH. ~ Charles Daniels, Dead Woman's Former Husband, Held by Police.

October 25, 1907

Charles Daniels, Dead Woman's For-
mer Husband, Held by Police.

Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Bert Kimbrell and Marshal Al Helsip went to Sugar Creek yesterday to make an investigation into the death of Mrs. Maggie Freeman, whose body was found beside the road north of Independence early Wednesday morning. Charles Daniels, former husband of the dead woman, is being held by the Independence police pending the investigation.

Daniels made another statement to the police yesterday and tells a similar story to the one related the morning the body of Mrs. Freeman was found. He claims that Ed Smith, who is still at large and was with Daniels, Mrs. Freeman and another woman the night before the body was discovered, is a card writer and is not known in this vicinity. He describes Smith as being short, heavy set, blue eyes, dark hair and poorly dressed.

Officers went to the Freeman home in Sugar Creek yesterday and took the tow children of Mrs. Freeman to the Humane office.

MUSIC AND DRAMA. ~ Miss Barrymore's New Play, "Her Sister," at Willis Wood.

October 25, 1907

Miss Barrymore's New Play, "Her
Sister," at Willis Wood.

Clyde Fitch and Cosmo Gordon Lennox have done in "Her Sister," Miss Ethel Barrymore's latest offering, seen at the Willis Wood for the first time last night, the best work Mr. Fitch has done in years.

Acted splendidly by the most evenly balanced company seen here in a long time, headed by miss Ethel Barrymore, one of the most convincing of the present day actresses, the piece is an offering of unusual dramatic interest and was given a warm reception by a very large audience. As a vehicle for Miss Barrymore's sterling gifts, both as a light comedienne and as an actress of emotional attainments, it is the most satisfying which she has presented here in many seasons. The supporting company is so far in advance of the usual run of stellar assistance that the production is really notable in this respect and yet Miss Barrymore, like the true artist she is, does not suffer in the least.

As Eleanor Alderson, the sister who sacrifices her own hopes of happiness to save her thoughtless but innocent sister, Miss Barrymore carried off the fine second act, where she defends her sister, magnificently. No more convincingly natural bit of acting has been done here in a long time. But throughout the play every requirement, whether of the lightest comedy, the tenderest sentiment or the strongest feeling, was met with artistic assurance that was convincing in the highest degree. Miss Barrymore's vibrant voice has a peculiarly girlish quality that instead of hampering strong scenes with indications of weakness really adds to their effectiveness, while it is admirably suited to the comedy lines.

The setting of the piece is extremely tasteful. The first act occurs in the temple of Isis, the fortune teller, otherwise Eleanor, and permits Mr. Fitch to get in his inevitable touch of the picturesquely improbably. The other two acts take place in the country home of the Bickleys and are pictorially satisfying. In fact, it would be difficult to recall a more thoroughly pleasing play, one better acted or cleverer from every point of view.

DIVED, BUT MISSED WATER. ~ Granby Block Roomer Says He Accepted a Challenge

October 25, 1907

Granby Block Roomer Says He Ac-
cepted a Challenge.

"A man bet me I couldn't dive out of that window into the water, and I jumped just to show him I could," was the explanation of Frank Hagars, 33 years old, gave the police last night for jumping out of a second story window in the Granby block, Third and Grand avenue, yesterday afternoon. He was being held for observation at the police statio following his jump and an attempt to make a second one.

"It was this way," he continued; "the man came up and be he could beat me diving, and I told him I'd bet he couldn't. Then he bet me I would not dare to dive out of the second story window. The first jump, I missed the water, nd, just as I was going to try again, the policeman got me."

Policeman Patrick Boyle saw Hagars leap and caught him as he staggered to his feet and started to climb the stairs to repeat the act.

At the emergency hospital, where his injuries were dressed, it was thought that he was either mentally unbalanced or under the influence of some drug.

TO CHASE FAST AUTO DRIVERS. ~ Police Board Favors Motor Cycle Squad of Police.

October 24, 1907

Police Board Favors Motor Cycle
Squad of Police.

Commissioner Jones has been delegated by the police board to secure bids on motor cycles with which to equip a squad of police to chase violators of the speed ordinances. The commissioner is a motorist himself, and suggested to the board that the average machine can "run clean away" and leave the sort of motor cycles sold here. He said the board would have to get specially built motor cycles, guaranteed to maintain a high speed.

"It's getting too cold for a policeman to ride a motor cycle," said Commissioner Jones. "I favor a bicycle squad and feel that we must come to it, but I would propose that we postpone it until spring."

C. F. Morse, writing from the stock yards, told the board yesterday that the best streets and boulevards of the city have become like railway rights-of-way. He says that rarely ever does a car go as slow as the maximum of twelve miles an hour. He said in the boulevards cars maintain a minimum of twenty miles, and that most of them travel about forty miles an hour.

"In the south part of town, where the best streets have become speedways," said Mr. Morse, "the blocks are just one eight of a mile long, including one street width. At the maximum speed prescribed it should take a car 37.5 seconds to travel a block. This makes it easy for the police to time those who are daily violating the speed limit and endangering the public."


October 24, 1907




Suit Brought on Behalf of Them and
Members of Orchestras -- Conten-
tion Is That Actors and Mu-
sicians Work No More
Than Preachers.

Upon the petition of eleven actors, now filling engagements at the Orpheum and the Willis Wood theaters, Judge John C. Pollock of the United States circuit court issued a temporary order last evening at Topeka, Kas., restraining the board of police commissioners, Chief of Police Daniel Ahern, County Marshal Al Heslip and all their subordinates from arresting actors, actresses, members of any theater orchestra, and all persons performing services essential to producing an entertainment in any theater in Kansas City, Judge Pollock will be in Kansas City at 10 o'clock Friday morning to hear arguments in the federal court, for and against making the restraining order permanent.

No mention was made of the managers of the houses, but it is thought that the restraining order was drawn to include them. For fear the order may not give them exemption from arrest a new move is being made, the attorneys securing affidavits from some of the most widely known business men of the city to the effect that Judge Wallace is prejudiced, and so incapable of giving the theater employes a fair trial.


There is to be no conflict between the state and the United States courts. The restraining order is not directed against Judge Wallace, so that the criminal judge of Jackson county may continue his war upon the theaters, but he will not find any marshal nor police to effect the arrests which he may order. Although there are but eleven complaints in the federal case, they set up in their oration that they appear for the 200 or more professional actors now filling engagements in Kansas City, and for the several thousands of others similarly situated who will come to Kansas City to give entertainment before the close of the present session, which will be in July, 1908.

The unique claim will be set up that the actors are akin to preachers, and that neither of them work. The theater orchestras are to be associated in the argument with church choirs.

"In every particular and in every detail," said Attorney Frank M. Lowe, "we will be found on solid ground. There is to be an end to the attempt to close the theaters in Kansas City."

The suit brought yesterday was filed by the following actors: B. C. Whitney, John Edwards, Lt. J. Carter and W. J. Jossey, of the Orpheum circuit; Benjamin Welch, Roger M. Inhoff, Charles ARnold, Harry Hastings, of the United States Amusement Company; Clifton Crawford, Arthur C. Ainston and William Leummel, playing at the Willis Wood. The defendants are Criminal Clerk A. E. Thomas, County Marshal Al Heslip, Police Comissioners Henry M. Beardsley, Andrew E. Gallagher and Elliot H. Jones, and their subordinates.

DO CHOIR SINGERS LABOR? ~ Anonymous Letter to Police Board Says It's Manual Labor.

October 24, 1907

Anonymous Letter to Police Board
Says It's Manual Labor.

The police board yesterday received an anonymous communication from a citizen who wishes the lid to be put on church choirs on Sunday. He asks the board to secure evidence for the grand jury. The board filed the letter. Here it is:

Will you please have your officers go to each and every church in the city and secure the name of each and every choir singer, who is not a member of the church, and who does not sing for the uplifting of souls, but for the almighty dollar?
Such people are doing the hardest kind of "manual labor" and should be brought before the grand jury as violators of the Sabbath law.
The letter was signed by "Wideawake."

"BABY RUTH" SCORES A HIT. ~ Shetland Pony on Roller Skates Performed Diffucult Tasks.

October 23, 1907

Shetland Pony on Roller Skates
Performed Diffucult Tasks.

The roller skaters of Kansas City had a chance to see a new rival for skating honors in the person of "Baby Ruth," a Shetland pony at the Convention hall rink last night. The pony's trainer, James Benefield, first showed the crowd that "Baby Ruth's" skates were of the regulation kind by sending one of them rolling across the floor. When the pon came into viuew a moment later it was wearing four skates, each of which had four rollers, with the customary ball bearings.

The pony made a tour of the rink floor, keeping close to the outer edge, and then began to move about gracefully in small circles and "figure eights" in the center. If the going was any different from that to which any pony is used, "Baby Ruth" did not give any evidence of it, for all the strokes were made with apparent ease. A well educated dog introduced some clever tricks which furnished a comedy element.

BESTED BY AN OLD MAN. ~ North End Belligerent Whipped by Mike Crowley, Who is 80.

October 23, 1907

North End Belligerent Whipped by
Mike Crowley, Who is 80.

Mike Crowley, 80 years old, probably is the loneliest individual in the North End. He is an old soldier and deaf. He lives on a little pension and wanders about from place to place.

Yesterday afternoon Crowley was standing by a pile of wood in front of the Helping Hand Institute when Jack Coleman, under the influence of liquor and much younger in years, came along. He no sooner saw the old man than he sprang upon him, threw him back onto the wood pile and choked him until he was blue in the face. Several men standing about ran for dear life. In the fall "Old Mike," as Crowley is familiarly known, lost his cane. He regained it, however, in time to let Coleman have a couple of good blows over the head. Then Coleman ran -- for the emergency hospital.


October 22, 1907


"Parents Separated" the Burden of
Pathetic Stories Heard by Judge
McCune -- Many Sent to

"Parents separated" was the brief but sadly expressive story borne by a majority of the cases that came before Judge McCune at the regular session of the juvenile court yesterday. After it was added the pitiful detail of petty crime and wrong doing that the developments in the case showed was, in most cases, "born in the flesh and bred in the bones" of the young offenders present.

Judge McCune was quick to grasp the threads that led unmistakably back and beyond the little culprits before him, and "another chance" was the rule rather than the exception.

Ben Moore, who stood head and shoulders taller than his mother, was given a bad name by Chief Probation Officer Mathias, which is an unusual occurrence. "He is just a loafer," he told the court, "and in spite of our best efforts will not be anything else. We have found him jobs and helped him time and time again, but it is no use; he is a bad lot. His father and mother are separated and the woman can do nothing with him."

The mother, with tears streaming down her face, acknowledged the truth of the officer's assertions, and the boy was sent to the Boonville reform school for four years.

James Flaigle was accused of being a truant. He said his father wanted him to work in his store on Union avenue and the court was in possession of a letter bearing out the assertion. His father thought the experience of the store would be enough of an education, but Judge McCune could not see it in that light, and the youngster was ordered to go to school, which he smilingly promised to do.


Henry Reisner ran away from his home in St. Louis because, he said, his father abused his mother. He came to Kansas City and was gathered in by the police while wandering about the streets. He didn't seem much interested in the proceedings pertaining to himself, anyway, and the court decided to send him home.

A West Prospect place woman was present to say that her son, who is on parole for past misdemeanors, was too ill to attend the court. When the court officers commented upon the mother's strong odor of whiskey, she calmly told the court that she had "inherited that breath." Judge McCune was moved to remark that he had heard of its being acquired in every other way but by inheritance. The woman finally departed, explaining things to herself after everyone else had refused to listen.

Charles Riggs, 13 years of age, 4322 East Fourteenth street, was up or the fourth or fifth time for violating his parole, playing hookey and numerous other bad things. His father and mother have separated, and the latter was in court to defend her son. Judge McCune said he must go to Boonville, and the mother said he shouldn't. When the court finally threatened to have her locked up if she did not stop her interference she allowed the child to be led away.


Fred Corp of Wichita came to Kansas City with a load of cattle. He had nothing to do with cattle but just came along to see the sights and have a good time. Upon his arrival he got separated from the men he came with and the police picked him up at 3 'clock Thursday morning. He told the court of his experiences through many tears. When arrested he had $3.05 in his pockets. The necessary amount of this will be invested in a ticket for Wichita today.

Tony Lapentino, who has been behaving badly, and has claimed the attention of the court many times, was sent to Boonville for four years. Ethel Ackley, a sweet-faced girl of 9 years, whose mother is dead and whose father was charged with deserting her, will be provided for in some charitable institution.

Terrence Quirk, one of the boys who recently located and equipped with small arms a Wild West camp on the outskirts of the city, enrolled for the Boonville institution.

Ellen, Allen and Howard Collins, who were recently found in a destitute and suffering condition in the rear of the premises at 911 Paseo, will be cared for until other arrangements can be made at the North end day nursery. Their mother is in a hospital and the father incompetent to provide for his family.

HE IS NO LONGER A TIGER. ~ Tiger Becomes Tigert in Independence.

October 22, 1907

Tiger Becomes Tigert in Independence.

In Judge Powell's court in Independence yesterday Thomas Tiger was given permission to change his name to Tigart. Tiger is of Indian descent and attended school at Carlyle. He found that the nae Tiger mixed him with other Tigers in the Creek nation. He is a contractor.
October 21, 1907

Assistant Prosecutor Has a Session
With His Wife's Automobile.

The only men connected with the grand jury of Judge W. H. Wallace's court who was caught working yesterday is William Buchholtz, an assistant county prosecutor, who was chief legal adviser to the jury for the greater part of last week.

Buchholtz went out in the morning for a ride in his wife's automobile and shortly after noon was seen by a Journal reporter at Eighteenth and Main streets, lying on the flat of his back under the car, hammmering at the machinery like six days of the week.

SHE MARRIED IN HASTE. ~ Grace White Was Dazzled by Her Suitor's Claims to Greatness.

October 21, 1907

Grace White Was Dazzled by Her
Suitor's Claims to Greatness.

On Tuesday, October 15, Fred Melleni, alias Fred Walden, met Miss Grace White, a young waitress in Clark's restaurant, 123 West Twelfth street. On the 16th and 17th he did some fast and furious courting, and on Friday, the 18th, Fred Melleni and Miss Grace White were married by Justice Michael Ross.

Three days before, Mellleni had been arrested by the police and held over night for investigation. His picture was in the rogue's gallery. He was released on the morning of October 13, upon his protestations that he was trying to live honestly. Then he met his affinity and married her. Melleni says he is an actor. He borrowed money from friends to get his marriage license.

Yesterday Sheriff King of Clay county took the groom away from his bride on a warrant charging Melleni with the theft of a suit of clothes from Fred Dunn, who keeps the Royal hotel at Excelsior Springs, and $13 in money and a gold watch from C. C. Michael of this city, who was a guest of the hotel. The thefts are alleged to have been committed about three weeks ago.

Melleni's wife says he told her that he was well connected, and that his father was owner of two opera houses in Hanover, Germany. The young wife's home is in Golden City, Mo., where her father is a structural ironworker.

THEY TORE OUT THE ACTORS' NAMES. ~ Majestic Theater Manager Presented Patrons Mutilated Programme.

October 21, 1907


Majestic Theater Manager Presented
Patrons Mutilated Programme.

When Patrolman James O'Donnell went to the Majestic theater yesterday afternoon on order of Captain Flahive to secure the names of all employed in the performance, he thought he had an easy task, for he was "Old Jim to everybody around the place. But he wasn't long in discovering that if the playhouse people weren't afraid of him they must be afraid of the grand jury, for all the programmes had been mutilated. Instead of the list of fifty odd actors and actresses, Miss Fizz, Miss Ginger Ale, Miss Martini, Miss Sing and Miss Dance were all that appeared on the bill. And in the office, and behind the scenes, they told him they didn't know any other names to give.

Compelling the different employes to tell their own names, one at a time, was slow work, and not very sure, for many costumes were alike and there were many changes of costume. But when the evening performance came there was a straightening out for the panic of the management had subsided and the regular programme was used. It was a twelve-page affair. In the afternoon they had simply torn out the four middle pages.

THEY'LL NAB THE PRETTY ONES. ~ Deputy Marshals Have Already Picked Out Actresses to Arrest.

October 20, 1907

Deputy Marshals Have Already
Picked Out Actresses to Arrest.

The serving of warrants upon the indictments of actors, actresses and others will fall upon the county marshal's force. The men yesterday took good naturedly the prospect of having to make several hundred arrests next week.

Herman Weisflog, who has an eye for beauty, brought an armful of posters from the Piff Paff Pouf company to the jail yesterday and passed them around among the deputies.

"I'll take this girl," said Dashing Siegfried, who tends the door on the jail.

"This one for me," retorted Jimmy Moran, pointing to the picture of a pretty chorus girl.

"I only hope you men will do what you say," said Mrs. Margaret Simmons, matron of the women's quarters. "I'm sure I wouldn't know what to do with all those actresses in my charge."

"Let them bring their own scenery and put on a show right here in the jail," spoke up Sam McGee, jailer.

"I've never had the photo of a prima donna in my rogues' gallery yet," Al Heslip chipped in, "But I wouldn't mind having one or two. They'd give it tone."

ONCE, ANYWAY, THEY WORKED. ~ County Employes, at Varying Salaries, Answered Telephones.

October 20, 1907

County Employes, at Varying Sal-
aries, Answered Telephones.

Inquiries from shopkeepers who wanted to know what they might do and what commodities they might sell today without laying themselves liable to arrest, flooding in over the telephones in the criminal court building yesterday, kept four employes of the county busy all day. Two men sat by the telephones in the county prosecutor's office and two in the city marshal's office answering or trying to answer questions. They are men who draw salaaries from the county of from $75 to $150 a month. Questions of all sorts were asked.

"I run a barber shop. I won't shave anybody tomorrow, but may I turn the water on in the bathtubs?" inquired one voice.

"I pass that," replied Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Kimbrell, who was on the telephone. "Cleanliness in next to Godliness, as I have heard, but I don't know what Judge Wallace will say about your selling a bath on Sunday."

"I am an undertaker and there is a man in my office now who wants me to furnish a hearse and carriages for his wife's funeral tomorrow. Will I be arrested if I do so?"

"When did the lady die?" replied Jimmy Moran, for this question floated into the county marshal's office.

"Friday, " replied the undertaker.

"That's a very unlucky day to die on," Jimmy said. "Especially since the lid is on. If you think the body won't keep until Monday, go ahead with the funeral Sunday."

The afternoon papers had not been on the street more than five minutes when the four county officers who served as telephone boys got into real trouble. The earlier instructions of Judge Wallace exempted the sellers of candies, bread, ice, milk, and other necessities of life from arrest. But the grand jury told police to report all kinds of business transacted excepting the sales of drugs and service of meals.

Candy store keepers, florists, and bakers, who thought they were exempt, began calling in to find out whether they should obey Judge Wallace or the grand jury. The men on the answer ends of the telephones were up against it and said so frankly.

"Judge Wallace last night wouldn't discuss the change which the grand jury made during his absence from the city, other than to say that he would look into the matter Monday morning. Men who know him, though, believe that promises which he made to bakers and others, many by personal word, will not be violated. If the jury should decide to go beyond the judge's instructions and close everything in the city excepting drug stores and restaurants, however, the judge will, perhaps, back it in enforcing the rules after today.

THEY WERE SO VERY BASHFUL. ~ Professor and Student Didn't Want to Be Seen Getting Married.

October 20, 1907


Professor and Student Didn't Want
to Be Seen Getting Married.

Cleo Claudius Duke, a young professor, and Bertha Chandler, a student in Monmouth college, Monmouth, Ill, came to Kansas City yesterday and were married in the courthouse by Judge George J. Dodd. The young couple, for the groom is but 26, and the birde 20, tried to keep the conclusion of their romance a secret and insisted that everyone, including the marriage license clerk, leave the recorder's office during the ceremony.

"These bashful people," mused Fred Chambers, chief deputy recorder, while he waited outside the door, "remind me of a bride who made us all move out one day last month to alow her to change her dress. She had purchased a new gown to be married in and brought it wht her in a suit case. Even the groom had to get out of the office while she put it on. And when she stod up to have the judge pronounce the ceremony the basting threads, which she had forgotten to pick out of the skirt, showed quite plainly."

DEMOCRATS HOLD A PRIMARY. ~ Formality of Naming John A. Rood Gone Through With.

October 20, 1907

Formality of Naming John A. Rood
Gone Through With.

Democrats held their primary election yesterday morning, nominating John M. Rood for sheriff. On Tuesday the Republicans will go through the same formality to name Acting Sheriff William J. Campbell for the same office.

Excepting that one vote was cast in the Fifth ward for former Chief of Police John Hayes, there was nothing of incident in the city, where the vote was as light as it was expected it would be. A large proportion of the Democrats are taking no interest whatever in the forthcoming election.

In the country, however, there was keen interest. Independence polled 205 votes; Prairie township polled 116, and Fort Osage, 112 votes. There were 74 cast in Washington township, 56 in Sni-a-Bar, 26 in Westport township, and 49 in Van Buren. In the city, the Tenth ward carried the banner with its 142 votes. Boss Pendergast's ward gave Rood 35 votes and Shannonville gave him 83. The Eleventh ward polled 120.

LEO SHULFER ARRIVES. ~ Husband of Woman Shot by Son Calls on Police.

October 19, 1907

Husband of Woman Shot by Son Calls
on Police.

Leo Shulfer, husband of Mrs. Elizabeth Shulfer, who was shot and killed by her son, George Smiley, early Tuesday morning, appeared at police headquarters at 6 o'clock yesterday evening. Shulfer had been drinking. He evidently intended to convey to Captain Whitsett, who questioned him, that he had not heard of the tragedy until Wednesday night, when friends in Minneapolis, where he worked as a furrier, read of the killing in the papers and told him about it. Shulfer was not sure when he left Minneapolis for Kansas City, but said he had just arrived.

His visit at the police station was to learn where his wife's body was and where he could see her son. Shulfer asserted that he and his wife corresponded as late as two weeks ago, when he sent her $15. He said that she was at that time considering going to live with him in Minneapolis, where he has a $25 a week position.

Shulfer denied that he and his wife had had serious troubles or that he had forced his way into the house at night through a window last summer when he returned from the North.

He said that George Smiley, his step-son, was strong willed and rash, and seemed to want his mother's money.

At the police station Shulfer was persuaded not to go to the morgue last night to see his wife's body, and was allowed to go to a saloon on East Twelfth street run by Otto Weber, a friend of his, to spend the night.

The stepson, George Smiley, who fired the fatal shot, is staying at the home of a cousin, Louis A. Klein, near Thirty-first street and Myrtle avenue. Shulfer did not go to see him last night.

COMBED ANOTHER MAN'S HAIR. ~ Charge Joseph Anderson Brings Against Wife in Divorce Suit.

October 19, 1907

Charge Joseph Anderson Brings
Against Wife in Divorce Suit.

In a suit for divorce filed yesterday at Independence, Joseph H. Anderson says he returned home one evening from work and found his wife combing another man's hair. He also alleges that he had to sew on his own buttons and sometimes get up on winter mornings while the floor was still cold and cook breakfast.

Other divorce suits filed at Independence yesterday are: Effie D. Curmutt from Rolla G. Curmutt and Rosa Bethers from Fred K. Bethers.


October 17, 1907


Theater Managers Included -- True
Bills Include Illegal Sale of
Liquor, Forgery, and

One hundred and twelve indictments were returned by the grand jury yesterday morning, when the report was made to Judge William H. Wallace and warrants were issued by County Marshal Al Heslip. Eight-five indictment are for thesale of intoxicating liquor without a license; 39 are against theater managers for viloations of the Sunday labor law, and the other 8 are for miscellaneous offenses. The 112 warrants call for the arrest of 23 mean and one woman. Among the list are:

O. D. Woodward, Willis Wood theater.
A. Judah, Grand opera house.
Clinton T. Wilson, Majestic theater.
Walter Sanford, Shubert theater.
Joseph R. Donegan, Century theater.
Dr. F. F. Flandora, National Theater.
William Warren, Auditorium Theater.
E. S. Brigham, Gilliss theater.
Martin Lehman, Orpheum theater.

A. M. Robertson, Crystal theater.
L. A. Wagner, Paseo theater.
J. J. Dunn, penny parlor, Main and Missouri.
O. P. Rose, Electric theater, 116 East Twelfth.
E. C. Jones, penny parlor, Eighth and Walnut.
Richard Ray, Twelfth and Grand.
C. E. McDonald, four indictments.


The grand jury's report to Judge Wallace yesterday morning and the indictmen of the theater managers had been foretold in Wednesday's Journal The managers, however, assumed surprise when informed of their indictment and said that they had understood that nothing was to have been done until Judge Hermann Brumback decided the suit in the circuit court brought to enjoin Marshal Heslip from making arrests on warrants from the county proseutor's office. This case had been set for Tuesday and was continued until Friday. Whatever right the circuit court may have to stop the service of a warrant from the prosecutor's office, it will not try to stop the service of the warrants ordered by the grand jury.

The inditments were returned at 10 o'clock yesterday morning and at 2:15 o'clock County Marshal Heslip and Chief Deputy Herman Wlsflog had received the warants and were sending them out by the deputies. All of the theater managers were informed by telephone to come to the criminal court room and give bond. Joseph R. Donegan of the Century theater was the first to arrive, ollowed shortly by A. Judah of the Grand opera house. They had a short talk with Judge Wallace and were told to return at 11:30 this morning. The bond for each theater manager will be fixed at $500


The managers were all at sea yesteday as to whether there would be performances next Sunday, and if so whether they were to be arrested.

"Judge Wallace wanted to have us all arrested like pickpockets," said Martin Lehman of the Orpheum, "but we succeeded in persuading him that we would not sell out our places and leave town. I do not see how the indictments returned today can affect the performances Sunday. I suppose that nothing can be determined in this respect until the hearing on the injunction, which is set for Friday morning."


October 17, 1907


Wanee Ward Was Lonesome in
Keytesville and Deserted Her
Father's People -- Mother Will
Reward Her Fidelity.
Wanee Ward, Runaway from Keytesville, Mo.

Running through muddy fields and hiding in corn and behind trees for cover in order to keep out of the hands of officers, and finally managing to safely secure herself in a seat in a passenger train bound for Kansas City, Wanee Ward, a little 14-year-old girl, came here late Tuesday night and now enjoys the care and attention of her mother, whom she had not seen for years.

Her mother is Mrs. Luttie Ward, of 1429 Harrrison street. She secured a divorce shortly after the little girl was born and, according to her statement was given the custody of her five children. For some reason the little girl was at that time left with the relatives of Clarke Ward, Mrs. Ward's husband.

Mrs. Ward never made an effort to have her daughter sent to her , and knew noting of the child's dissatisfaction with her home in the little town of Keytesville, Mo., until a few weeks ago, when Mrs. Ward received a letter from the girl begging her to come after her. Mrs. Ward said she refused to do this in order to avoid a family row.

Although she had become dissatisfied with her home in Keyesville, Wanee Ward would say noting to her relatives about her intentions of coming to Kansas City. Three weeks ago she started to plan her escape and at that time told a schoolmate of her intentions. She saved what pennies and nickels she could get and Tuesday morning had $1.35. In the afternoon she ran away from school and found her way through corn fields and woods to the railroad station, which is two miles from the school house.

When she reached the depot, there was no passenger train in sight and she hid in a corn field to wait for one to appear. A train stopped at the station early in the evening, and she boarded it on the opposite side from the depot in order to avoid detection. The little girl hid in a seat until the train departed for Kansas City.

Wanee had but $1.45 and the fare to this city is $2.02. This did not worry her, however, as when the conductor called for her ticket she handed him $1, telling him that was all the money she had. The conductor accepted the money and the child finally found her mother.

Yesterday, the sheriff of Keytesville inquired of the authorities in this city as to the little girl's whereabouts, and it is thought that Mr. Ward's family will try to have the child taken back to Keytesville, but Mrs. Ward says she will use every effort to retain custody of her daughter.

This is the second one of the Ward children to run away from the Ward relatives, a son, George, having come to his mother in this city two years ago.

SOLD BEER TO CHILDREN. ~ Licenses of Two Italian Saloonkeepers are Revoked.

October 17, 1907

Licenses of Two Italian Saloonkeep-
ers are Revoked.

The police board yesterday revoked the saloon licenses of John Rebasto, 1822 Pacific street, and George Priesto, Missouri avenue and Gillis street. Representives of the Humane Society tated that they investigatied the report fo the board of education that a family was being neglected in the vicinity of these saloons, and found that the children in question were habitually buying "can" beer at the two saloons.

A half dozen children, ranging in ages from 10 to 13 years, testified to buying the beer and each saloonist admitted the same, but protested that the statutes give the right to sell to a minor when the beer is ordered by a parent, guradian or master. The old statute did give a saloonkeeper this right, but the privelege was revoked two years ago. Pleading ignorance of the new statute, the two saloonkeepers will file a motion asking the board to reconsider the case.

SHE SMOKED A CHEROOT. ~ Young Woman Created a Sensation at Union Station.

October 16, 1907

Young Woman Created a Sensation at
Union Station.

Holding a lighted cheroot between her lips, a handsome and daintily dressed young woman created a sensation as she paced the platform at the Union depot shortly before 11 o'clock last night.

Crowds of staring men and women stood about and gaped. In little groups they followed behind her to make sure their eyes had not deceived them.

"Oh, it must be a man in disguise," was the verdict of several of the bystanders, who promptly changed their minds after they had a second look at the young woman.

All the time the woman appeared to be paying no attention to the curious ones who stood about and looked at her. She daintily knocked the ashes from the end of her cheroot, and now and then she would adroitly blow the smoke in rings. Finally, as if tired of the attention she was attracting, she threw away her cheroot, and climbed aboard a late train for the West.


October 16, 1907


Four True Bills Against One Man-
ager -- Will Report to Judge Wal-
lace This Morning -- Injunc-
tion Comes Up Friday.

The grand jury will report to Judge Wallace in the criminal court this morning at 9:30 o'clock. A force of clerks and assistant prosecutors worked yesterday on indictments, and it was generally understood about the criminal court building that at least nineteen true bills will today be returned against theater managers who keep open Sundays. Four of the true bills, it is understood, will be against one manager.

The grand jury was expected to report yesterday, Judge Wallace was called to the criminal court building late yesterday afternoon to receive the report. Judge Wallace had intended asking Judge J. B. Casteel, sitting in the Pryor murder case, to grant a recess that he might take the bench and receive the report of the grand jurors. At 5 o'clock, however, the grand jury had not completed the work, and Judge Wallace visited the jury room. He remained there for some time and after leaving the room, and an announcement issued that the jury would report today.

Many true bills are expected from the grand jury this morning, chiefly among the batch being a large number affecting the Sunday closing crusade. Immediately o the report of the grand jury, it is understood, new instructions touching the Sunday lid will be read by Judge Wallace. These instructions will be given in open court. No warrants have been received by the county marshal yet from the grand jury, but the marshal's force of deputies will be in readiness this morning for a "snowing under."

Senator Cooper, who represents the theater managers, stated last night that grand jury true bills would not worry him nor his clients. He stated that he would even rather have his case tried before the criminal court than let it go before the circuit court. The latter course is assured, however, for the assignment judge of the circuit court can not possibly send the case to the criminal court for trial. Friday, the theater managers' injunction proceedings to restrain the county marshal from arresting them will either be tried in Judge Brumback's court or will be assigned for trial by him.

WHILE SHE WAS ON CRUTCHES. ~ Woman Says Her Energetic Husband Made Her Work Even Then.

October 16, 1907

Woman Says Her Energetic Husband
Made Her Work Even Then.

Christiana A. Johnon, who alleges that her husband, Alantison Johnson, compelled her to work when she was using crutches as the result of an injury, sued for divorce yesterday in the ciruit court at Independence. Ohters asking for divorce are Minnie Turner from Samuel Turner, Bertha from Harry Heffler, Clyde T. from Myrtle Neal and Maud from Elmer Moss.


October 15, 1907


This Form of Charity Amounts Prac-
tically to Widows' Pensions and
Is Made Possible by Volun-
tary Subscriptions.

"There is a heap in this world that is good. There are any amount of good fellows in it. There is sunshine pretty nearly every day it rains," said Judge McCune yesterday morning just after he refused to issue a permit to little George Galloway to remain out of school.

The boy's mother had told that she needed his earnings; that he could make $5 per week, and that he had been a faithful child to her. In proof of his good behavior the mother, through occasional tears, said that only once in years had he missed attending Sunday School, "and that was to attend his father's funeral last April."

"You say he can make $5 a week, madam?" Judge McCune inquired.

"Six dollars, and we need the money judge, since papa died."

"He must go to school. We can fix him up right. I have a scholarship I can let him have. He will get $3 a week for going to school."

This astonishing conclusion of the widow's petition was beyond her comprehension for the moment.

This scholarship business is a part of the new juvenile court. Explaining its operation, Judge McCune said that institutions and private individuals agree to pay into Judge McCune's hand pensions of $3 a week to compensate impoverished mothers for the loss of wages children might earn if allowed to work.

"We hire the boys to work for it by going to school," said Judge McCune. "Instead of letting them work for somebody else. In that way somebody educates them and helps take care of the mother. We have a long list of big-hearted people who give these scholarships, which really are widows' pensions."

The bottom of the pension barrel was scraped yesterday. Judge McCune encountered Phil Toll and left with four pensions in his note book.

"Heaps of good fellows in this old world," the judge of the juvenile court asserted.

LEADER OF GANG IS FINED. ~ South Side Grocer Was Set Upon by Rowdies.

October 15, 1907

South Side Grocer Was Set Upon by

As C. T. Baker, a grocer at 1321 West Twenty-fourth street, left a car at Nineteenth street and Grand avenue Saturday evening he was struck by a stone. Seeing a crowd of young men near at hand he approached and asked, "Do any of you know who threw that stone?"

"With that," Baker said in police court yesterday, "I was immediately set upon by half a dozen of them and had I not taken refuge in a grocery store I believe I would have been beaten to death."

Baker identified W. P. Peppinger as the one who led the rowdies. Peppinger said he "had some trouble" but that he "didn't start anything."

"Your fine is $15," said Judge Kyle. "I only wish I had the rest of that gang in here. You'd better tell the others to steer clear of that kind of business or there will be something doing in the $500 fine line."

SHE WANTS HIS INSURANCE. ~ Woman Paid Her Lover's Policy and He Left No Heirs.

October 15, 1907

Woman Paid Her Lover's Policy and
He Left No Heirs.

Miss L. F. Laundry of Sixteenth and Main streets, thinks that because she was engaged for eleven years to marry W. H. Nall and loaned him $75 to pay on his $1,000 insurance policy in the Woodmen of the World, she is entitled to the insurance, now that Nall is dead. Nall's only relative, to whom the insurance would normally be paid, was his mother, Mrs. Navina Nall, who died February, 1907, a few days after he passed away. Mrs. Nall was 78 years old and it was on account of her helpless condition, it is said, that Nall kept postponing his marriage to Miss Laundry. "Miss Laundry says that Nall agreed to assign this insurance to her, but never did so. Nall was a mail carrier. The case is being tried in Judge J. H. Slover's division of the circuit court.


October 14, 1907


All Comers Will Be Cared for in
Terms of Equality --
One Penalty Is a Bath.

The Helping Hand Institute has finished laying in its annual fall supply of cordwood. This announcement, while perhaps not interesting to the casual reader, will doubtless be received with something of misgiving by certain patrons of the institution. It means that hereafter the man who goes to the institute for a warm bed in the name of charity will have first to go down to the basemen of the building and work out his salvation with a buck saw.

Three carloads of good, tough hickory wood have been put into the basement in readiness of the usual autumn demand. From time immemorial it has been the custom of this institution to require every man who applied for a free bed to say a given amount of cord wood before he can go to his bed-chamber. And, what is infinitely worse in most cases after the wood is "bucked" and piled up neatly, he is required also to take a bath. It has never been on record that one who had finished his task and taken his bath found himself afterwards cheated out of a good night's sleep by insomnia.

"Many seem to think this requirement rather a hardship upon the men," said E. T. Brigham, the superintendent, last night. "But our theory is that indiscriminate charity makes tramps. We believe that a man ought to be given an opportunity to work for what he gets and then be compelled to work before he gets it. No man who is unwilling to earn his way ought to be cared for, we think, and we have adopted the cordwood method with this idea in view.

"The result is that the very worst hoboes steer clear of our place, while deserving men who ask nothing better than a chance to work for a bed and breakfast are glad to come to us. It makes no difference whether an applicant gets in as late as 10:30 o'clock at night, he is taken to the basement, where a good sharp saw is put into his hands and he is told the quantity he is to cut. The average is about one hour's work, but an industrious and willing man can finish his task in less time than that. He feels all the better for his exercise after he gets in bed, while we are ahead of the stove wood."

SAYS MEXICO IS FRIENDLY. ~ Governor of One of Republic's States Is in Kansas City.

October 13, 1907

Governor of One of Republic's States
Is in Kansas City.

General Francisco Canedo, governor of the state of Sinaloa, Mexico, is in the city, stopping at the Baltimore hotel. He arrived on Friday and expects to remain until tomorrow. Yesterday he was the guest of honor at a luncheon given by A. E. Stilwell. There were about a dozen local people present to honor the occasion of the visit of Governor Canedo and his secretary, Senor Juan Maldinado. Governor Canedo had been in the City of Mexico to be present at the national banquet given in honor of Secretary of State Elihu Root. He is taking the "long way 'round" to go his capital, by coming as far north as Kansas City. Yesterday morning was spent meeting with friends of Dr. J. Haff and A. E. Stilwell and in the afternoon there was a ride over the boulevard system. Today's programme is to be left to the suggestion of the moment.

Governor Canedo speaks no English. Dr. J. Haff acted as his interpreter yesterday. Mr. Haff said the government was immensely pleased with his visit, his observations of the American people, notably with the visit of the United States secretary of state.

"Great things are expected of Mr. Root's visit," said Mr. Haff, who, though a resident of Kansas City, is spending most of his time in Old Mexico now. "There has been a barrier between the republics. The advent of American capital made those people down there fear absorption. Mr. Root's disinterestedness reassured the Mexicans. They made much of him. Their White House was turned over to him because of his high office and the high sentiment he went to Mexico to express. The stables of the president and the service of the palace were put under his command. Every honor and distinction that could be accorded the president was accorded Mr. Root, and all for the purpose of emphasizing the fact that Mexico welcomes a friendly alliance with the United States.

Speaking of the progress of the bond of friendship and of commerce between the United States and Mexico, Dr. Haff said that English is being taught in the Mexican schools now.

"They are taking giant strides towards meeting us on common grounds," he said. "Not long ago a member of the judicial department was put at the head of the newly created department of education and Belle Lettres. The first act of this newly made minister was to have English taught in the Mexican schools. Whereas Americans formerly were looked upon with distrust, now they are welcomed. Kansas City is the best known of all American cities in the new Western mining district. St. Louis has the call in the south. This is because St. Louis has always had the advantage of a direct railway connection. The operation of the Stilwell line will put Kansas City on even terms with St. Louis and this center will be able to go after the trade of Mexico as it ought."